Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 427 I'm Never Reasonable

"You said I touched you? Well, tell me, where did I touch you? How did I touch you?" The tall and handsome man held his head high, with a wicked smile, and looked down at the young man with disdain. The girl said, "It's bright and bright, in broad daylight, you little girl has a red mouth and white teeth, and you have no shame, but you have to show evidence, don't you want to touch porcelain?"

"Shameless! You know if you have done something bad." The young girl blushed with anger, "You are so powerful, you should be a warrior. Are you not afraid of being a warrior by acting so recklessly?"

"Hehe, I understand now," the tall and handsome man looked at the young girl up and down, with an intriguing smile on his lips, "I wonder now, do you know that I am a warrior, so you came to touch porcelain? Or just want to ask me to drive? Hehe, you are smart, you know how much money a warrior has, right?!"

"You..." The young girl blushed with anger, and she was about to shed tears.

At this moment, there was a burst of malicious laughter from the surrounding crowd, which made the young girl's eyes turn red and her body trembled.

"Rang Rang." Ye Chong waved his hands in the crowd and walked into the field.

Both the tall and handsome man and the young girl glanced at him with doubts.

But at the next moment, the young girl suddenly burst into tears.

The tears in her eyes fell down like broken pearls.

That helpless look is like a helpless little girl standing in the wilderness, suddenly discovering that her closest relatives suddenly appeared by her side.

"Okay, Xiao Nuan, don't cry." Ye Chong stepped forward and sighed, "I'm here, don't be afraid."

Unexpectedly, it would be better not to speak, but as soon as she finished speaking, Lin Xiaonuan cried and threw herself into his arms, trembling as if she had been greatly wronged.

In an instant, Ye Chong was completely in chaos.

He lightly patted Lin Xiaonuan on the shoulder, then looked coldly at the tall and handsome man.


There was a commotion at the scene again.

Everyone looked at Ye Chong and Lin Xiaonuan with a strange look in their eyes, as if they had discovered some secret.

Especially the long-haired girl and the short-haired girl both looked unattractive, as if they had just been bullied and suffered great grievances.

The tall and handsome man snorted, looked at Ye Chong with a look of disdain, then turned around proudly and left.

"Did I let you go?" Ye Chong said calmly.

"Whether I go or not, it's none of your business?!" The tall and handsome man suddenly turned around and said coldly in an oppressive tone.

"Kneel down!" Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and his voice was calm.

"Fuck! You two really are a couple, one is framing me, the other is screaming like a mad dog." The tall and handsome man showed a hint of sarcasm, and looked at Ye Chong with deep disdain "You don't even know right from wrong?!"

"It doesn't matter, I trust her." The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "Kneel down."

"Don't be impulsive, he is a warrior." Lin Xiaonuan stopped crying, tugged at Ye Chong's arm, and then smiled sweetly, "Go, I haven't seen you for a long time, I invite you to dinner."

"Warrior?" Ye Chong looked calm, "Warrior should know right and wrong, and not tarnish the identity of a warrior."

"Made!" The tall and handsome man sneered, "What kind of a ball are you, and you're still talking too much, so get out!"

"Get out?!" The corner of Ye Chong's mouth slowly curled up, and he said coldly, "How to get out?!"

"You are hot and spicy!" The tall and handsome man walked a few steps closer to the other party, "The dog in the small place wants to go against the sky in front of the warrior?!"

Ye Chong smiled slightly, lowered his head and patted Lin Xiaonuan's shoulder lightly and said, "You step back first, it won't look good if you get splashed with blood."

"Captain, you...don't..." Lin Xiaonuan's face was full of anxiety, and tears rolled down unstoppably.

"Fuck! Come, come, come, you brat, come and hit me!" The tall and handsome man sneered, turned his head and spit on the ground.

Ye Chong faced the other party and walked forward step by step, staring at the other party's eyes like a hook.

court death!

The tall and handsome man raised his hand and slapped him.

Ye Chong didn't dodge or dodge, but accelerated suddenly, swish, swish, and slapped towards the opposite door.



The tall and handsome man let out a scream and fell to the ground on his back, his big face already rotted into a ball.

At the next moment, Ye Chong took a step forward and stomped on the opponent's right hand.



The tall and handsome man immediately howled like killing a pig.


The crowd of onlookers at the scene suddenly seemed to explode.

"How is this possible? Isn't the tall man a warrior? How could he be defeated by this person?"

"Hey, what's wrong with the tall guy being a warrior? Can't this person be a warrior?"

"I see, this new buddy is not only a warrior, but also has a very high level of cultivation."

"Fuck, this is awesome. I just saw the big tall guy really use his hands and feet. I didn't expect the little girl's boyfriend to be so powerful. The big tall warrior is deflated this time."

"It's what they deserve. They are all warriors. The absolute elite of the human race actually do stupid things like molesting girls in public. They deserve to be beaten up."

"However, this girl's boyfriend is also awesome. It is obvious that the other party attacked first and took the initiative, but he came first and attacked the enemy with one move. Awesome!"

"Haha, I didn't expect that such a wonderful battle scene can be seen in a small place like Yangcheng. It's just a pity. This big and tall warrior is too weak to be vulnerable."


The long-haired girl frowned slightly, and the short-haired girl pouted. The two looked at Ye Chong with complicated expressions, a little excited, a little envious, a little resentful, and a little angry.

Lin Xiaonuan's pretty face was full of doubts, and she looked at Ye Chong with unbelievable shock and excitement.

" did he do it? The guy on the other side is a martial artist, so...he was knocked down all at once? Team...captain...captain...why does it always bring so many unexpected surprises? ?!"


"Remember, silly, a warrior's right hand is used to kill the enemy, not to do bad things." Ye Chong said coldly.

"I didn't! I didn't use my right hand to do anything bad!" The tall and handsome man howled with blood splashing.

"Okay, so that means admitting to doing bad things with your left hand?!" Ye Chong raised his mouth and stomped on the opponent's left hand.



The tall and handsome man rolled to one side amidst the screams, and kept howling: "Why are you being unreasonable?!"

"Reasonable?!" One corner of Ye Chong's mouth slowly curled up, "I've never been reasonable with unreasonable people!"

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