

The tattooed strong man slapped the table with his palm, and there was a sudden noise, and the water glass tilted all of a sudden, and the water flowed all over the table.

"What the hell, you really don't want to eat and drink fine wine, how dare you be arrogant in Lao Tzu's shop?!" The tattooed strong man swished the water on the table to the ground, "Your people are fierce?! I Can't find Bei?! Spicy bastard, beat him!"

Swish swish!

Five strong men rushed over and immediately surrounded Ye Chong.

"Wait!" Ye Chong yelled hastily, and then looked at the strong man with tattoos, "Now the world is full of mutant beasts, we are all human, but we are fighting each other over trivial matters, isn't it appropriate? Sigh~ I I really don't want to fight."

"Fuck! You don't give me big reasons!" The tattooed burly man smiled sinisterly, "Is it a big thing? What a big thing? Hehe, if you give me the money, it's a big thing, If you don't give me money, that's a big ass! Hit him!"

"Wait...wait!" Ye Chong finally returned to his hometown Yangcheng, the excitement in his heart hadn't passed yet, and he really didn't want to fight, leaving an unpleasant memory, "Okay, I'll add money! 150 Ten thousand! I'll give you 150 million, and you return the house to me. From then on, we won't owe each other, okay?!"

"Okay?! What a good ass!" The tattooed strong man smiled evilly, "Listen to me, 526 million points can't be less, and the late payment fee is 1% every day. No matter how wordy, I will take it off you!"

"It's really impossible to talk about it?" Ye Chong looked depressed, "Or else, you should think about it again? Let's do business easily and easily. It's not good for anyone!"

"Bump him!" The tattooed burly man slapped the table, and then spit on the ground, "Give me a discount on the legs first! I won't let this kid run away!"

"Yes!" The five strong men agreed in unison, and rushed towards Ye Chong.







Suddenly, the sound of bones breaking and screams sounded at the same time, and the three strong men were directly knocked to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chong turned his body around, bowed his hands left and right, snapped, and the other two strong men were instantly thrown away amidst the sound of explosions, and rolled to the side amidst screams.


The burly tattooed man was immediately stunned, blinking his panicked eyes, which were full of disbelief.


Ye Chong lit a cigarette, crushed the puffball with a snap, then took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled: "Kneel down."

"What?!" The tattooed burly man was stunned, "What did you say?"

"Kneel down!" Ye Chong gently blew on the cigarette end, "Slap your mouth."

"Fuck! Do you really think you're awesome?!" The tattooed burly man sternly sternly pulled out a machete from under the table, "Damn it, I'll kill you!"


Da da!

Da da da!

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, he took a few steps forward, and said in a cloud of smoke, "150 million, I'll give you the money, and you give me the house. We don't owe each other, how about it?"

"What a fart!" The tattooed burly man roared, swung his knife and slashed at Ye Chong's forehead, and it was a killer move.


Seeing the moment when the machete was about to hit the opponent, the target's figure changed from reality to reality, and disappeared immediately.

Then came the next moment.




The sound of bones breaking and screams suddenly sounded, and then the strong tattooed man fell to his knees on the ground, and immediately let out another groan.


Ye Chong quietly turned around and stood in front of the tattooed burly man, saying in a cold voice, "Slap your mouth."

"Bastard! You messed with the wrong person!" The tattooed burly man stared at him viciously, his eyes gleaming with fierce anger, "I promise! I will make you regret coming to this world!"

"Hehe, your mouth is harder than your fist." Ye Chong smiled slightly and bent down, "You have scolded me countless times, is there anything wrong with letting you slap your mouth? Slap your mouth!"

"What the hell..." Although the tattooed strong man had broken legs and was kneeling on the ground, his hands were free, and he immediately grabbed Ye Chong.


clap clap!

clap clap clap!

Ye Chong dodged lightly to avoid the opponent's attack, and then he slammed his right hand forward and backward, and the loud slap filled the entire space.

At this time, I heard a woman's voice in the back room shouting: "Yes, yes, come quickly, someone is robbing outside, and they are still committing crimes, come and arrest him."

Call ~

Hearing this, Ye Chong couldn't help but gave a wry smile, then stopped his hands, looked at the tattooed man and said, "Bring me my real estate certificate, I will still give you 150 million, do you agree?"

"I don't agree!" The tattooed man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a sneer: "The real estate certificates are all in the financial office in the back room. You can wait for the people from the Public Security Bureau to come and ask for it later!"

"Oh?" Ye Chong looked up at the place where the female voice was just now, and then sighed, "Public Security Bureau? Sigh~ You really know how to make trouble. It's obviously a simple personal matter, but it's really hard to complicate it." Extremely boring."

Looking at the expression on Ye Chong's face, a look of excitement and excitement appeared on the swollen face of the strong tattooed man, as if to say: "Wait, when the people from the Public Security Bureau come, they will definitely take care of you. A bastard who picks quarrels and fights."

Although the tattooed burly man didn't speak, Ye Chong could see the other's emotional changes from his gaze, so he couldn't help shrugging his shoulders, and found a place to sit down.

no way.

run now?

I'm afraid that if he runs away, he will be identified as the perpetrator. At that time, he may not even have a chance to reason.

The point is that he made up his mind to take back the house this time, so he just left. It is estimated that the house takeover will become a distant prospect from now on.

Besides, you can't run away.

Personal information is all in the mortgage company, and no matter where you go, you can't get rid of the identity of the suspect.

Instead of this, it's really better to stay here honestly, and wait for the relevant personnel to come and explain clearly, so as to avoid trouble in the future.



Two cars stopped in front of the mortgage company.


Seven or eight people rushed in, and one of them shouted, "Everyone lie on the ground! Don't move!"

The burly tattooed man gave an evil smile and shouted, "This sitting guy is the perpetrator. He injured many of us for no reason, and he also wanted to rob us of our money."

After speaking, the tattooed burly man jumped forward and lay on the ground.

In this way, except for the people from the Security Bureau, among the remaining seven people in the store, one just got down, and the other five people didn't move after being knocked down. Only Ye Chong was still sitting there. .

"Get down!" The leading man yelled at Ye Chong.

"I'm a warrior." Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he said softly, "Please respect the rights of warriors! We only have the responsibility to stand, not to lie down!"


The scene suddenly fell into silence.

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