Ye Chong knew that he was notorious, but he didn't know how bad it was, let alone how big the repercussions were across the country.

If he knew, I'm afraid he would already be restless by now.

However, although he tried to calm down now and didn't think about those troubles and worries, he couldn't hide his instinctive depression and loneliness, and he drank a few more glasses without knowing it.

Under his influence, Lin Xiaomei, Lin Xiaonuan, Zuo Xiaoqian, Tao Xiangru and Yang Ying also drank a lot.

Especially Lin Xiaonuan and Tao Xiangru, one was pale from drinking, the other was flushed, both of them were drunk and hazy, staggering, and might fall to the ground at any time.

Liu Pingping and Li Aifang drank the least, but they were too drunk. They were already so drunk that they fell asleep on the sofa.

Of all these, however, it was Dunant who drank the most.

This guy is actually not very good at drinking, but he untied his knots and was stimulated by Ye Chong's animation commercials, so he completely let himself go.

Surprisingly, he looked drunk at the beginning and looked too strong to drink, but at the end of the drink, he was still the same, but he became the one who drank the most but was the most sober.

Ye Chong was really drunk.

He didn't know when he smoked a cigarette, his head was buzzing, and he couldn't keep his eyes open.

However, he still resisted the urge to fall, stood up while coughing, and stammered:

"Okay... okay.

It's too late.

Everyone... go back and rest... let's rest.


I want to wash too...wash and sleep.

Goodbye, everyone. Goodbye. "


After Ye Chong finished speaking, he sat down on the chair, closed his eyes, and panted heavily.

He was still cursing in his heart:

I am already a martial artist, and my physical fitness is many times stronger than ordinary people. How can I still be intoxicated by drinking?

In fact, he knew it very well.

Whether you can drink or not is related to your physical fitness, but it is not completely related.

Among ordinary people, there are also many strong and strong people who get drunk after drinking a little wine.

The main reason is that he drank too much today because of his troubles and depression, and more importantly, he also drank white wine during the period.

Red wine seems to have a low alcohol content, but it is actually the most intoxicating without knowing it, and it will make people so drunk that they don't know anything about it.

When red wine and white wine are mixed together, each is the catalyst of the other, urging each other to stimulate the energy of the drink, like a bomb exploding, it will be strange if one is not drunk.

In fact, Ye Chong really wanted to get drunk, and what he wanted was to get drunk and give up everything.

no way.

Only when you are really drunk is the best way to pretend to be confused.

Otherwise, he really couldn't resist their hot eyes and eyes.

I'm afraid that if he is not careful, he will be taken advantage of under the urging of Jiu Jin.

Ye Chong is not the one who suffers, and of course he won't suffer from being dumb for nothing.

"Captain, Liu Pingping and Li Aifang are both drunk, what should we do?" Tao Xiangru gently pushed the two lying on the sofa, and sighed, "It seems that I can only help them back, but I... I seem to have trouble walking by myself."

"No, no." Yang Ying covered her head with one hand and waved her other hand weakly, panting heavily, "I...I can't help them. I have a headache and faint."

Zuo Xiaoqian came to the sofa and wanted to help Liu Pingping up, but she didn't want her body to go limp, and she fell down on the sofa and couldn't get up.

Lin Xiaonuan staggered to Ye Chong's side, put his hands on his shoulders, and said intermittently: "Team...captain, we are in the expert's apartment, and we drank a lot today, so we just helped him out. It's shaky, I'm afraid someone will gossip."

"..." Ye Chong opened his eyes with difficulty, and wanted to grin, but he didn't expect to be able to smile, so he could only smile on the surface: "Look at what you said, then...staying here will be a good idea." No one is gossiping... talk?"

"Just...just to say that tomorrow is's okay, we can play mahjong all night." Yang Ying's drunken eyes lit up, "How about...or let's just set up a table, blood... Bloody battle to the end...?"


Zuo Xiaoqian smiled sweetly, her cheeks were flushed, and she said softly:

"Didn't you say you have a headache?

Does playing mahjong stop headaches?

You... you, you like bloody battles to the end, actually... it's actually quite fun to play with treasures that you can only touch without eating. "

"Also Yang Ying, I think Xiaoqian is the real mahjong master who doesn't feel itchy all over her body." Tao Xiangru smiled, "Add me one, three missing one, who else wants to play, two to five to be a mahjong .”

"Count me in?" Du Nan patted his stomach, "I like playing mahjong the most, and my level is not bad. The best ones are Shisanyao and Shisanbuyi."

"Hmph, it's boring for anyone to play with you." Yang Ying rolled her eyes at Du Nan, "I think you are Shisan, and you are not reliable if you are Shisan, especially unreliable."


There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

"Mahjong... I don't want to play anymore, I'm too tired." Ye Chong looked at everyone with a drunken smile, "Well, it's so late now, it's really not good for you to leave the expert's apartment like this. I think, Or just make do with a night here?"

"Okay, okay," Yang Ying clapped her little hands and laughed, "Let's go after breakfast in the morning. I heard that the Xiaolongbao here is delicious."

"Hee hee, raw fried buns should be the best, right?" Zuo Xiaoqian looked at Yang Ying with a smile, "I read reviews online, they are the kind of buns with black sesame seeds sprinkled on top."

"You can eat anything," Yang Ying shook her head. "Our family calls it Xiaolongbao. It's delicious. You should eat it with vinegar sauce."

Ye Chong smiled slightly, glanced at Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan, and then said: "Okay, then it's settled.

You girls will sleep in this presidential suite, and I will sleep with Dunant.

Ha ha.

How about we have dinner together in the morning? "

"Captain, you and Du Nan..." Yang Ying opened her eyes wide and her voice became lower and lower.

"What's the mess?" Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, "Isn't this distribution more convenient?"

"Captain, the presidential suit is so big." Zuo Xiaoqian smiled sweetly, "You should sleep in your master bedroom. We can sleep in the second bedroom, study room, and living room. You don't need to go to Du Nan's place. I think his eyes are wrong. .”


Immediately there was a burst of laughter at the scene, mixed with a sound like a pig screaming.

"Okay, then it's up to you." Ye Chong rubbed his eyes, "However, the second bedroom can only sleep two people, there is no bed in the study room, and if you want to sleep, you can only sleep on the floor. There is also a living room, where two large sofas can sleep separately. Sleeping alone, how to arrange, you can do it yourself."

"It's best if Ye Chong doesn't go to my place. I hate stinky men the most." Du Nan grinned and looked at Lin Xiaomei and the others with a smirk. Okay, I'll sleep in the second bedroom, how about letting the master bedroom out?"


There was a burst of laughter.

"Don't go."

"Don't go."

"Don't go."

"Don't go."

"You are beautiful!"


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