Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 458 Skyrocketing

Today is destined to be a sleepless night for Ye Chong.

In fact, it was the same. As soon as he entered the master bedroom, he quickly lost his drunkenness and became extremely sober.

Overnight, warriors all over the world regard themselves as notorious enemies, how can this make people sleep?

three days left.

After three full days, it is unknown how many warriors from all directions will appear here, taking it as their duty to teach him a lesson.


Can't escape.

If he really escaped, he would never be able to stand up for the rest of his life.


How to fight?

It is estimated that the warriors gathered here are all elites among the elites, not black-clothed warriors and Hu Ke and his like in the martial arts arena.

Not to mention anything else, a junior martial arts fighter with an initial cultivation level wants to fight a senior martial arts fighter with a peak cultivation level, just like a first-year elementary school student fighting a senior high school student. Defeating the opponent, is it really easier said than done? !

What's more, in the future, it is likely to face not one person, but a group of people. Just thinking about it a little bit will make people feel miserable and panic, and don't know what to do.


The more you think about it, the harder it is.

The more I think about it, the more I can't sleep.

Ye Chong understood very well.

The only thing he can do now is to use this limited three days to improve his strength as soon as possible.

Maybe doing this will not change the final result, but it will definitely make him live a more stable life in the past few days.

Otherwise, maybe he would scare himself half to death.

Ye Chong never considered himself a great hero in this world, nor did he naively regard himself as a top warrior.

However, the reality is that he must now move towards these goals.

If he could not become a great hero and a top martial artist in the Martial Arts Conference, he would undoubtedly become a big bear and a doomed martial artist in the world, with nowhere to escape, or even die on the spot.

"Try Harder.

This is the path you choose.

You can't blame the sky, you can't blame the land, and you can't blame others.

In fact, what Zhang Mingyang said was quite right.

Only when a person puts himself in a desperate situation with no way out can he burst out the greatest courage to live, thereby stimulating the potential of the body, so as to renew the look and achieve a stronger self.

So what am I waiting for now? ! "


The net of consciousness sank and landed on the battle merit points column.

But at the next moment, Ye Chong screamed "Ah", and stood up immediately.

Boom boom boom!

There was a knock on the door.

Immediately afterwards came Lin Xiaonuan's voice: "Captain, are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I drank too much and slipped, go to sleep." Ye Chong responded through the bedroom door.

"Okay, captain, be careful." Lin Xiaonuan's voice of concern came again, "If nothing happens, then we'll go to sleep."

"Okay." Ye Chong said calmly, "I'm fine, go to sleep."


How could it be okay?

Ye Chong's expression changed now, his expression was panicked, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

At this moment, in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, the combat achievement points on the combat achievement points column changed to 3299.

But shortly before the dinner started, the combat merit points column was still 1799.

In just one night, the combat merit points jumped from 1799 to 3299, a full increase of 1500 combat merit points.

Is that okay?

Of course there is something.

And it's an unimaginable event.

Victory points!

This is the cultivation method Ye Chong values ​​most now, and it is also the life-saving method he relies on most in the battle against the enemy, and it is also the most anticipated strength background for the future.

1500 combat exploits.

what happened?


When he was on the wilderness platform, his military exploits points were more than 700 points.

After beheading an SS1-level mutant three-tailed golden mouse, he immediately gained 100 combat points.

During the confrontation between the commander of the rescue force and the SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse, he caught him by surprise, succeeded in a sneak attack, killed the golden mouse, and gained 1000 military exploits in one fell swoop.

In addition, he killed countless S1, S2, and S3 level mutant mice, and also increased a lot of combat merit points, reaching a total of more than 1800 combat merit points.

Along the way, he used the combat merit point distribution to practice, and consumed a lot of combat merit points. Before dinner, there were 1799 combat merit points left.

However, the current combat merit points suddenly jumped from 1799 to 3299, a full increase of 1500 combat merit points.

This in the end is why? !

What exactly went wrong? !

Please, can this kind of problem appear every day? !

For a while, Ye Chong thought wildly, but he was happy in his heart.

Whoever suddenly gets a windfall, it's no wonder he doesn't take pleasure in it.

But the question is, how did these merit points come from?

There is a problem with the bear game system itself, which is basically impossible.

"Could it be because of drinking? I've mixed red wine with white wine, and this thing can make up for my military achievements?"

Ye Chong quickly shrugged his shoulders. He had drank like this before, and he didn't see any increase in combat power points.

"Otherwise, it's because there are many women and few men in the room, the yang energy is thin and the yin energy is heavy, so..."

Ye Chong smiled and shook his head, thinking that the situation was more serious than this when he was practicing in Yingdao, and he didn't see anything strange.



After practicing the "Whale Swallowing Technique", this guy has always been weird, and his body has undergone mysterious changes.

Will it affect me or something if I stay with him?

This possibility cannot be ruled out.

After all, what happened to this guy is indeed a bit strange.


The issue is……

I was with him when I was by the lotus lake, and stayed in the room until half the afternoon, and it seemed that nothing happened.

Does it have to be at night, there are special circumstances, and there is something to drink, so a certain mechanism is triggered? "

Call ~

Ye Chong heaved a sigh of relief, then shook his head slowly, realizing that this was just a bit of wild thinking.

Although I thought about the above things a lot, they actually passed by like a flash.

Since you can't understand some things, don't think about them. Maybe you don't know when, you will suddenly have a heart, and suddenly you will be enlightened.


The net of consciousness sank again, and after earning a combat merit point from the combat merit point column, it quietly landed on the physique column.


As the light flickered, the number in the physique column increased by 1 point.

At the same time, the combat achievement points column also suddenly turned cold gray.

At this moment, it was as if lightning pierced the night sky in the endless darkness, and suddenly illuminated the surrounding area like daylight.


Ye Chong suddenly raised his eyebrows, and then the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

Immediately after the next moment, he put his hands behind his back and started walking around the room.

At the same time, his facial expressions quickly became extremely exciting, as if he finally suddenly realized:

"Well, is it... really so?"

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