Lin Xiaonuan gently pulled Ye Chong's arm, and whispered something.

It roughly means that these warriors who came to Yangcheng basically came to participate in the martial arts conference, and the purpose of her coming to the train station was also to meet the participants as a volunteer for the martial arts conference. For such a guy, I have suffered a dark loss, and I can't explain why.

Ye Chong suddenly realized, seeing that Lin Xiaonuan was unwilling to be troublesome, he couldn't help sighing, took her hand, turned around and left.


Amidst the discussion, the crowd of onlookers also began to disperse.


A sudden breaking wind sounded.


Ye Chong was kicked in the back of the waist, and in severe pain, he flew forward with a whoosh.

But at the next moment, he spun around in the air, turned around and landed floatingly.


There was a burst of applause at the scene.

"it is good!"


"The tall one's kick is so powerful, if it were someone else, he would have to be kicked to pieces."

"It's still that person's superb agility. When he was attacked from behind, he was able to unload his strength in the air and turn around in the air. This kind of agility in actual combat is extremely difficult."

"What's the use of good agility? It's not like being tricked by someone. Don't look at the landing. The injury is not serious. I guess the tailbone has been broken, right?"

"This big and tall warrior is a bit unnatural. He has already left, but he is still conducting a surprise attack behind his back, and he is still killing him. It is too much."

"Hey, look at what you said, if you were beaten until your face was rotten, and in front of so many people, and you are still a martial artist, can you just let it go? Impossible?!"

"Fuck, yes, that's the reason, but the problem is, this thing is so messed up, it seems to be blowing up again?!"

"Haha, it's not that it's big, it's because there's a good show to watch, understand?"


"Captain, are you okay?" Lin Xiaonuan's face was bleak, her face was pale, she had already held Ye Chong's body, her eyes were full of concern and guilt, "It's all my fault. Here comes such a thing."

Da da da!

The long-haired girl and the short-haired girl ran over in a hurry. Although they didn't speak, their eyes were red and swollen, and they were about to shed tears.

"I'm fine." Ye Chong frowned, gently pushed Lin Xiaonuan away from holding his hand, and then looked at the tall and handsome man coldly.

The latter's eyes changed, he took two steps back, and then shouted fiercely, "If you dare to act recklessly again, I will make you disappear from this world forever."


dong dong!

Boom boom boom!

Ye Chong didn't speak, and walked towards the other party step by step. The heavy footsteps sounded like a death knell being sounded.

"Bastard, do you know who I am?!" The tall man continued to step back, his eyes panicked, "My dad... my dad is the director!"


dong dong!

Boom boom boom!

Ye Chong's footsteps were unwavering, like a long sword, slowly piercing into the opponent's heart.



Deng Deng Deng!

The tall and handsome man began to tremble all over, and kept walking backwards. The hasty and flustered footsteps made him almost trip over several times.

"Kneel down!" Ye Chong suddenly shouted when he was only three meters away from the opponent.


The tall and handsome man suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his head, his eyes froze, and he immediately knelt down on the ground.


The crowd watching the excitement all around suddenly burst into an uproar, as if a pot suddenly exploded.

"Fuck! This buddy is amazing, he scared people to their knees without making a move!"

"Haha, an imposing martial artist was scared to pee in full view, this must be big news."

"Didn't the tall man say that his father is the director? Where is it? Why hasn't he appeared yet? He can't be the director of the dinner, right?"

"Damn it, did you see that, this guy's eyes are very cruel, let alone a tall warrior, if it were me, I would have to scare the kneeling bird."


The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he looked at the other party, thinking, "I didn't expect the effect of Jingyuan stab to be quite good.

"Don't come here! Don't come here!" The tall and handsome man knelt on the ground and moved back.

"Okay, I won't go," Ye Chong nodded with a stern expression, "I just want to ask, which foot did you use to kick me?"

"What are you going to do?! My hand is already broken, what else do you want to do?" The tall and handsome man growled in a low voice, and continued to back away.

"Actually, you don't have to be so afraid. I really don't want to make you kneel on the ground." Ye Chong raised his lips, "I'm really not interested in men."


There was bursts of laughter at the scene, and there were piercing screams and booing from time to time.

"What on earth do you want to do?!" The tall and handsome man almost collapsed, "I have already done what you asked."

"Apologize." Ye Chong said flatly.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kicked you!" The tall and handsome man lowered his head.

"No, I didn't ask you to apologize to me, I don't need such an apology." Ye Chong smiled slightly, turned his head and glanced at Lin Xiaonuan, "Apologize to her, she shed a lot of tears, so I ask you to use blood to make up for it .”

"Okay," the tall and handsome man looked at Lin Xiaonuan, "I was wrong! It's all because I drank a little wine and did something I shouldn't do, I'm sorry!"

Lin Xiaonuan turned her head and looked away, not bothering to pay attention to the other party, but there was a hint of victory in her eyes.

"Are you ready?" The tall and handsome man looked at Ye Chong again, "Can I go?"

"Apologize." Ye Chong said flatly.

"I have already apologized." The tall and handsome man was a little mad, "Everyone saw it."

"Yes, you apologized to her," Ye Chong said calmly, "Now you need to apologize to me."

" don't count what you say!" The tall and handsome man's eyes flickered, "You said it clearly just now, you don't need my apology."

"Yes, I said that you don't need to apologize to me like that," Ye Chong said slowly, with one corner of his mouth slightly raised:

"I need you to stand up like a man and apologize to me.

By the way, tell me, which leg did you kick me with?

I thought, I'll leave with it. "


Suddenly there was a commotion at the scene, as if they had suddenly entered the market.

"What?" The tall and handsome man froze for a moment, then took a few steps back as if he had figured it out, and shouted loudly: "No, no, no, I don't! I don't want to stand up and apologize to you, I want to kneel Go! I'm going to kneel!"


There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

"Okay, since you like to kneel, then I won't make it difficult for you, and I will give you three choices." Ye Chong nodded calmly, "First, you stand up and fight with me, and I will tell you what is right for me." Apologize; second, you are still kneeling there, and I will move your feet myself, so that your two legs will kneel there forever; third, you do it yourself, whichever leg attacked me, it will be broken by itself."

When he said this, the corner of Ye Chong's mouth turned up, and he narrowed his eyes to look at the opponent's legs: "So, what is your choice?"

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