Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 461 Humiliation

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he scanned the crowd, his eyes suddenly rested on Du Nan, and he couldn't help laughing:

"You guy, you obviously have a luxury package and can't live here, so you have to suffer here, I'm afraid it's for impure purposes, tell me, who are you looking for?!"


There was a burst of laughter at the scene.


The members of Team 00 all stayed away from Dunan and surrounded Ye Chong.

"Lao Ye, what are you talking about?" Du Nan patted his belly, "You underestimate me, don't you?

What do you mean who am I falling in love with?

Is my appetite that small?

Tell me which one I didn't like? "

When he said this, Dunan grinned and looked at the members of the 00 team like a nympho.


The huge room suddenly became a pot of porridge with laughter.

Ye Chong couldn't help laughing, seeing that everyone's sleepiness and drunkenness disappeared, he waved his hand and said:

"Target - Biyuan District, let's go!"


All the staff agreed in unison, and each of them looked energetic and high-spirited.

The gate of the expert apartment of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy.

Ye Chong and his party of nine had just come out with their heads held high, and they couldn't help being startled by the scene before them.


a bunch of people.

At least 20 people were happily discussing something outside the door, looking at the excitement, as if they were waiting for the most exciting thing to happen.

But the problem is...

It's midnight now, what a great temptation and interest it must be, to make them wait here eagerly.

It is estimated that the big film and television stars before the environment change can enjoy such treatment, right?

"Come out, come out."

"Ye Chong, Mr. Ye, Hero Ye."

"Haha, I see myself, it's him."

"What should I do? There is no mobile phone signal, so I can't live broadcast."

"Hurry up, hurry up, record it first, and send it after returning to the dormitory."

"My God, you are indeed a master who dares to challenge the warriors of the world. There are so many beauties."

"Envy, envy, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, I'll go, a total of seven beauties, and one bodyguard, Ye Gaoren is really awesome."

"Ye Chong, Ye Chong, Ye Chong, I adore you. If you dare to challenge the warriors in the world, you must be a real man. I love you so much. Hug me."

"So handsome! So handsome! He's even more handsome than in the animation commercials! Ye Chong, can you give me a smile and let me see your teeth."

"Oh my god, Ye Chong, Yelaoshr, Ye Gaoren, Ye Qingcheng, Ye Tianxia, ​​is it really you? It seems that you are not as tall as in the animation."

"Ye Chong, tell me the last word, I like your cheap smell."

"Ye Chong, you are now one of the most famous people in the country. You became famous overnight. You are amazing. You are amazing. Sign me up, okay?"

"Ye Da, your whoosh to fly into the sky is really cool, can you show us a live demonstration?"

"Ye Ju, where are you going? In three days, the Martial Arts Conference will officially begin. You won't come back, right?"


"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze."

"Ye Chong, why don't you speak?"


It was a mess outside the expert's apartment.

Although there were not many people, but after all, it was the dead of night, and the voices of everyone's voices became even harsher.

Seeing that Yang Ying, Zuo Xiaoqian, Lin Xiaonuan and Tao Xiangru wanted to talk, Ye Chong couldn't help but coughed and waved his hands.


Dunan took a step forward, opened his arms, and let out a roar. The people who were still pushing forward were frightened, screaming and retreating, and the scene was in chaos.

The assistant manager of the lobby of the expert apartment appeared at the door at some point, and said in a low voice:

"Students, please be quiet.

It's already midnight now, what's the matter, let's talk about it during the day, okay?

The people living upstairs are warriors who came to attend the meeting, so don't wake them up.

I heard that some people inside have a bad temper, so please be careful. "

As a result, just as the assistant manager in the lobby finished speaking, someone shouted loudly:

"Ye Chong, if you dare to challenge the warriors in the world, you must be very powerful, you won't beat up the warriors living in the expert's apartment, right?

If you don’t even dare to come out, you must be afraid of death, right?


Ye Chong, awesome, I don't agree with anyone, but you. "


At this moment, there was a lot of noise on the scene, and it was even more chaotic than before the assistant manager in the lobby spoke.

Ye Chong frowned, then tilted his head, and led the people out. The members of the 00 team followed closely behind, and Dunan followed closely beside him.

A tall and fat man stepped forward quickly, and when he was about to say something to Ye Chong, by coincidence, he happened to bump into Dunan's huge body, and was immediately bounced to the side, like a A ball hit the wall.

Another thin man turned around and came to Ye Chong's side. Unexpectedly, his head was pressed against a big belly in a blink of an eye, and then he took a few steps back and sat down on the ground.

There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

Ye Chong knew very well that under the current situation, the only way was to leave here as soon as possible.

The assistant manager of the lobby of the expert apartment seemed to be helping, but in fact he was not helping. The mobsters outside were obviously afraid that the scene would not be chaotic, and they wanted to let everyone who lived in the expert apartment know that he, Ye Chong, also lived here , and it's downstairs.

Speaking of it, Ye Chong doesn't want to cause trouble, and he is not afraid of trouble, but he must pay attention now, not to be entangled.

Otherwise, once a conflict breaks out, some things will be confirmed, and then exaggerated by someone with a heart, it is really justified and hard to explain.

However, he didn't do this because he was afraid, but because he suddenly strengthened his courage to follow the plan with Zhang Mingyang.

He even faintly felt a haughty impulse, wanting to make the fire even more intense.

What kind of shit is two or five eyes.

Ren Er has east, west, south, north winds.

Since it is going to be done, it is best to make it a big one as soon as possible. It is best to pierce the sky.

"You children are also ridiculous.

If you have time to mess around here, it's better to go home and clean up and practice kung fu, learn some real skills, and serve the country and the great cause of the human race.

I, Ye Chong, dare to challenge the warriors of the world because there are so many warriors pretending to be fake, and I just take this opportunity to crack down on counterfeiting and purify the filth.

If anyone is not convinced, then come and challenge me in the arena of the Martial Arts Conference, don't rely on a small mouth to talk nonsense in the open or in the dark.


I believe that even if I issued a challenge order to the martial artists in the world, when it comes to the official competition, there will not be many people who will challenge me, a junior martial arts fighter.

the reason is simple.

Needless to say.

Warriors who pretend to be fake will make up all kinds of reasons to refuse to fight with me, and even dare not come to Yangcheng at all.

There is no doubt that they will use their mouths to achieve overall victory. "


The scene suddenly became a complete mess, as if a pot had exploded.

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