The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he took out the cigarette case, then took out one, handed it forward, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry to trouble you today, I'll go back and discuss it, hehe, here's one."

"Fuck! This is a good cigarette." The young man from the real estate agency widened his eyes and took the cigarette, "There are hundreds of packs in this box, and the popping beads in it are the best."

"Hehe, my friend gave it to me. I don't know how to smoke. I can't smoke good or bad." Ye Chong also took out a cigarette casually, pinched it on the cigarette holder, and there was a crisp snap, then he lit it and said with a smile: "Okay." , then you are busy first, let's go."

"Okay, brother, go slowly." The young man from the real estate agency bowed, put the cigarette under his nose and sniffed it, his face full of intoxication.

Of course, Ye Chong didn't go directly to the mortgage company, but went to a steamed stuffed bun shop that he had talked about countless times in his dreams when he was in Zhongdu.

This store is diagonally opposite to the mortgage company, and sitting by the window, I can see the situation there clearly.

"Hehe, since I don't have any mature ideas in my mind, I should just go in after dinner. There are more people there now, so it's not a good time to go."

30 minute later.

Standing in the mortgage company, Ye Chong quietly looked at a strong man in his 30s with a tattoo on his neck, and said with a smile, "I'm here to redeem my house."

"Which house?" The tattooed man raised his head and glanced at Ye Chong, "Did you bring the contract?"

"Room 9, Building 302, Jinyuan Community," Ye Chong smiled slightly, "I didn't bring the contract."

"That won't work." The tattooed burly man frowned, "I don't have a contract to redeem any house, and I'm off work now, so come back tomorrow with the contract."

After he finished speaking, the tattooed burly man started to operate in front of the computer, obviously wanting to put Ye Chong aside.

"Don't you have a contract here? It has my signature on it." Ye Chong frowned, thinking to himself, it's really the same as he thought, it's not easy to handle, "My contract... I don't know where to go if I move. Where did you go?"

"There is a stipulation in the contract that your contract is your contract and mine is mine. It's different. If you want to redeem the house, you must bring the contract with you. This is the rule." With an icy look, he lit a cigarette with a snap, and puffed out a puff of smoke, "Don't wait here, or go back... eh? Wait! Room 9, Building 302, Jinyuan Community?! "

When he said this, the tattooed burly man stood up suddenly, pointed at Ye Chong and said, "Stop, you boy! Don't run! Come!"

"..." Ye Chong looked confused, he didn't move his nest at all, why did he run away, "What's the matter?"


In the blink of an eye, another five strong men rushed out, all red-faced, thick-necked, and reeking of alcohol.

"What's the matter? Hehe, what's the matter?!" The tattooed strong man came to him with a cigarette in his mouth, looked Ye Chong up and down, and then said with a sinister smile:

"We searched and couldn't find it, but you are sensible and came here on your own initiative, right?

Redeem the house?


no problem.

Can be redeemed without a contract.

However, you have to pay back the money you owe us first. "

"Owe money?" Ye Chong frowned, "How much money do you owe?"

"How much money do you don't know what?!" The tattooed man took a deep breath of cigarette, and then sprayed it on Ye Chong's face, "Not much, not much, plus mortgage, interest and extension The total fee is 526 million, after paying the money, the house will be yours."

"So much?!" Ye Chong's face changed. When he came here, he thought of similar problems, but he never thought that the amount of money would become so much. You know, he used the house as collateral, and he only got 30 in total. Now it has become nearly 20 times, so it's no wonder if you don't turn pale with shock.

"A lot?!" The tattooed burly man grinned:

"You have taken up a lot of our funds over and over again, and we have lost a good opportunity to make profits from investment.


Do you know how big the opportunity cost is?

what? !

I tell you, it's unbelievably big.

Nearly 1000 million!

Seeing that you are not too old, I don't care too much about you, so I take care of you.

Hurry up and pay!

Otherwise don't even think about leaving! "

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, he scratched his head, and couldn't help laughing:

"I go?

I don't want to leave.

I won't come if I want to leave.


I won't say much about the right and wrong of the exchange, I just want to discuss something with you.

The number of 526 million is indeed a bit unexpected, and I can't afford it.

You see, I'm not a rich man either. Even if I want to spend so much money, I can't get it out. Even if you beat me to death, you won't get the money, right?

I came this time just to get the house back, and I also prepared some money, a total of 100 million.

If you think it is appropriate, we will pay the money with one hand and the house with the other hand, and we will not owe each other from now on.

If you think it’s not possible, there’s nothing I can do about it. Otherwise, you might as well do it together and kill me.

Ha ha.

Do you think this will work? "

"Hehe, it's tough to speak?!" The tattooed man looked at the other person in surprise, then grinned, "If you dare to ask for 100 million and take the house away, you are the first one since opening the shop, but... ...Hey, are you dreaming?!"


There was a burst of laughter at the scene.


"Sixth, get the hell out of here? You can't get out, if you really get out, where can you find it?"

"Nimma, I owe more than 500 million yuan, and the counter-offer is 100 million yuan, hahaha, it's quite good, brother."

"Hurry up and pay for it! No money, right? Leave the phone numbers and contact information of all relatives and friends, and I will call one by one to ask for money."

"Hehe, little brother, how many days have you not bathed, why is this smell on you? Is it fishy and stinky?"


The strong tattooed man waved his hand, and the scene fell silent, and he smiled and said:

"There are rules for each line. Don't pretend to be pitiful, and don't be tough with me. You can't lose 526 million points. Otherwise, you can stay here and don't leave. We will serve you here with delicious food and drink until you return." until the money is gone."

"This may not work." Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth and shook his head, "Hehe, to be honest, I want to find a place where I can eat and drink without doing anything, but if I don't go back for a long time, someone will definitely come looking for me Mine, I’m afraid I’ll cause trouble for you again.”

"Hey, trouble?" The tattooed burly man grinned, lit a cigarette again with a snap, and took a puff, "Trouble is what we fear the most here, and trouble is what we like the most.


I can tell you clearly now that if you don't pay back the money, it's useless for anyone to come to you.

The contract in black and white is here. The Xuanwu Empire pays attention to the spirit of the contract, not children playing around. "

"Well, it's up to you." Ye Chong smiled slightly and shrugged, "However, I have to remind you that the people who come to me are more fierce than one, you'd better be prepared in advance to be beaten. At that time, we will not find North."

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