Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 455 Unprepared

Ye Chong's current mood is a little ashamed, a little excited, a little depressed and angry.

I am ashamed because according to the agreement, some secrets cannot be said.

The excitement was because Yang Ying and the others were sincerely worried about him.

Depressed, of course, is that he knows that from tonight onwards, he is already notorious, and the smell is so bad, it is estimated that warriors all over the world want to trample him under their feet.

This point of anger is naturally related to Zhang Mingyang. Ye Chong really didn't expect that Yangwu Academy actually put out such an undisguised advertisement.

Can't it be so direct?

Can you die if you are a little more reserved?

This is for fear that others will not see that he is unscrupulously provoking the whole world.

However, Ye Chong also understood.

Zhang Mingyang's doing this has something to do with the urgency of time.

According to the original plan, the Yangwu Conference will start tomorrow. As a result, there are only 200 foreign participants, plus 100 students from the Yangwu Academy, a total of 300 people.

The key is that among these participants, real martial arts masters are rare, pitifully few, but most of them come to join in the fun.

With such a small number of people and the quality of these participants, how can it be possible to make the Yangwu Conference arouse huge repercussions across the country?

Of course not.

However, if it is possible to say that it is possible, it is true.

That is, this martial arts conference is bound to become a big joke in the eyes of the world, and become a ridiculous topic of conversation after dinner.

Ye Chong gave a wry smile, seeing the nervous expressions of the 00 team members, he couldn't help but sighed and said:

"It's all my fault. When I accepted the advertisement, I didn't think too much about it. In this regard, I am much worse than Yang Ying."

"It's okay, captain." Yang Ying's eyes were full of tears, "If it's really not possible, let's make a statement, anyway, we can't let the bad guys get their way."

"Old Ye, how can you do this?" Du Nan patted his stomach, "We are all old men, can't we bend our waists for five buckets of rice?"

"Hmph, it's all your fault. You borrowed money when I was at the roast meat shop last time," Yang Ying burst into tears, and looked at Du Nan with her pout, "I just met this time, and I'm looking for the captain again." Borrowing money, the captain is a good person, and he must be very anxious when he said that he would not lend it to you, so he accepted this advertisement."

"I..." Ye Chong hesitated to speak, wiped his face with his hands, and thought to himself, this Yang Ying, who rarely talked to her before, never thought that she would be more innocent than Sun Mengmeng.

"Stop." Dunan hurriedly took a step back and waved his hand, "This matter has nothing to do with me, Lao Ye, I won't ask you to borrow money anymore. I will hunt and kill mutant beasts in exchange for lending money to you, okay?" it is good?!"

Lin Xiaonuan took a new wine glass and poured wine into it and handed it to Ye Chong. She also raised the wine glass, touched it lightly and said:

"Captain, the matter is already like this, you know better than us what should be done, if there is anything, please arrange it directly with the captain.

Ha ha.

I remember that during the trial on Yingdao, we felt that there was no way out several times, and in the end it was the captain who led us out of the predicament.

We believe that the captain must have deep considerations when accepting this advertisement, and he will definitely turn his disadvantages into advantages in a snap of his fingers, get out of the predicament, and usher in a bright future.

Captain, I toast you and wish you all the best. "


Lin Xiaonuan drank the wine in the glass slowly, then coughed a few times, a blush appeared on her face.

Speaking of which, Lin Xiaonuan is the exact opposite of her sister Lin Xiaomei.

Lin Xiaomei is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, more like a woman. Lin Xiaonuan looks enthusiastic on the outside, but actually has a quiet, melancholy and slightly sad heart.

"Okay, with Xiao Nuan's auspicious words, I believe that everyone in our 00 team can have a bright future." Ye Chong drank the wine in his cup, already a little drunk.

"And me," Du Nan picked up the wine and drank it all, then laughed, "Although I am not in the 00 team, I am a brother army of the 00 team. We are an alliance, advancing together and retreating together. .”

"We drink too."

"I believe that the captain's advertising incident this time will be resolved satisfactorily."

"I wish everyone here will get better and better and have a better tomorrow."


"Come and drink."


Although everyone was still chatting and laughing, the atmosphere on the scene was obviously much more depressed than it was at the beginning.

There is no doubt that this sudden advertising incident caught everyone including Ye Chong by surprise.

At the same time, the principal's office of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy.


Zhang Mingyang lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and soon submerged himself in the light blue smoke.

At this moment, on the wall in front of him, there is an advertisement of Ye Chong fighting the warriors of the world.

Seeing the smoke in front of him, he said to himself with obvious regret: "The time is too short.

Too little time to create an ad.

The ads themselves are also short in duration.

What a pity, what a pity.

If the preparation time had been longer and the image of Ye Chong had been portrayed in a more hateful, shameless, despicable and arrogant way, it would surely have caused a greater sensation.

Ha ha.

The people in martial arts who forge ahead on the road of martial arts are all bloody guys in their bones, and they flow with proud blood. It is impossible to watch the provocations and insults from Ye Chong and remain indifferent.


The Martial Arts Conference was postponed for three days. People from various martial arts colleges in the country should have no problem getting here before the opening as long as they can catch up with the new anaerobic first-grade coke train.

Even if it's later, it's okay.

The deadline for registration is before the end of the conference.

As long as it is properly arranged, there should be no mistakes.

However, haha, if this ad made Ye Chong a little more pissed off, wouldn't the effect be better?


That's too late.

Speaking of which, this time it was really thanks to Brother Ye that he was put under so much pressure, which really made me feel a little sorry.

However, that's all there is to it.

There is really no other way.

Well, I hope that this time the school spends such a large amount of money to advertise, and it will have a good effect.

Otherwise, once I fail this time, my headmaster will basically be considered successful.

In addition, Ye Chong's help to my personal body is really great.

It should be said that I am already a martial arts practitioner, and I still need to work harder on the remaining things.

Also, I have to hurry up to do what I promised Brother Ye.

Hehe, it's really a bit of a surprise to be disturbed by all the sudden things. "

At this moment, in major cities in China, various martial arts colleges, military agencies, private martial arts schools, etc., wherever there are TVs and the Internet, animation advertisements of Ye Chong challenging the world's martial artists are being played in a loop.

All of a sudden, people all over the world, in the streets and alleys, were completely caught off guard by the appearance of this advertisement, and completely fell into a turmoil that was difficult to calm down.

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