Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 430 Familiar Taste

Jinyuan District.

Ye Chong stood downstairs at No. 9, staring at room 302, without saying a word for a long time.

There were people in the room, but obviously not his own family.

An old lady holding a baby was shaking her body while standing on the balcony. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on their faces, exuding warm and peaceful colors. Everything looked so beautiful.

Suddenly, the smell of food wafted from nowhere, pervading the surrounding area, making people's stomachs start to growl, and there was an urge to sit down.

"What kind of taste is that? Hot and sour potato shreds? Or vinegar fish fillet? No, no, it seems to be vinegar potato shreds, my favorite dish. It smells so good, just like my mother's cooking."

Call ~

Ye Chong sighed softly, feeling soft all over his body.

When he saw the old lady in room 302 looking over, he turned around involuntarily and walked slowly outside the community.

"At that time, because I was in urgent need of money, I had no choice but to contact the company on the small card on the side of the road and mortgage the house.

Jinyuan community is an old community, the location is average, the room type of 302 is not good, the area is 82.3 square meters, and the market price is more than 52 points.

However, when it was mortgaged to that company, it was priced at 30.

no way.

At that time, I was really in a hurry, and I was too naive to do things.

In order to raise money to find his family, he had to come up with the idea of ​​a house.

The house is my own home, and I am really reluctant to sell it.

In fact, even if I wanted to sell it, I couldn’t sell it. The title certificate was written in the names of my parents, and there was no way to transfer the property without the presence of the parties involved.

Later, after seeing the small cards distributed on the street, I felt that the procedure was simple, so my head became overwhelmed and I took the road of mortgage.

Ha ha.

At that time, I always felt that the world was full of good people, everyone wanted to help me sincerely, and every company was very formal and responsible.

But what about the fact?

It was a loud slap in the face.

And ah.

At that time, I was young and energetic, and I always wanted to soar into the sky. I thought that after I had cash, I invested in the hot stock market at that time and made a fortune. Nothing to lose.


It shouldn't be leveraged.

Do not!

Shouldn't you be in the stock market?

I am too anxious.

and also.

I mortgaged my house to that company, and the price was too low.

But speaking of it, even if the price is more than [-] yuan, I will throw it into the bottomless pit of the stock market and lose everything.

Ma Dan.

I don't know if I suffered a big loss from that company. Is it lucky or not?


As a result, when the time limit was up, I still had no choice but to extend the period according to the financial statement of the other party.

But after the extension period expired, I still had no way to repay the money, so I had to continue to extend the period.

People are confused by such a development. To be honest, I really don't know how much I owe that company now.

According to the agreement, not only does the house belong to others now, but I also owe a whole lot of debt to that company.

How stupid.

It was only later that I found out that the company was bullying me when I was young, and it didn't follow the rules of their industry at all. Instead, it targeted me personally and used some disgraceful means, which made me fall into a routine loan.

Fortunately, time and space have changed, and the environment of the world has changed drastically and is in chaos. Otherwise, I might still be driven to death by debt collection as I remember?

But then again, in black and white, to put it bluntly, it was because I was too young and not careful enough to cause trouble.

Ha ha.

If it wasn't for redeeming my home today, I really shouldn't be dealing with this company anymore. My current behavior is really no different from throwing myself into a trap.


cheat what?


Revenge for what?

As an adult, I actually took the initiative to find the cheat, seek the revenge, knowing that it was a trap, I insisted on jumping into it, I would not die if I didn’t do it, if I want to get revenge, I have to seek revenge from myself first.

It's like meeting a poisonous snake on the road, you just need to stay away from it, you have to touch it, hug it, and you won't be surprised if you don't get bitten.


this matter……

Take it as a tempering of my martial artist's heart.

In the future, the road to martial arts will be full of dangers. It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. If I want to go far on this road, I must always be vigilant and not blindly cause more troubles.


It's still late today, I don't know if that company will be off work?

Forget it, it doesn't matter, it's okay, let's go and see the situation first. "

Ye Chong walked unhurriedly towards a street outside Jinyuan Community, where there are many restaurants and shops, including many real estate agencies, mortgage companies and pawnshops, as well as supermarkets, hotels, bars and other business establishments, which are a few nearby The liveliest area within the residential area.

"Even if the mortgage company is closed, I can stay there first, eat some food and so on, and wait until the next day. Well, I remember that there is a steamed stuffed bun restaurant that does a good job, and it also tastes like boiled chicken and salted duck Well, you can have a full meal."

After Ye Chong strolled to that street, his eyes lit up after he hadn't walked far, and found that not only most of the real estate agencies were open for business, it was very lively, even the door of the mortgage company was open. No off work.

He couldn't help speeding up his pace and walked towards the mortgage company, but stopped when he passed a real estate agency.

"Sir, should you buy a house or sell it?" A young man walked out of the store quickly, seeing Ye Chong's age, he immediately asked, "Is it renting a house?"

"No, I'm just looking at the listing information here." Ye Chong smiled slightly, and pointed to the housing sales information posted on the advertising board at the door, "Huh? The housing price has gone up?"

"Yes, housing prices have risen rapidly recently, which is a good time to invest in real estate," the young man looked at the other party, and then said:

“Actually, it’s not bad to buy a small apartment.

Live comfortably by yourself.

In the future, it will be realized quickly.

Even if it is a rental, it is easy to rent.

Moreover, the current loan interest rate is relatively favorable, which is easy to handle.

Hehe, if you missed this wave of market, it will be too late to regret. "

"Why is it rising so fast? I remember that the two-bedroom apartment in Jinyuan District used to be more than 6000 yuan per square meter, right?" Ye Chong pointed to a house in Jinyuan District on the advertising board, with a look of surprise on his face, "Now it's 8200 ?”

"Hehe, what is this? It is rising every day. It is estimated that by the end of the year, it will rise to more than 1, especially for this kind of small apartment, and everyone is grabbing it." The young man smiled and puffed his chest, and then said:

"Brother, I don't think you are very old, so let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart.

There are countless good opportunities in this life.

When the opportunity is in front of me, I missed it, and I will regret it for the rest of my life.

you see me.

Is this dress okay?

I bought it for 2000 yuan.

I tell you, I just took an opportunity not long ago and didn't let it slip away.

Otherwise, I don't know if I have anything to eat right now. "

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