"Monster? What monster?" Ye Chong was stunned upon hearing this.

But before he had time to react, the short-haired girl threw herself into her arms like the wind, and shouted tremblingly, "Little brother, I'm afraid, my sister was bitten."

"What?! The mutated mouse went up?!" Ye Chong was startled, and he straightened the girl's body. Seeing the other party's pear blossoms with rain, he couldn't help but feel tight, "Where did you bite?"

"My sister was bitten by a snake when she went to the toilet. She was frightening to death." The short-haired girl cried bitterly, "Little brother, what should I do, only you can save her."

"..." Ye Chong looked confused, not understanding why he was the only one who could save her, "Stop talking, let's go up and have a look."

"My sister used to tell her fortune, saying that if she gets hurt in the future, Prince Charming will definitely come to save her." The short-haired girl followed Ye Chong upstairs, crying, "She's hurt now, so Little brother, you have to hurry up, otherwise there will be no Prince Charming, and fortune-telling will be inaccurate, a waste of money, and my sister said..."

"Stop talking, I'm dizzy," Ye Chong coughed, "I'm not some kind of prince charming, and I don't know how to treat illnesses. See if there is a doctor up there."

As soon as he entered the gate on the sixth floor, he saw a group of people gathered outside a room. Ye Chong and the short-haired girl hurried over.

The train conductor was standing at the door. When he saw Ye Chong approaching, he immediately said, "A girl was injured, but her condition is stable now. An experienced doctor has just treated her wound."

"Okay." Ye Chong nodded, subconsciously looked into the room, and saw a five or sixty-year-old female doctor looking over, and both of them could not help but smile slightly.


The short-haired girl suddenly burst into tears, and she didn't know whether it was because of happiness, excitement, or fear.

"Don't cry, I can see from the doctor's eyes that your sister's wound is not serious, so she should be fine." Ye Chong turned his head to comfort him, "So, don't worry."

"No...not..." the short-haired girl was sobbing, "She...she...she is a woman, not Prince Charming..."


Ye Chong shivered for a while, covered his mouth suddenly, then bent down and coughed a few times.

"Originally, the restrooms have been disabled after a dangerous situation occurred, but you also know that people have three urgencies, especially women. It is really inappropriate to have no place to go to the restroom." The conductor looked serious and spread his hands, "But One thing is strange, I have used super aqua regia to clean the toilet bowl and sewer pipes, I really don't understand how these nasty mutated snakes climbed up."

"Mutated snake?" Ye Chong frowned slightly and nodded, "Sure enough, it's a nest of snakes and rats, and no one can do without the other."

When he said this, Ye Chong stopped talking, frowned, and suddenly said:

"Compared with the ordinary orcs of the old world, the biggest improvement of the mutant beasts now is the increase in body resistance, and the mutant snakes are no exception.

Therefore, it is difficult to say how effective the acidic corrosive liquid of super aqua regia has on these guys.

Moreover, I once saw a report made by an expert who specializes in mutant beasts on the Internet, saying that reptile beasts, including snakes, etc., after mutations, their own acid secretion is strong, and they are resistant to acid. Also very strong.

So, Super Aqua Regia...



Mr. Train Conductor, please check to see if there is any caustic soda in the military supply depot, which is an item marked with sodium hydroxide.

Perhaps this kind of strong alkaline is the real restraint for the mutated snake. "

"Yes, yes, when I was taking super regia, I seemed to have seen something with sodium hydroxide written on it." The conductor's face brightened, "I will take someone to handle it now. Let me tell you, haha, these mutations Snakes are not even afraid of super aqua regia, so it is because they like strong acid themselves."

After seeing the train conductor lead the people away in a hurry, Ye Chong glanced at the long-haired girl lying on the bed in the room again, and he couldn't help but secretly sighed.

"Little brother, is sister really okay?" The short-haired girl looked at Ye Chong tearfully, "But... when she was telling her fortune, the master said that only Prince Charming can cure her disease."

"Well, judging from the look on his face, there should be nothing wrong with him. He should be able to recover after a night of sleep. Hehe, you... don't worry, the body's own immune system is very strong, and a night's sleep is better than anything else." Ye Chong smiled slightly, and continued:

"Your sister asked a fortune teller to tell her fortune. It's because she has a heart disease, which is also called lovesickness. Ordinary doctors can't cure it. The fortune teller knows everything in his heart, and he is right when he says that Prince Charming can cure it. .”

"Then... little brother..." The short-haired girl looked confused, she looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years old, with tears in her eyes, she looked more and more cute, "Then... what should I do?"

"Hehe, I've said it's nothing, so what can I do or not? You little girl, do you know what age you are at, and you will have age sickness? Well, don't worry, just grow up slowly. That's good." Ye Chong smiled slightly, and continued:


I think your physical condition is good, full of energy and blood, you should be a good seed for martial arts.

But don't miss the good opportunity, and don't think about your little brother day and night.

Ha ha.

It’s true that my little brother can’t save you, the only one who can really rely on you in the future is yourself..."

"Then... little brother, help me, no, hee hee, teach me martial arts, okay?" The short-haired girl stretched out her soft little hand and wanted to grab Ye Chong's big paw, "How about it, little brother?"

"..." Ye Chong turned sideways intentionally or unintentionally, avoiding the opponent's attack, and then said with black lines all over his head: "Go and see your sister, she needs relatives by her side at this time."

"Oh, I see." The short-haired girl twisted her body and trotted into the room.

Ye Chong soon found the corpse of the mutated snake in the innermost bathroom on the sixth floor. It was about one meter long, with yellow and green patterns. At first glance, it looked like an ordinary snake in the old world.

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that the scales of this snake are larger, thicker, and stronger than those of ordinary snakes in the old world, especially the scales on the abdomen can be fully opened, forming an angle with the body, This will obviously increase friction and facilitate crawling in special environments.

In addition, the teeth of this mutated snake are divided into upper and lower rows, interlaced and clustered, much more than ordinary snakes in the old world.

"This is just an ordinary mutated snake with such a snake body.

I don't know what kind of strange changes will happen to mutant snakes of S1, S2, S3 or even SS1 and above.


There are hundreds of millions of mutated beast races, but among them, there are more than a million branches of the snake clan. It is so ever-changing that it is really hard to guard against. "

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