At this moment, Ye Chong looked at everything that happened in front of him with a dazed expression, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Just now, when the group of heavily armed men used strange guns to kill the mutant rats, one of them, who looked like an ordinary mutant rat, suddenly swelled up and made a strange rumbling sound.

Immediately afterwards, its eyes flickered, and each of them revealed five eye crystals.

It doesn't stop there.

Its tail suddenly turned up amidst the roar, and it turned into four tails in the blink of an eye, and each tail was much thicker than the original one.

The key point is that its coat color also seems to be juggling, instantly changing from gray to golden yellow. At first glance, it looks exactly like that SS1 mutant three-tailed golden mouse.

"What the hell!

This is clearly a SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse, definitely much stronger than that SS1-level mutant three-tailed golden mouse.

The point is that this guy has been hiding among the low-level mutant mice, and he didn't show any flaws.

If it weren't for those heavily armed men attacking with strange guns, how long will this guy hide?


Why does it do this?

Is there a bigger conspiracy?

What is the relationship between this SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse and that SS1-level mutant three-tailed golden mouse?

Why didn't it come out sooner?

Otherwise, I'm afraid it wasn't the SS1-level mutant three-tailed golden mouse that died, but me, right? ! "

Ye Chong couldn't help feeling scared for a while, Ka Ka Ka Ka quietly then took a few steps back, seeing that the guy didn't pay attention to him, he turned around immediately and went directly into the corridor door.

no way.

Face is very important, but compared to one's own life, it's nothing.

The key point is that the mummy of the SS1-level mutant three-tailed golden mouse is still in his bag.

Other mutated rats were low-level and couldn't smell it, but it was impossible for this SS2 warrior-level mutated four-tailed golden mouse to detect it.

Therefore, hiding first is of course the best choice.

Seeing such a guy suddenly appear in the group of mutated rats, the armed personnel at the scene were stunned. No one dared to attack the opponent with the strange gun in their hands, but kept backing away.

After the roar of the SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse disappeared, the guy stretched out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, and then used a pair of front paws to break his own head, as if he hadn't adjusted to the recent transformation .

But at the next moment, this guy was covered in fur, roared in the sky, and then rushed towards the fully armed personnel.

Just in time.

Whoosh whoosh!

Three crossbow bolts shot out from the train door, heading straight for the SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse in the shape of a character.



hoo hoo hoo!

The SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse roared upwards, neither dodging nor dodging. Seeing that three crossbow bolts were about to hit him, three long golden tails suddenly rolled towards him, entwining the three crossbow bolts in an instant.

However, at this time, a sudden change occurred.

Boom boom boom!

All three crossbow bolts exploded, piercing, and countless light blue arcs swirled around, completely submerging the body of the SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse in one fell swoop.

At the same time, a faint smell of barbecue rose suddenly, and then permeated everywhere.

hoo hoo hoo!

The SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse suddenly seemed to go crazy, and rushed straight to the train door amidst the sound of rage.

Seeing the other party passing by, a heavily armed man immediately raised his hand subconsciously and pulled the trigger of the strange gun.

Stab it!

Surrounded by electric arcs, it suddenly covered the opponent.

However, at the next moment, a golden long tail flew towards the air like a teleportation, and slammed on the head of the heavily armed man.



The man's head was like a watermelon that had been hit by a heavy hammer, and it immediately splattered and rotted into a ball.

Whoa whoa whoa!

All the heavily armed personnel immediately retreated in an emergency, and everyone's eyes were filled with unbelievable fear.


White water mist shot out suddenly, completely engulfing the SS2 mutant four-tailed golden mouse, but what was surprising was that the white water mist obviously didn't affect it in the slightest.

Whoosh whoosh!

Three more crossbow bolts flew out, and before reaching him, the SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse turned around and avoided it.

At this fleeting moment, a black shadow flashed out from the train door, as fast as lightning, and went straight to the four-tailed golden mouse.

But in the blink of an eye, the black shadow collided with the mutated four-tailed golden mouse.

There was a loud bang, two by two and one by one, and both sides took a big step back.


Ye Chong frowned and narrowed his eyes.

What burst out of the train door was not a weapon, but a person.

Five short stature.

For the rough.

Physically strong.

Holding a short spear.



"You continue to kill mutant mice! Speed ​​up! Hehe, this golden-haired mouse is my prey, you'd better stay away." The short and strong man grinned and shook his gun with one hand, "I knew this The rat wave was tricky, but I didn't expect it to be related to the golden retriever mouse."


The SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse seemed to understand what the other party was saying, roared violently, and rushed towards the short and strong man.

Surprisingly, instead of retreating, the short and stout man laughed, swung his short spear at the golden mouse and patted it down.

But at the next moment, the latter's pair of front paws moved upwards and grabbed the short spear fiercely. At the same time, its two long golden tails were like spears, one left and one right, straight towards the short spear. The strong man's waist was pierced.

At this critical moment, with a bang, the short spear caught in the claws of the SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse suddenly exploded.

Countless dark blue arcs criss-crossed and completely enveloped the golden retriever mouse.

At the same time, the short and stout man flipped his hands over, each with a smaller short spear.

woo woo woo~

The SS2-level mutated four-tailed golden mouse sprang up in a rage, like a tiger descending from the sky, and rushed straight to the target.

The short and stout man grinned, the short spears in both hands crossed each other, and there was an arcing sound of stabbing, and then the soldiers divided left and right and stabbed straight at the golden mouse's abdomen, without dodging or evading, with a look of life and death.

At this moment, a long golden tail of the SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse suddenly rushed towards it at an incredible speed, piercing the short and strong man's left chest.

"What the hell!

These two are both open and close. It seems that knowing each other and knowing each other is not like meeting for the first time.

However, if the fight continues like this, even if one of them is seriously injured, the other will definitely not be much better.


What two perverted guys.

The move I made to stay away just now was really right. "

At this time, there was the sound of footsteps upstairs, and the short-haired girl who came down last time shouted:

"Little brother, it's not good, there are monsters on it."

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