Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 391 Out of Control

Ye Chong thanked him, hurriedly left the convenience store, and rushed straight to the ticket gate.

Seeing that the ticket inspector was about to turn around and leave, he immediately handed over the ticket with a soft shout.

"No drop off." The ticket inspector gave Ye Chong a cold look, then took the ticket and cut it.

"I won't drop you off," Ye Chong was a little dazed, and took the ticket, "I'm taking the bus."

"I didn't mention you." The ticket inspector was a woman in her 30s, short and fat, with a look of indifference.

"I'm not sending him off either," the weird old man's voice sounded close to Ye Chong's back, "I'll just send him off here."


All the hairs on Ye Chong's body stood on end, a gust of coolness swept over his body, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

Immediately after the next moment, he hurried straight to the platform without even turning his head.

In fact, Ye Chong originally wanted to be polite to the weird old man, but the inexplicable fear that suddenly appeared urged him to leave here quickly.

no way.

out of control.

He found that in front of the weird old man, he seemed to have completely lost the ability to protect himself.

He didn't even know when the other party came to him, and how he followed him like a shadow.

"He is definitely a martial artist, and a super martial artist, and he must be much stronger than Principal Yan Jinglei.

Because if there is no solid realm cultivation base as the foundation, it is impossible for his agility to follow him like a shadow and disappear like a shadow just now.

The key is still natural, simple and unpretentious, so that everyone can't see it at all.

Otherwise, with so many people in the waiting room, it's no wonder they weren't frightened.


That's not all.

He was able to quietly steal mobile phones, ID cards, bank cards, bus tickets and other things without my knowledge, and he could put these things on the ground five or six meters away in full view as if by magic. this……

Is it really something that humans can do?

Even if it is a human being, it is definitely a peerless expert who cannot be judged by common sense.


In other words, I was completely vulnerable in front of this weird old man, as if a baby was lying in front of an adult and was completely abused.

As long as he wants, he has the ability to kill me silently at any time.

And, one more thing.

As a super martial artist, of course he has already seen that I am also a martial artist. He even thought that when I first came here, he judged that I was a student of the Martial Arts Academy.

Well, the problem is coming.

What is such a super martial artist doing at Zhongdu Railway Station?

and also.

Now that he found out that I was a student of the Martial Arts Academy, why would he bother me as a super martial artist?


The first time I stole hundreds of dollars.

This time they extorted another 1000 yuan.

As a super martial artist, is he short of this little money?


It is absolutely impossible.

So, since he disdains such a small amount of money, why is he bothering me again?

Could it be that the first time I got offended, and this time it scared me enough, all of these are for the purpose of sharpening the warrior's heart?


Is this a bit too much?

For a super martial artist to do this kind of thing, he really has nothing to do, right? !

But if not, is there a more reasonable explanation?



If it were an ordinary martial artist, or even a martial artist like Principal Yan Jinglei, who would do these things to me, based on my ability at the time and my current strength, I should not have the effect of being disarmed and frightened.


Even if this can explain the past, let a super martial artist do this kind of thing every day, I'm afraid it can't be explained at all, right?

If so...

Is there a second possibility?

For example, this super martial artist is protecting the train station, or performing other more important tasks, and accidentally sees a martial artist appearing, looking for some fun when he is idle? "

Ye Chong was confused and full of suspicion, his expression changed immediately when he got on the train.

He bought a standing ticket, and having no seat after getting on the train is a big deal, but what he didn't expect was that there were so many people on the train that it was almost impossible to squeeze in. Not only the compartment was overcrowded, even the aisle There were crowds of people, and even the toilets were full of people.

"It's no wonder that the standing tickets are controlled, why don't you try to control them?" Ye Chong finally squeezed up, but he kept complaining in his heart:

"It's like a can of sardines right now, you can still catch your breath.

If more standing tickets are sold without limit, then this train will become a can of caviar.


Now I know why people are not allowed to carry weapons on the train.

This crowd is crowded, if there is a disagreement, there is no place to hide if you move your weapon.

At that time, the crazy guy will chirp and chatter, and it is unknown how many people will die.

no way.

There are many people and few trains, that's the problem.

However, if one sits like this for several days and nights without being able to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom, it is estimated that by the time you get off the bus, you will be almost dead, right?

Ma Dan.

I don't know if I can survive. "

Ye Chong is really annoying now, but he is not moving at all.

no way.

At this moment, he happened to be at the junction of the two carriages, or in the middle, and there were people in front, back, left, and right.

In front is a strong man, facing him, panting heavily, the key is that it is also mixed with the smell of leeks, garlic and scallions, which makes people feel a little headache.

It doesn't stop there.

The strong man burps from time to time, mixed with the smell of garlic, onion and chives, there is a smell of stinky tofu accompanied by kebabs, wheezing, and filling the air.

The one on the left is okay, there is a young woman, ****, she looks pretty, but her eyes are closed, her eyebrows are slightly frowned, and she is silent.

The one on the right is also fine. There is also a young woman facing the car body and her back facing him. She can't see her face clearly, but at least she smells of perfume, which can suppress the strange smell of suffocating people from the strong man's mouth.

Behind is a young boy who looks thin and weak, standing facing his back, with a look of unlovable and uncomfortable expression.

Ye Chong was caught in the middle like this, unable to move forward, restrained left and right, unable to retreat, this feeling was like being wrapped in stuffed buns.

The key compartment is still extremely hot, the sweat is unstoppable, and the physical contact between people is even more uncomfortable.

However, even in such an extremely harsh environment, Ye Chong did not sit idle. Instead, he closed his eyes and meditated, looking inside the sea of ​​consciousness, full of anticipation amidst the pain.

But not long after, he frowned and opened his eyes, cursing casually: "Damn it! Damn it! What the hell?! Is it still working?"

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