Ye Chong lowered his head, covered his mouth, closed his eyes, and suppressed a smile. His body couldn't control himself, and he couldn't stop shaking.

What Xiaohong was thinking, of course he knew in his heart.

But for him, he had to secretly change his concept and take the opportunity to wash Dunan's mind.

no way.

Two reasons.

First, he didn't want to lend money to Dunant.

500 million ah.

Is there any difference between lending this money to the other party and beating a dog with a meat bun?


Of course there are.

A dog that ate meat buns would probably wag its tail at him.

But Dunan, who took the money, would definitely disappear without a trace.

Can he borrow money then?


I am not Kaizi.

The second reason.

Ye Chong hopes to use this method to stimulate the bloodiness buried in Dunan's bones.

Through the test not long ago, he has found to his surprise that Dunan, who has practiced the "Whale Swallowing Technique", is really different from before.

This guy is not only growing taller, but also flexible, fast, and powerful. The key is that his defense is amazing.

When Ye Chong said that the other party was not a human being, he was really not just joking around, but was surprised and shocked from the bottom of his heart.

He knew very well in his heart that although Dunan was not yet a warrior, and the data detected by the physical testing machine was very average, this guy possessed a fighting background far beyond ordinary people.

Ye Chong refused to borrow money and turned his attention away. The most important reason was to try to inspire the bloodiness buried in Dunan's bones, to prove in actual combat that he was different, even great, so that this piece of jade in the rough could show his true strength. of brilliance.

"Is that so? Is it really so?" Dunan returned to his seat blankly and sat down, muttering to himself:

"Little Red...

do you really want me to do this

But you...

Why don't you just tell me?


You are……

Afraid of hurting my self-esteem?

But at that time, you pointed at my nose and said that I had a loud voice, and you were afraid of being regarded as a monster by outsiders? "

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, he picked up his wine glass, and took a sip.

At this time, the members of the 00 team suddenly let out a burst of exclamation and screams.

Ye Chong turned his head and found that they were watching a cartoon.

A man who looked a bit underwhelming at first glance, was punching and kicking, bowing left and right, blasting many various villains into the air, and even many people were trampled under his feet.

Ye Chong couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, thinking, he's an adult now, why do he still like what children watch?

Immediately after the next moment, the slender man on the screen flicked his hairless head lightly, then looked out of the screen evilly and said:

"I control my own life!

I, Ye Chong, just want to step on the heads of you trash and stride forward step by step on the martial arts road.

Who is not convinced?

Dare to fight? "

Immediately after the next moment, the squishy man in the cartoon put his arms around his arms, showing a contemptuous smile, and then his body turned around, followed by a whistling sound, and a beating sound boomed There was a rumbling:

"Want to beat me?

come on.

Brother is waiting for you in the arena of Yangwu Conference.

Remember to wear diapers.

It's okay to be so scared, but please don't pollute the environment. "


The scene suddenly became quiet.

Even the TV screen was silent, there was only a big face full of sarcasm, looking out of the screen unscrupulously.


There was the sound of glass breaking.

Ye Chong's head is covered with black lines, his complexion is ugly, and his right hand is full of red wine and broken glass. Fortunately, the current glass wine glasses are made of silica and a new type of material. Even if they are broken, they will become granular. will hurt.

"Captain, are you okay?" Liu Pingping, who was relatively close, grabbed a few napkins and handed them over as she spoke.

"It's okay." Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, thinking, it's all like this, can it be okay, I'm notorious.

"What's going on?" Tao Xiangru's face turned red because of drinking just now, but now it's extremely pale, "Did someone frame the captain?


Putting a poster on the advertisement column of Yangwu Academy is fine.


Why is it still doing something on the National Five?

This station is dedicated to introducing all kinds of information about martial arts, and the ratings are very high nationwide and even abroad.

Even if the satellite signal has not been fully recovered, the signal can be received in major domestic cities and major cities abroad.

And ah.

Advertisement on National TV Five, and it is still a column, and the time is so long, it is estimated that the money spent is quite a lot.

who is it?

Who is doing the bad thing? "


Yang Ying blinked her big eyes, looked at Ye Chong who was looking gloomy, then quickly picked up the remote control and switched a channel.

"I, Ye Chong..."

Seeing that the picture was wrong, Yang Ying immediately pressed the remote control again.

"Which one doesn't..."

Yang Ying's body trembled, and she changed the channel again.

"Remember to wear..."

Yang Ying stamped her feet, looking like she was about to cry.

"Urine splashing..."

Yang Ying shivered in fright, and threw the remote control aside.


Lin Xiaomei stepped forward and turned off the TV.

"Captain, what should we do?" Zuo Xiaoqian came to Ye Chong's side quickly, with a heroic figure, "It should be that advertisement is broadcasting on every channel.

National Wutai.

One country.

National four.

International Fengyun Channel.

There must be something wrong here.

There are so many warriors in the world, why use the captain's name?

The key point is that the person's image and temperament, as well as his tone of voice, are very similar to the captain.

and so……

Captain, do we need to check it out? "

"..." Ye Chong's head was full of black lines, and his heart was dripping with blood, "Is my image and temperament really that bad?!"

Li Aifang gently pulled Zuo Xiaoqian, took the napkin Ye Chong was wiping his hands over, threw it on the table, and said, "Captain, do you know about this?"

"Yes, I know." Ye Chong shook his head with a wry smile, "I wanted to help others, but I didn't expect such a result. Alas, I didn't expect it. If I knew it, I wouldn't do it anyway. I will promise the other party."

"Is it because of the money?" Yang Ying opened her cute eyes wide, "The captain must be because money is tight, so he wants to make money from commercials, right?

But captain, the society is very chaotic now, so you can’t accept advertisements casually.

Last time I also saw a small advertisement because of lack of money, asking me to be a graphic model.


I found out later that this is not the case.

Those villains are doing bad things in the name of body art.

Fortunately, I saw through them early, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Captain, the society is very chaotic now, please be careful in the future, okay? ! "

"I..." Ye Chong looked at Yang Ying's big teary eyes, and couldn't help but nodded fiercely, "Okay, I'll be more careful in the future."

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