Ye Chong smiled and nodded.

He knew very well in his heart what the organizing committee of the martial arts conference was thinking, and what were they waiting for?

I just don't know if this is good news or bad news for him?

After everyone was seated one after another, they naturally started to eat and drink unceremoniously.

Especially Lin Xiaomei and the others, after they no longer had to worry about work, they changed cups and cups without restraint, showing the demeanor of people in martial arts.

"Ye Chong, let's have a toast." Lin Xiaomei is usually cold and cold, especially when dealing with others, and she rarely smiles, but when she is with Ye Chong, especially after drinking, she feels like a cold appearance The woman next to him said, "Hehe, if it weren't for the captain, it would be very difficult for our 00 team to survive the Yingdao trial.

If you can't survive, you can't become a student of Martial Arts Academy.

So, those of us are here today because of the captain.

I toast you.

Do it first and respect, the captain is free. "


Immediately there was applause and cheers from the scene, especially Dunan, whose loud and strange cry made people think of pigs involuntarily.


Lin Xiaomei drank most of the glass of red wine in one gulp, refreshingly and swiftly, with a hint of heroism.

Speaking of which, for ordinary people, this is not the way to drink dry red wine, but shake it twice, sober up the wine, smell it first, taste it first, taste it lightly, and leave the mouth and teeth fragrant, steaming hot.

However, Ye Chong, Du Nan, and Lin Xiaomei are not ordinary people, but people who have really embarked on the road of martial arts.

These martial arts people who face life and death from time to time, no matter what kind of personality traits they have on the outside, deep in their hearts, they will overflow with wild and unruly passion.

This is actually the bloodiness of warriors, but it will not be shown easily, but buried deep in the bones and the deepest part of the heart, once it erupts, it will inevitably surge and be irresistible.


Under Lin Xiaomei's leadership, everyone sitting around the long table completely let go of their disguise and let go.

Ye Chong picked up the wine glass, looked at Lin Xiaomei quietly, without saying anything, raised his head, and poured all the red wine in the glass into his mouth.

All of a sudden, the rich aroma of Cabernet Sauvignon rippling in the body and mind, that feeling is plain and unpretentious, pure and beautiful.



"We drink too."


"Let's drink together."


After seeing Lin Xiaomei and Ye Chong finish off the red wine in their cups, everyone present raised their cups and drank in big gulps.

However, the three of Zuo Xiaoqian, Tao Xiangru and Li Aifang obviously disliked drinking, and after taking a sip, they coughed so badly that Tao Xiangru's face turned red.

"Everyone, feel free," Ye Chong looked around with a smile, "drinking is for fun, not for competition.

Being able to drink doesn't mean you have blood, and not being able to drink doesn't mean you don't have blood.

Bloodiness is the pride buried in the bones of our martial arts people, everyone should keep it well, and don't use it in the wrong place.

and also.

The current world is full of demons and monsters, and it is not peaceful.

Everyone, please pay attention to your own safety, and don't be taken advantage of by others. "

When he said this, Ye Chong gave Du Nan a smile intentionally or unintentionally.


There was an instant burst of laughter at the scene.

Du Nan raised his cup with a strange cry, and touched Ye Chong fiercely: "Lao Ye, don't worry, I will guard myself like a jade, and I will never let these little girls take advantage of each other, come on, The whole one."


It was as if a pot had exploded in the huge room.





The members of the 00 team started laughing and booing, and some even sang the song "I want to fly".

Ye Chong picked up the wine glass that Yang Ying had just filled, couldn't help laughing, and took a sip, but Du Nan poured half of the glass of wine into his mouth, immediately blushed and had a thick neck, and then muttered said:

"Old Ye, I can't drink alcohol.

Today I gave up my life to accompany the gentleman, and drank so much, you see this friendship, why don't you agree to me?

good or not?

I really can't take it anymore. "


The scene immediately became a mess amidst screams.

"Two little brothers, do you want us to avoid it?"

"Dunan gave up his life to accompany the gentleman, it's really affectionate."

"Okay, okay, together."

"Promise him, promise him."




"Hehe, what can I promise you?" Ye Chong actually doesn't like drinking very much. He has already drank several glasses of red wine. "You tell me clearly in front of everyone, don't make me unclear, how will you behave in the future?"


Silver bell-like laughter rang out, and the scene directly turned into a sea of ​​joy.

"Old Ye, you are not kind, you don't know what I asked you to promise me?!" Dunan muttered, "Isn't it just to borrow some money from you?

You said that our relationship is like glue, how close we are.

But you are too stingy if you refuse to borrow money? !


What an annoyance!

People don't want to talk to you! "


Everyone looked at Du Nan's jerky, whistling bear, and suddenly laughed like crazy.

"A little money?" Ye Chong grinned and shook his head, "Hehe, say I'm not kind?

Well, you are kind, especially the thick-skinned.

The opening is 500 million, is this still a little money?

Let me lend you money, I'll lend you as big as you.

Dunan, tell me, what do you want to borrow so much money for? "


There was a booing sound, mixed with giggles and giggles.

"Lao Ye, didn't I tell you?" Dunan lowered his voice, "Xiaohong doesn't want to go to a hotel because she thinks I have a loud voice, so she wants to buy a house, but I can't..."

"Haha, look at what you said, what does a loud voice have to do with buying a house?" Ye Chong shook his wine glass lightly, the red color of Cabernet Sauvignon overflowed with a touch of melancholy beauty, "You see, you are with us, you are not People think you have a loud voice or something.

So, Dunant, it shouldn't be about the money.

Perhaps, you should reflect on it. "

"What?" Du Nan looked at the other party in a daze, "Are you sure we are talking about the same thing?"

"I'm sure." Ye Chong smiled and nodded, "You have been saying that you are afraid of this and that, and dare not kill mutant beasts, right?

Ha ha.

I believe that Xiaohong should also know what kind of problems you have.

Therefore, she is using this method to encourage you to move forward with your head held high, to continuously improve your combat power in the process of hunting mutant beasts, and at the same time exchange the materials of mutant beasts for wealth. "

When he said this, Ye Chong tightly covered his mouth, and his fingernails were almost pinched into the flesh.

no way.

You can't do this.

What if you smoke from laughing?

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