Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 398 Who Is He?

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, how can it work?" The co-pilot of the train muttered, "The door of the carriage cannot be opened casually, but the door of the driver's cab is a special door with double safety, which can be opened and used completely. , in the event of danger, there is absolutely no time to close the door immediately.”

"Well, you're right," the driver of the train couldn't help but smiled, "Then... let's go down and move stones together?"

"No, now is the time for me to drive, I can't leave my post," the co-pilot of the train tilted his head and puffed up his eyes, "You have great strength and high cultivation, you can do it alone."

"Shut up!" The train conductor suddenly yelled, then stared at the front, and said slowly: "Who is he?"


The driver and co-pilot of the train stopped looking at each other and looked forward together.

I saw a young man who looked slightly handsome, quietly walking towards the pile of rocks.

As if sensing that someone was watching him, the young man turned his head and smiled slightly, raised his hand upwards, made a gesture of waiting, then turned around, and walked towards the pile of rocks.

"Who is he?" The co-pilot of the train showed ecstasy, "Of course it's the people on the platform! Haha, let me just say, how could a strong wilderness fortress be occupied by mutant beasts?! Alright, Well, since there are people on the platform, it means that nothing happened here, we were just scaring ourselves just now."

"The person on the platform?" The driver of the train stared at the young man in front of him and shook his head. "Neither is he wearing the uniform of a station attendant, nor is he wearing military uniform. I don't think he is a person on the platform."

"Haha, simple! Childish!" The co-pilot of the train looked at the other party with a look of disdain, and then said:

"It seems that the old man still doesn't understand the establishment of the wilderness fortress?

Ha ha.

Let me tell you, the train platform as a transportation hub is actually a wilderness fortress.

The resident personnel include not only the station staff who operate the train, but also the military personnel stationed there. In addition, they are the Budo Special Forces that also belong to the military.

Although this site is not big, there will also be a special warfare team of the martial arts special forces stationed there.

These people are mainly responsible for the security and free patrol work of the wilderness fortress, and they don't need to wear uniforms at all.

Therefore, if the man wants to tell whether he is a person on the platform from his clothes, it seems too arbitrary. "

"Luantanqin, what kind of messed up theory are you talking about? It's pure nonsense." The driver of the train chuckled, "It's true that there are martial arts special forces stationed in every wilderness fortress, and there are no strict restrictions on clothing, but , It is impossible for them to carry out patrol missions without carrying weapons and equipment. Hey, look at this man again. What did he bring? It’s just a broken bag, not even a weapon. How about returning to the Martial Arts Special Forces? Hehe, it’s for The Budo Special Forces cook, right?"

Speaking of this, the driver of the train glanced at the co-pilot coldly, and said with a half-smile, "Hehe, IQ is really a good thing, at least it won't make people confused, think about it, if this young man Is it really the people on the platform who waited until our train almost collided with each other before moving stones?"


The expression of the co-pilot of the train changed, and his voice suddenly trembled: " mean, he is not from the platform, so...whether...isn't he the one who wants to harm us? My god... my god, I God, what did he mean by that gesture?"

"Of course, let us wait until he finishes moving the stones, and let us not get off the train yet." The driver of the train smiled slightly, "Brother, I heard that the roasted pig's head in Yangcheng is delicious, and I must eat more after I go there." Point, that thing is really nourishing the brain, especially delicious."

"Yeah, yeah, I heard it's really good, I'll definitely eat more when I go there." The co-pilot of the train swallowed, "However, you have to be able to get there alive? Yes... yes, I... I think... this young man's purpose for moving the stone is not pure? Is he thinking of other ways to harm us?"

At this time, the train conductor shouted into the microphone: "Attention all cars, all cars, is anyone getting off? Is anyone getting off?"

"Report from car 9, no."

"Report from car 6, no."

"Report from car 12, no."


The reports from the conductors of each carriage came from the earpiece soon, but no carriage reported that someone got off the train.

"Received! Received!" The train conductor frowned, and as he spoke, he stared closely at the young man who moved the stone. "Attention all cars, all cars, please do not open the doors without orders! No orders, no orders!" Open the car door!"

After the replies came back one by one through the receiver, the train conductor gently put down the receiver, his face covered with haze, and he looked at the young man in the rubble pile with indescribable suspicion in his eyes.


Da da!

Da da da!

A fat mouse more than a foot long came out of the darkness and came to the position near the locomotive. It first glanced at the cab and then at the direction of the pile of rocks, and then it He stopped and took a few steps closer to the pile of rocks.

The young man who was carrying stones in a leisurely manner suddenly turned his head and glanced at the mouse, then the corners of his mouth curled up, and he lowered his head and continued to work.

"It's such a big mouse, it must be delicious when roasted." The co-pilot of the train rubbed his stomach, "I will definitely be transferred to work on the platform in the future, look at how good the living conditions are, how rich the oil and water are, even a mouse It has become bigger than a rabbit, so it must have eaten well."

"Which mouse is smaller now?" The driver of the train smiled and said:

"Household cats can grow to be as big as tigers, and mice can naturally grow a lot bigger.

I heard that the big rats caught in the sewers of Zhongdu City weighed about 30 catties.

Hehe, compared with that guy, this mouse is already considered small.

However, it's best not to provoke this thing, it's smart and fierce.

In case of being entangled, I can tear down the house for you. "

"What is it doing?" The train conductor suddenly frowned and said, "Why are you staring at that young man? Hmm? There are eyes in the eyes... an eye, turned out to be an S1-level mutant mouse?"

"Captain, is there something wrong?" The driver of the train squinted at the mutant mouse, "The mouse caught in the sewer of Zhongdu City is S3 level, this is only S1 level, in terms of size, it should be right Number one."

"What else can a mouse do? Of course it's looking for something to eat." The co-pilot of the train also rolled his eyes and looked at the S1-level mutant mouse, "It's guaranteed that the young man has something delicious in his bag, so it smells delicious. , or else, it is... this mouse is a pet kept by that person."

"Huh? No." The train conductor shook his head slowly, "I don't know if you have noticed, but this S1-level mutant mouse has a very fierce gaze. I it treating that young man as food?!"

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