When the young man from the real estate agency said this, he tidied up his straight suit. It looked like it was well-made and the price was not cheap, but he didn't expect that the trademark plate swaying in the wind suddenly appeared at the position of the lower hem. It made them both look awkward.

Ye Chong turned a blind eye, and asked with a smile: "Brother, why can housing prices rise so fast? It feels better than the stock market."

"Stock market? Hehe, don't mention the stock market to me. It's a tearful thing to talk about. It's not comparable to real estate, and it's even more different from real estate now." The young man straightened his red tie. , and then said loudly:

"In terms of general policy, the country's reserves are now reduced, interest rates are reduced, the amount of currency is large, and the real economy is sluggish. Only real estate has a high value preservation, or wait for the money to become worthless?

From a small point of view, a new railway station and a martial arts training base will be built nearby. Once it is built, and the nearby communities have mature living facilities, do you think the house price will take off?

And ah.

Because the Yangwu Conference is about to be held, the popularity of Yangcheng has increased a lot. Many investors from other places have come here to buy houses. The demand is high, but the supply of houses is small, so it is no wonder that the housing prices are not high. "

"Oh, so that's the case." Ye Chong nodded, frowning and said slowly: "Then I really have to go home and discuss it. See if I sold the house earlier or later?"

"What?!" The young man was slightly taken aback, then said with a smile at the corner of his mouth:

"So it's selling a house?

Small apartment, right?

Two bedrooms?

Ha ha.

it is good.

Brother, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart.

You know, it's a new world now.

All kinds of news are flying all over the sky.

It stands to reason that from the perspective of the general trend, housing prices should be bullish rather than bearish, but no one can tell what will happen in the future.

I've heard something great.

The whole country is advocating the construction of wilderness fortresses, and it seems that there is a plan to gradually transfer people to live in wilderness fortresses.

no way.

The threat posed by mutant beasts is too great.

If you live in an ordinary house again, once a mutant beast strikes, you will be waiting to die.

What the country does is also for our security.

But brother, think about it.

If you really want to do this, is the house still worth money?



Not worth the money anymore.

The price of cabbage can't be sold.

So, brother, listen to me, cash will be king in the future, and there is nothing better than holding cash in your hand.

If you have a house at home, you must take advantage of the current market conditions and sell it quickly, so that it will be too late to regret it.

The central idea is four words - just accept it as soon as it is good.

This is the philosophy of life and must be understood. "

"Ah..." Ye Chong looked confused, "You mean, my house should be sold as soon as possible?"

"That's right! Must! Hurry! As soon as possible! Immediately!" The young man nodded, then took out a cigarette and lit it, then handed the cigarette case to Ye Chong and said, "Are you here?"

Ye Chong took a look and saw that there was one cigarette left in the cigarette case, which was crumpled. Then he waved his hand and said, "No, no. Hehe, how much is the flat for the two-bedroom apartment on the third floor of the multi-story building?"

"Specifically, we need to look at the house." The young man exhaled a puff of smoke and flicked the ashes casually, "A house is a fixed asset, not a commodity on a supermarket shelf, so it cannot be quoted uniformly, that is to say, one house has one price. According to my experience, it should be no less than 7500 per square meter."

"What?!" Ye Chong was obviously a little confused, and pointed to the two-bedroom apartment on the advertisement board, "I see that your price is 8200 for the same location, the same floor and the same apartment type? Why? Has it become 7500?"

"It's different, brother," the young man grinned. "The price tag and the actual transaction price are not the same thing. Let's go, show me the house first. Then we can sit down and have a good talk."

"Oh, so that's the case," Ye Chong nodded, and continued:

"next time.

Show another day.

not convenient today.

Ha ha.

I'm just in a hurry to use the money to turn around. At that time, I have to discuss with my family, whether to really sell the house, or go to the mortgage company over there to have a look.


Now it is too troublesome to go to the bank to go through the formalities, and there are layers of approvals. When the money comes down, the day lily will be cold. "

"What?! You want to mortgage the house to them?" The young man lowered his voice and winked at the mortgage company not far away, "Then you should think clearly, once the house is mortgaged there, you can get it out again. ... Hehe, I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

"Huh? Why? When the date comes, I'll pay back the money as agreed, so I can get the house back?" Ye Chong was stunned, obviously not understanding what the other party meant, "There is a contract in black and white, so why not return the house?" Afraid of something tricky?"

When the young man heard this, he couldn't help grinning, then raised the cigarette butt and blew it on his mouth, and then said leisurely:


Do you understand the routine?

Every step is designed.

Ordinary people don't know the routines, so they can only be led by the nose. In the end, they won't be able to keep anything, and they will owe a lot of debt. "

"So powerful?!" Ye Chong's face was full of doubts, and then he glanced at the mortgage company, "I saw a lot of people coming in and out, if it's what you said, then... those people Are you all stupid? Knowing that there are tricks in it, you still go in?"

"Hey, that's also a routine." The young man flicked his cigarette butt away, and said with a half-smile, "Brother, how did you know that those people are all customers?"

"What? What did you say?" Ye Chong looked at the mortgage company in the distance again, his face changed:

"You mean to say...

Those who come and go aren't real customers?

Then they are...

I go!


you mean...

Is that an illusion, are they pretending to be customers? "

"Routines, everything is a routine, please respect the profession of an actor," the young man looked up at the sky, as if he was a prophet and a wise man, "Life is a drama, there are big dramas, small dramas, tragedies, and comedies , everyone is the protagonist of their own life, and they can achieve perfection in the routine."



Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ye Chong coughed involuntarily, until he shed tears and bent down.

Of course he knew that the mortgage company was playing tricks, and he also knew that the young guy in the real estate agency was also playing tricks.

no way.

Routine is everywhere.

"In any case, I have now learned the information I want to get from the communication with this young guy, and the next thing I have to do, of course, is to complete what I should complete, hehe, and it must be completed."

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