Lin Xiaomei walked over quietly, and said softly: "Captain, how about...forget it? There are a lot of people coming and going, isn't it good?"

"It's nothing bad," Ye Chong's mouth curled up. "I'm an unreasonable person, and I don't want to suffer. I hit him because he scolded me first and then hit me. Just now he sneaked up on me from behind. , it was his fault, of course I can't suffer from being dumb."

"..." Lin Xiaonuan stared blankly, "Captain, you won't bother me, will you?"

"Hehe, what are you talking about?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "After leaving for such a long time, I really miss you all."

Da da da!

The short-haired girl also approached, followed by the long-haired girl.

Seeing Lin Xiaonuan and the two girls sizing each other up, Ye Chong immediately looked at the tall and handsome man with black lines all over his head and said:

"Stand up! If you're a man, don't kneel!"

"No!" The tall and handsome man shouted, "I don't! I will do it myself!"

Immediately afterwards, at the next moment, the tall and handsome man bowed his right leg and smashed his right elbow downward, and there was a crackling sound, and then he raised his head with a muffled grunt: "Is this all right?!"


There was an uproar at the scene.

Everyone looked at Ye Chong with a look of shock, and the eyes of the tall and handsome man were full of pity.

"It's cruel enough to myself, but this seems to be the best choice, or the worst thing is to break my legs."

"Hehe, the big and tall warrior should also be here to participate in the Martial Arts Conference, right? This is great, his face is rotten, his hands are broken, and his right leg is broken. He can only go back home."

"Actually, for warriors, these injuries can be recovered within a month or two at most, and there will be no hidden dangers. However, it is inevitable to suffer a little bit, and it will delay the cultivation. Hehe, it deserves it. You are a martial artist, and you can’t manage yourself well.”

"The key to this big and tall man, I'm afraid it's not as simple as the trauma. In front of everyone's eyes, being made into a disgraced face is the biggest blow to him psychologically. Let's learn from it."

"However, it's strange for you to say it. Didn't this big tall man say that his father is the director? Why did he come to Yangcheng this time without any friends or followers? It seems that he is not the same as the director's son? Hahaha."

"Hehe, how big an official do you think the director is? He is also the director, but there is a big difference in level. The bureau at the national level must be higher than the bureau at the county or even the township level. I don't know how many levels."

"Let's go, let's go, let's go."


Ye Chong's face was calm, he glanced at the other party, then turned to look at Lin Xiaonuan and the others, his expression changed immediately.

The three of them didn't speak, they just stared at each other with eyes full of indescribable complexity.

"Xiao Nuan, let's go." Ye Chong greeted, then smiled at the girl with long hair and the girl with short hair, "Hurry up and go home, don't attract wolves outside."

"Brother, why are you going?!" The short-haired girl stepped forward, tilting her head and looking at Ye Chong, "Didn't we agree to go to work?"

"..." Lin Xiaonuan looked over with staring eyes, with a strong look of doubt in his eyes.

"What are you doing? Who's going to do it for you?" Ye Chong subconsciously glanced at Lin Xiaonuan, and immediately turned his face to the short-haired girl and said, "You and your sister go home first, don't make trouble for me."

"Then you're not going home?" The short-haired girl refused to let go, and glanced at Lin Xiaonuan, "What are you going to do?"

"..." The doubts on Lin Xiaonuan's face became more intense. She frowned slightly and looked at the girl with long hair and the girl with short hair, and then looked at Ye Chong, "So you still have a home in Yangcheng?"

"Yes," Ye Chong nodded, "Of course I have a home in Yangcheng."

When he just said this, Ye Chong suddenly felt that something was wrong.


The gazes of Lin Xiaonuan, the long-haired girl and the short-haired girl all looked at him in unison, obviously full of indescribable strangeness.

Ye Chong's head was covered with black lines, he knew there must be a misunderstanding.

But the problem was, he didn't want to care about misunderstandings or not. Originally, he didn't have any superfluous thoughts about Lin Xiaonuan, long-haired girls and short-haired girls, and of course he wasn't afraid of misunderstandings.


Things don't seem quite right now.

Of course he can take care of himself, but he can't take care of others, especially when facing these sensitive girls, he really has no choice.

Do you have to transform into a vicious villain to keep them away?

But he wanted to live a simpler life and be more natural, so why did he have to play someone he didn't like?

"no way.

I can't bother you.

It seems that it is better for me to talk less.


Originally, I wanted to catch up with Lin Xiaonuan, but it seems that I can't do it today.

In order to avoid more and more troubles, maybe my only correct choice is to get out and get out of here. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong took out his mobile phone, put it to his ear, and said loudly:



Haha, is it Old Du?

Okay, okay, I'll find you when I'm free.

how about it?

How are you?


Oh oh.


Wait for me, I'll find you later. "


Ye Chong put down the phone, then looked at Lin Xiaonuan and the others with a smile, and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, my brother is in a hurry to find me something, if you don't go, this guy can tear me down, so I'm sorry, let's go first One step, let's meet again by fate."

After speaking, Ye Chong nodded, and then walked towards the square in front of the station with big strides. At this moment, he heard shouts from behind.

"Captain, how can I contact you? My sister, and... There are many people who want to meet you."

"Little brother, didn't you take me to do business? Why did you leave by yourself? I hate it so much."

"By the way, little brother, are you still going back to Zhongdu? Our home is in Nanhu District. Come and play with my sister when you have time."

Call ~

Ye Chong smiled wryly to himself, and couldn't help but turned around and said with a laugh:

"You guys be careful.

We will meet again in the future.

By the way, you three really look alike.

Both have a nose, two eyes, and a small mouth. "

Da da da!

Ye Chong seemed to be walking slowly but quickly, and soon disappeared. Lin Xiaonuan and the three of them couldn't catch up even if they wanted to.

"Hey, Yangcheng is a small place, and the mobile phone signal has not been officially restored," Lin Xiaonuan said bitterly, "How could you receive a call?"

"Hmph, I knew my little brother was a liar." The short-haired girl pouted, "I really want to go with him."

"Oh~" the long-haired girl sighed softly, and put her arms around the short-haired girl's shoulders.

Of course Ye Chong didn't know what happened behind him, but he quickly moved towards the place in his memory.

"fair enough.

Then go home and have a look.

If it goes well, have a good talk with the other person.

However, no matter how high the price they offer, I still have to take down the house, and I absolutely cannot lose my home. "

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