At the moment when Ye Chong's body changed, he suddenly thought of something.

At the martial arts arena, he killed Hu Ke and defeated ten black-clothed warriors.

Hu Ke's cultivation level is the peak of intermediate martial arts fighters. Among the ten black-clothed martial artists, some are junior martial arts fighters, and some are intermediate martial arts fighters.

Speaking of which, the cultivation of these human warriors actually corresponds to the level of monsters.

An intermediate martial arts fighter, equivalent to an SS2 mutant beast.

A junior martial arts fighter, equivalent to an SS1-level mutant beast.

In fact, in the final analysis, the human race is originally a kind of mutated beast, but this kind of mutated beast has a highly developed IQ and advanced technology. It has always dominated the world and trampled all other races under its feet.

However, since they are all mutated beasts, they naturally have the same standard for class division, that is, the difference in body data.

As for why the human race is called junior martial arts fighters, intermediate martial arts fighters, etc., instead of SS1 or SS2 fighters, it is nothing more than to show the special status of the human race.

To put it bluntly, apart from the different names, and the fact that there are more systematic and inherited cultivation methods, there is not much difference between the human race and the mutant beast.

Man-made divisions will not obliterate facts.

"If you put it that way, if I can get 1 points of combat merit after killing SS100-level mutant beasts, I should also be able to obtain 100 combat points of combat merit after killing junior martial arts warrior level warriors.

Hook, who is from the subcontinent, is a peak intermediate martial arts fighter. He is not out of the category of intermediate martial arts fighters, that is, he is equivalent to a SS2-level mutant beast. If I kill him, I should be able to gain 1000 combat points.


If this is the case, then out of the 1500 points of combat merit that I suddenly added, there is a source of 1000 points of combat merit.

As for the remaining 500 combat points?

Of course there are sources.

On the day of the martial arts competition in the martial arts arena, although I didn't kill the ten black-clothed warriors, my strength was really not light under the surge of energy and blood.

Among the ten black-clothed warriors, three are intermediate martial arts fighters, and the other seven are junior martial arts fighters.

Killing a junior martial arts fighter will give you 100 combat points.

Killing a mid-level martial arts fighter can get 1000 combat points.

So, the 500 combat merits I got should come from 5 junior martial arts fighters.


If this is the case, it means that in the battle of Yanwuchang, I killed one intermediate martial arts fighter and five junior martial arts fighters, a total of six fighters.

I go!

This data is a bit surprising. "

When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help feeling dizzy.

You must know that in the increasingly fierce confrontation between the human race and the orc race, each warrior is an extremely valuable combat power. As a result, in a martial arts competition in the martial arts field, he killed six at once. It is estimated that this figure It has already registered with the National Martial Arts Department and the Global Martial Arts Federation.

However, at the next moment, Ye Chong frowned in doubt.

"All right.

Even if I killed six warriors.

My 1500 points of battle achievement increase also came from this.

But there are also some things that are wrong.

The battle at Yanwuchang was already many days ago.

If it was really because of killing those warriors that I got the battle points, then it should have been credited at that time, right?

Why did it actually take so long to suddenly appear.

This point alone is different from the situation of mutant beasts.

and so……

Could it be that what I just thought was wrong?

The 1500 points of military exploits did not come from the battle of Yanwuchang, but from another source?

But if that's the case...


Killing the mutated beasts would give you combat merit points, but would there be no warriors for killing the clan? !


It seems that I can't explain it, right? "

Call ~

Ye Chong shook his head and gave a wry smile before lying down on the bed.


Kyushu Martial Arts Academy.

The teaching building of the Martial Arts Combat Department.

Office of the Director.

Two men stood by the window, quietly watching the night outside, talking while drinking.

One of them is Yan Jinglei, the principal of Kyushu Martial Arts Academy and the director of the Martial Arts Department.

The other person is Bao Sihai, the executive deputy director of the Martial Arts Combat Department of Kyushu Martial Arts Academy.

"This kid Ye Chong is really good at making troubles." Yan Jinglei's face was calm, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry, "Just after confirming the brain death of six warriors, he made another challenge to the warriors in the world. It's a little too arrogant."

"Principal, I still know about Ye Chong. After all, his strength lies there, and he often has unexpected combat power. He is rare for the developing Nine Martial Arts Academy, especially the Martial Arts Department. talent." Bao Sihai sighed, and continued:

"The sudden death of so many students from the sub-continent is indeed a big loss for our Nine Martial Arts Academy, and even for the country.

However, there are also benefits.

Just like what the Global Martial Arts Federation advocates, since you want to improve your understanding of martial arts in battle, you have to accept the possible casualties.

The battle in the Martial Arts Field was a regular battle and competition recognized by the school, and it took place in full view of the public. It should be said that there was nothing wrong with Ye Chong's victory.

If you want to blame, blame those guys from the subcontinent for being too arrogant and overconfident.

What's more, in order to keep their last breath, the school has used a lot of resources and means, and it can be regarded as doing its best, and the people in the subcontinent can't say anything.

As for Ye Chong's challenge to the world's warriors without saying a word?

After all, it was only an animation advertisement, not his own behavior, and now he can't be contacted. It's unclear what the reason is.

So, principal, please don't worry, I believe that Ye Chong himself is fine.

If there is anything, it must be his consideration after careful consideration. "

"Hehe, old Bao, some people say that I am protecting Ye Chong, I see, you are the real culprit who is protecting the calf." Yan Jinglei smiled slightly, and looked at the other party, "Anyway, Ye Chong dare not To challenge the warriors of the world at least shows that he has the courage and momentum, and these alone are of great significance to the growth of warriors, in my opinion, let him go."

"Yes, principal." Bao Sihai's face brightened, and then he frowned again, "Principal, after Ye Chong's troubles, the number of participants in this martial arts conference will increase a lot.

According to the latest statistics, many students of Jiuwu Academy have past plans.

Among these people, there are still a few monster-like existences, principal, what do you think? "

"Hehe, I know you are worried about your team members again." Yan Jinglei looked up at the night sky, looked at the dazzling stars dotted in it, and couldn't help laughing, "We people are actually in the training of warriors. In the process, it mainly plays the role of guidance and assistance.

Whether a person can truly become a great warrior depends mainly on himself. If we intervene too much, it may be counterproductive and not good for his own development. "

"Yes, principal." Bao Sihai bowed slightly, "I understand."

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