Ye Chong's current movement is light and erratic, running on the roof of the car covered with steel thorns is not much different from running on flat ground.

If I had to say something different, it would be faster.

no way.

Not fast or not.

When I stopped, my feet hurt.

Swish swish!

Not long after, he had quietly arrived directly above the front of the car.

"Huh? No, it smells so bloody."

Ye Chong frowned, and looked towards the platform in front of him, his expression changed involuntarily.

"There's blood. Was there a fight here, or... an accident?"

In the cab at the front of the train, the train conductor, the driver and the co-pilot were all nervously observing the approaching platform, and there was an indescribable look of doubt in everyone's eyes.

"Oh my god, bastard, what is that? What's stuck on the track?" The co-pilot of the train suddenly pointed to the front and shouted in horror.

"Slow down! Slow down! That's the ferry car on the platform, don't hit it." The driver of the train seemed to be in a hurry.

"No, wait," the train conductor frowned and shouted, then squinted his eyes and looked to both sides, "How did the ferry car rush onto the rails, and the front of the car was facing the platform, which means it's not the first scene, but It's passive hands and feet."

"What? Captain, you mean...someone did this on purpose?" The co-pilot's face turned pale with fright, "Did someone do this on purpose just to make us overturn?"

"This is a wide-gauge train. The mass of our train is high and the center of gravity is very low. It is impossible to overturn." The conductor shook his head. "As long as we maintain this speed, we can easily crush the ferry car."

"What does the captain mean...someone pushed the ferry car onto the rails just to make us stop?" The driver of the train frowned and stared straight ahead. Why is it so troublesome, using signal lights to control, or using semaphore, or direct manual command, can make us stop."

"Human?" The train conductor stroked his beard and slowly shook his head, "I never said it was made by a human, but I know that the guy who wants us to stop is not much less intelligent than a human, and... …I feel like if we park now, we might never be able to walk again.”

"Why?! Impossible!" The co-pilot of the train looked disbelieving, "The shuttle bus is just a battery car, and one person can push it away. Then we restart the train, which is a matter of minutes."

"It's not that simple." The train conductor plucked a beard and blew with his mouth, staring straight ahead and said:

"We are a train that uses anaerobic primary coke as fuel, and it takes a lot of time to get up to speed.

Once the car is stopped, if there are obstacles in front and the momentum is not enough, we will be stuck here, unable to advance or retreat.

So, no parking.

and also.

If we want to go down and move away from the shuttle bus, we will inevitably open the door, and none of us will know what will happen then. "

"Captain, do I think we're being too careful?" The co-pilot's eyes rolled back and forth, "If anyone really wants to keep us, they just need to change the track or pry open the rails, what's the point? Is it so troublesome?"

"The captain said just now that the one who pushed the ferry down may not be a human being." The driver of the train glanced at the co-pilot, "Even if it is a human being, it is impossible to understand how to change the track without professional training. Moreover, The current rails are all made of alloy materials, which are not only of high quality, but also very hard, so it’s not like they can be pried open.”

"Yes," the train conductor nodded, "Keep the speed and move on. I think the truth is right in front of us."




The train surrounded by steel thorns rolled forward like a dragon in iron armor, completely crushing the ferry car on the track to pieces.

But at the next moment, the three people in the cab exclaimed in unison.

"Brake! Brake! Why are there so many stones?!" The train conductor shouted, his face became extremely ugly, "Damn it! These bastards don't want us to stop at all, but want us to overturn here."




The sharp sound of brakes suddenly sounded, and the whole train was like a galloping horse whose reins were suddenly reined in. It finally stopped a few meters away from the pile of rocks, trembling endlessly.

"I told you to stop, but you just didn't listen." The co-pilot of the train obviously had a complaining tone, "It's too dangerous, I almost hit and overturned the car."

"You can't say that." The driver of the train glanced at the co-pilot, "The shuttle bus is in the light, blocking the view, and the pile of rocks is in the shadows, no one saw it. It can only be said that the guy who designed us is really too good." It's cunning, it's disgusting."

"Besides, IQ is not low, and I know how to strategize," the train conductor frowned slightly, and nodded. "It's not easy to deal with falsehoods, and soldiers are not tired of deceit. Everyone, be careful and don't act rashly."

"Understood, Captain." The driver of the train sighed, "However, if we don't remove the stone, our train will not be able to go."

"What to do? What to do?" The co-pilot of the train's eyes were confused, staring at the conductor, "You are the conductor, make a decision early, we will just stay here, if there is a mutant beast, wouldn't it be dead? "

"Are there really mutant beasts?" The conductor looked quietly out of the train window, "No, now it's not a question of whether there are mutant beasts, but what kind of mutant beasts are so smart? Hehe, can you trap them in this way? Our guy really made me have a strong interest."

"What do you mean?" The fat face of the co-pilot of the train trembled a few times, "Are mutant beasts smart? I don't believe it. No matter how smart they are, they are still beasts, and they cannot have a higher IQ than humans."

"No, you're wrong." The driver of the train gave the co-pilot a cold look. "Mutated beasts are smart or not, you can divide them into beasts; people are stupid or not, you can divide them into people. What you said just now is really too arbitrary."

"Okay, you two should be quiet." The train conductor waved his hands and looked outside, full of worry. "Maybe we should indeed discuss the issue of these stones."

"What else is there to discuss?" The co-pilot of the train glanced sideways at the driver, "Although there are a lot of stones on the track, they are not big enough to be carried by one person. As long as someone is willing to go down, it will take less than half a stone It can be cleaned up in an hour."

"No, it's too long, at least two people can go down." The driver of the train looked at the conductor, "Otherwise, ask some passengers to help, so that the speed will be faster."

"No, we can't do that," the train conductor shook his head, "If you open the train door at this time, you will obviously fall into the other party's trap, hehe, those guys haven't shown up yet, they should be waiting for us to go down and move Stone, once the door is opened, it will be too late to say anything."

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