Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 420 The Thin Red Line

Ye Chong was thinking about something, and went straight from the sixth floor to the third floor and the second floor, checked the corpses of the mutated snakes that had been killed, and frowned.

There is no doubt that it is indeed the same as his judgment.

One of the S1 mutant snakes has significantly improved in all aspects of the body compared to ordinary mutant snakes.

In particular, the layer of liquid secreted between the scales has a strong pungent smell. It should be an acid liquid similar to super aqua regia. It is afraid that if it contaminates the human body, it will cause unimaginable harm.

Judging from this point of view, it is just right to use sodium hydroxide, which is called caustic soda and caustic soda, to deal with them.

"Sir, in addition to a small amount of caustic soda, there is also a large amount of lime in the military supplies depot. I wonder if it can be used?" The train conductor hurried over and said.

"Lime?" Ye Chong smiled slightly and nodded, "Very well, this kind of thing is just right for this place. It can be mixed with water to form lime water, which is the nemesis of mutant snakes."

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements right away." The train conductor grinned, and suddenly seemed to remember something, lowered his voice, "Sir, is there nothing wrong with the rescue team?"

"No." Ye Chong looked calm and smiled slightly, "They have controlled the situation and are clearing the platform. We may be able to evacuate in a short time, but we still have to do our defense. Don't let the mutated snake If you take advantage of the loophole, all your hard work will be in vain.”

"Yes, yes, yes." The train conductor nodded vigorously, then grinned, "Don't worry, with these strong alkaline solutions, all the mutated snakes in the sewer will definitely be burned to death."

After speaking, the train conductor led the people to work happily.

At the same time, a hot and pungent smell began to waft in the entire wilderness fortress. After a little smell, it made people cough a few times.

call out!



Suddenly, a series of strange sounds suddenly sounded all around. It sounded a bit like the sound of air flowing in the water pipe after the water was cut off, and it was a bit like a lot of people hiding in the dark and whistling, but it was chaotic. Blow one breath, it is not tuned at all.

Ye Chong had already arrived on the second floor at this moment, and he heard a strange sound coming from the kitchen next to him, so he couldn't help walking over quickly.

It turns out that the water pipe switch on the vegetable sink is turning counterclockwise, and the strange blowing sound is coming from the pipe of the water pipe.


Ye Chong raised the saber in his hand forward, lightly touched the switch of the water pipe, and then frowned.

He could clearly feel a strange force slowly turning the switch, and the whistling sound was obviously related to this.

"The water pipes and switches are made of alloy materials developed by New World, which are difficult to damage, especially the switches, which are exquisitely designed and solid, so there is little possibility of mechanical failure.

The strange phenomenon that is appearing now should be caused by external forces.

Either there is a strong air current pushing it rhythmically.

Either that, or something in the pipe is spinning it hard.

Speaking of it, it's really weird.

The water pipes are narrow and narrow, it is impossible for mutated rats to get in, and there should be no mutated snakes crawling inside.

too thin.

Not much thicker than a thumb, and...



its not right.

why not?

why not?

What is really impossible in this world right now? "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong stretched out his hand without hesitation, and turned off the switch tightly.

The whoosh stopped.

The switch doesn't turn anymore either.

But at the next moment, the entire water pipe shook violently.

At the same time, the switch on the top also seemed to be nervous, turning rapidly counterclockwise.

At the same time, there was a loud whistling sound, and an indescribable sour smell gushed out.


A small pink head was exposed, and a thinner red line spit out from the scarlet mouth, and there were sparkling lights in its eyes.

Ye Chong couldn't help being stunned, and before he had time to react further, his little pink head poked forward, revealing a body more than half a foot long.

I go!

This is an S2 mutant snake!

Ye Chong flicked his wrist, clicked, and the saber in his hand accelerated continuously, swishing and whirling, twisting the upper half of the mutated snake into a blood mist.

The first move of the "Destroying Heaven and Earth" technique is the knife drill, also known as the meat grinder drill. Once it is used, it is like turning the sword in your hand into a high-speed rotating drill. It is powerful and indestructible.

Ye Chong seldom used this move. Although he had used it before at Longsu and the platform, it was all done subconsciously. This time it happened suddenly, and he used this move instinctively.

"Unexpectedly, the effect is really good. To deal with this kind of thin mutant beast in the future, it is best to use this trick of the meat grinder drill, which can instantly twist the opponent into a rain of blood.

But the question is, shouldn't the higher the level of the mutant beast, the bigger the body will be?

Why is this red mutant snake already at level S2, but its body is smaller than ordinary mutant snakes?


This kind of mutated snake that looks like a thin red line should not belong to the same tribe as the mutated snake I saw just now, and there are quite a few differences in shape and appearance.

Besides, the expert who studied mutant beasts also said that the higher the level of mutant beasts, the larger their size is, which is a common phenomenon, but it does not mean that it is the only phenomenon.

In other words, everything is possible now. "


The lower half of the S2-level mutated snake slid down. It was less than one meter long, but not much thicker than chopsticks.


Ye Chong exerted force with his hands, click, click, and under the surge of energy and blood, he directly bent the water pipe, but that was the only way to go. It was not easy to break the new alloy material.



"Rush out!"

"My God, it's all snakes!"

"Go and call that gentleman!"

"Everyone, don't run, back slowly!"


Suddenly, one after another exclamation sounded in the wilderness fortress, and chaotic shouts were everywhere on the second, third, and sixth floors.

Seeing the guard team rushing out of the bathroom on the second floor, Ye Chong immediately shouted: "Don't panic! Pour all the lime powder and caustic soda into the bathroom, then close the door and lock it!"

The warrior who led the team immediately frowned and said loudly: "No! They are all small snakes, very powerful, I want to go to you, I will not die!"


Ye Chong was taken aback.

Seeing that the warrior leading the team was about to run past him, he grabbed the opponent's collar, slapped him, and then shouted: "The guard team has a great responsibility. If you run like this, the retreat upstairs will be difficult." Cut off! Execute the order immediately!"

"Damn it! What the hell..." The leading warrior's face was flushed, and amidst the sound of cursing, he bombarded the opponent with his left fist.

clap clap!

Ye Chong sideways avoided the opponent's fist, and took advantage of the situation to slap him twice.


The warrior who led the team screamed and sat down on the ground.


The rest of the guard team were all petrified on the spot, and no one dared to run away.

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