Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 399 Murder 4 Volts


A muffled roar sounded.

The S1 mutant mouse on the platform charged at Ye Chong like a miniature tiger.

The corner of the latter's mouth slowly curled up, then he turned around and slapped down the stone with his right hand.

Oh oh oh!


Skeleton shattering and screams came out at the same time.

The S1-level mutant rat immediately fell to the ground like mud, and bloody aura filled the air.

"It's not a pet!" The fat co-pilot of the train shook his face and clapped his hands, "This guy is really handsome."

"No wonder he's so bold, it turns out he's so strong." The driver of the train looked at Ye Chong and nodded, "Using an ordinary stone as a weapon, he turned an S1-level mutant mouse into a meat paste with one blow, which shows that his His strength is very strong, although I can't see his cultivation, but I know he must be an elite martial artist."

"Not good!" The train conductor suddenly changed his face and exclaimed, then his eyebrows flickered, and he looked deep into the platform, "Why are there so many rats?!"

Swish swish!

In the blink of an eye, countless rats suddenly emerged from the darkness around the platform.

There are big and small, different colors.

The big one is like a running Tibetan mastiff, while the small one is about the size of a normal mouse, smaller than a child's palm.

"Rat swarm! This is a rat swarm!" The train conductor yelled, then picked up the microphone, "Attention all cars! Attention all cars! Rat swarm! Rat swarm! Keep the doors closed! Keep the doors closed ! Don’t leave your post! Don’t leave your post!”

"Car No. 5, received!"

"Car No. 4, received!"

"Car No. 13, received!"




Boom boom boom!

Countless mutated rats rushed towards the train like crazy, and also flocked towards the pile of rubble.

Ye Chong turned around, grabbed a stone with each hand, and slapped it hard up, down, left, and right.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Oh oh oh!


For a while, Ye Chong's figure was uncertain, moving back and forth among the group of rats, boulders flying up and down with both hands, slapping left and right, and amidst the screams of mutant rats, they turned into meat sauce before they landed .

"This young man is very powerful." The train conductor put down the microphone, quietly watched Ye Chong's battle with the group of mice, and muttered to himself:

"Most of these mutant mice are S1 and S2 grades, and there are fewer ordinary mutant mice and S3 mutant mice.

Not only do they have sharp teeth, but also extremely sharp claws, making them very aggressive.

The most important thing is that there are too many of these guys, let alone tens of thousands.

Even warriors at the level of warriors are trapped in it. I am afraid that if they are negligent, they are in danger of being killed. However, this young man seems to be far from reaching the level of warriors, but his combat power is already so strong. Given time, it will become a great weapon.

However, as a fighter-level martial artist, no matter how amazing the combat power is, it is useless. On the contrary, the higher the combat power, the faster the energy and blood will be consumed.

Once the blood is exhausted, I am afraid that this young man will be exhausted and will die in battle. "

While the train conductor was muttering, he suddenly patted the windshield, and there was a bang bang bang sound. After seeing Ye Chong look over, he immediately waved and pointed in the direction of the door.

"The conductor wants that young man to get on the train?" The driver of the train looked at the conductor, "There are too many mutant rats, and they are very aggressive. Even if there is a safety door in the cab, it is very difficult to let him in." It's possible that the mutated rat took advantage of the loophole."

"Yeah, Captain, I don't agree to let him in, it's too dangerous and it will kill us." The co-pilot of the train shook the fat on his cheeks, and pointed to Ye Chong, "Since his strength is so Strong, just let him kill mutant mice outside, the more we kill, the safer we will be."

"Hey, I didn't say not to let this young man in." The driver of the train glanced at the co-pilot coldly, "I just told the driver that if we let him in smoothly, we'd better go out to meet him, so as not to be caught The Mutant Rat was caught off guard."

"What?!" The train co-pilot's face immediately changed, "This is impossible! It's simply too dangerous! It will kill us! It's too childish!"

"Shut up!" The train conductor angrily reprimanded the co-pilot, and then said slowly: "He... seems unwilling to come in."

"Good job! I like this young man!" The co-pilot of the train clapped his hands, and suddenly remembered something, glanced at the conductor, and then closed his mouth.

"Yes, Captain, he just made a gesture of refusing to come in." The driver of the train nodded, "But...if this continues, his blood will be exhausted soon."


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Ye Chong killed more and more mutant rats, but the number of mutant rats flocking to him also doubled.

The faster you kill, the more you come, there is no end to kill.

At the same time, an army of tens of thousands of mutant rats had already surrounded the entire train and launched a fierce charge without fear of death.

"Report to the commander, the mutated rats have entered compartment 14! Someone was injured! Someone was injured!"

"Report to the commander, the mutated mouse entered the 9th compartment, the scene was chaotic, and a stampede occurred!"

"Report to the commander, the mutated rats entered compartment 8, one of the two chefs died and the other was seriously injured!"

"Report to the commander, the mutated rats have entered compartment 3, causing chaos! Chaos!"

"Report to the commander, the mutated rats entered compartment 11, two people died and three were seriously injured!"


Alarms sounded one after another quickly from the receiver, and almost every carriage was invaded by mutant rats.

The train conductor's face became completely ugly, and his eyes were full of sadness, pain and despair.

In the next urgent inquiry, he also knew the reason for the mutant rat invasion.

In some compartments, because of the stuffy heat, some passengers secretly opened the windows to ventilate, causing the sudden mutant rats to rush in through the windows, making the bulletproof glass completely useless.

In some compartments, the excretory hole of the bathroom was invaded, but most of the people who got in from there were ordinary mutant mice, and they were relatively less threatening and aggressive.

There are also some mutated rats that squeezed in through the joints of the carriages. These mutated beasts were of a relatively high level and had strong destructive capabilities. Once they appeared, they suffered serious injuries and deaths.

In this situation, the train conductor was completely confused.

He knew very well in his heart that in the crowded carriage, people simply couldn't compete with the mutated rats armed with sharp claws to the teeth, and could only wait for death in the chaos.

"It's okay, Captain, you don't have to be afraid." The co-pilot of the train looked confident, "We have reinforced the safety here, and the double safety door design allows us to be completely separated from the cars behind, and they cannot rush through ,Ha ha."

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