Like a steel-armored iron dragon, the train pierced the hazy and cold night sky, rumbling forward, and the interior of the carriage was full of heat and emotions.

Everyone's eyes were shining with brilliance, as if they had changed from the bottom of the human race to the proud warrior elite overnight.

Almost the same scene was also being played out in other carriages.

At the same time, in the soft sleeper box near the locomotive, Ye Chong sat cross-legged on the bed, watching his nose, nose and heart, and the big world with his mind, quietly practicing the martial arts part of "Destroying the World" .

It didn't take long before the physical data including physique, qi, blood and spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness reached perfection.

Immediately after the next moment, after a combat achievement point was snatched by the net of consciousness, it was quietly placed on the column of vitality and blood.


Amidst the flickering light, the Qi and blood column increased a little again.

At the same time, the combat achievement points column also turned cold gray.

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he continued to practice without hesitation.

Of course he knew in his heart that the first road and the third road complement each other, which is the real way to quickly improve his cultivation.

And only by constantly striding forward on this broad avenue, can we really get rid of the chasing pace of those mutant beasts hiding in the dark.

Yangcheng Railway Station.

When Ye Chong got off the train, it was like a dream.

According to the original travel time and plan of the train, it should have been on the road for five days and six nights. Unexpectedly, the new train arrived in less than three days.

Speaking of which, this is really a bit of a blessing in disguise.

In fact, the speed of the anaerobic first-class coke train is not slow, similar to the green leather trains in the old world, but it takes a long time to refuel on the platform, and there is an alarm of mutant beasts attacking along the way, so it is a waste more time.

The new type of train that was transferred did not have this problem. It has a long train, adequate fuel preparations, fast train speed, short maintenance time to enter the platform, and high defensiveness. The general police situation is meaningless to it. Of course, it can run smoothly. soon.

But in this way, Ye Chong's head is a bit big.

Two or three days ahead of schedule.

With this time, it would be better to go to the Leqing Mountains or even the Longsu Land to earn some combat points. That is a good thing. It is a little bit more, which is not too much.

But since this is already the case, there is no point in thinking about it, and it is not without benefits to arrive early, at least you can stay away from the train conductor named Wei Hao, right?

In the past few days in the soft sleeper box, he has come to toss a lot.

Ye Chong wanted to get angry at first, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

After all, there is no need to waste any time to use the third way to improve the cultivation level. When the time comes, you can just allocate it directly, and then wait for the next hour to come.

In fact, it is not bad to arrive in Yangcheng early.

The family house has been mortgaged to others for various reasons, and if it is not redeemed in a month or so, then the house will belong to others.

This is something he can't accept. After all, the family has lost contact, and the house is the only home. If this home is gone, there will be nothing to think about.

Yangcheng is a small city, and the train station is not big. Once you get out of the platform, you will see the square in front of the station, but there are quite a few people coming to pick up passengers.

"The blue sky and white clouds are not like in the old world, when there is smog and pungent smells everywhere, people can't help sneezing.

Call ~

Haven't been back for a long time.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived at the station, I couldn't help being a little emotional and excited.

People say that they like to look back on the past when they are old. Am I old too?

Ha ha.

Forget it.

I better stop thinking about it.

The most urgent thing is to be busy with business. "

Ye Chong smiled and quickened his pace.

"Little brother, wait for me." A panting voice came from behind.

He stopped and turned his head to watch the long-haired girl and the short-haired girl trotting.

"When you come out...there will be no adults to follow?" Ye Chong sighed, "No one will know if you are caught by a wolf."

"How can there be a wolf? My little brother is here. We are not afraid of anything." The short-haired girl smiled and showed her small canine teeth. "My sister is 18 years old, and I am also 15 years old. They are both adults and not children."

"Hee hee." The long-haired girl covered her mouth with her small hands and chuckled.

"Are you alright?" Ye Chong smiled and nodded.

"There's nothing wrong with it, what's wrong?" The long-haired girl blushed, "My younger sister is quite naughty, brother, don't blame her."

"What are you talking about? Why am I being naughty? It's obvious that you lost your skin." The short-haired girl pouted, then turned anger into a smile, and looked at Ye Chong, "Where are you going?"

"I..." Ye Chong originally wanted to say the name of the community, but after thinking about it, he immediately said, "Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy."

"Oh, what a coincidence." The short-haired girl cheered happily, clapping her little hands wildly, "We happened to go there too, let's go together."

"..." Ye Chong couldn't help but rolled his eyes in his heart, but he didn't dare to speak nonsense. In broad daylight, if someone cried or something, maybe someone would think he behaved improperly, "What a coincidence! ...Ah...Ah...Hey, I forgot, I promised someone else, I have to go out to do something, oops, I'm sorry, I'll go first."

"Hmph! I happen to be going to do some errands, so let's take a step first." The short-haired girl followed Ye Chong closely, "Brother, where are we going?"

"I'll go! You girl, aren't you afraid that I'm a bad person?!" Ye Chong immediately stopped in his tracks, and made a face, "If you follow, I'll sell you out."

"Cut, come on, if my little brother is a villain, can he still save so many people on the wilderness platform?" The short-haired girl rolled her eyes, "Who are you kidding? You're so disgusted."

"..." Ye Chong blinked, and was speechless.

"Hee hee." The long-haired girl lightly brushed her beautiful hair and said with a smile: "Little brother, don't be as knowledgeable as her. This girl has been spoiled since she was a child. Go home and let my mother take care of her."

"Hmph, it's disgusting." The short-haired girl pouted.

"..." Ye Chong smiled wryly to himself, not knowing what to do.

"Little sister, don't talk nonsense." The long-haired girl glared at the short-haired girl.

At this time, there was a commotion five to sixty meters away.


Ye Chong turned his head to look, and couldn't help being stunned.

Then he walked there quickly.

The long-haired girl and the short-haired girl froze for a moment, then followed closely behind.

Where the crowd gathered, a tall and handsome man and a beautiful young girl stood face to face in the middle.

It seemed that the tall and handsome man looked at the girl with a look of unscrupulousness and teasing, but the girl's eyes were full of anger and helplessness.

Ye Chong's heart suddenly became mixed and messy.

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