"A lesson from the past is a guide to the future," the eccentric old man shook his head and sighed, "Little brother, the scar is healed and the pain is forgotten."

"Okay! I knew it was you!" Ye Chong immediately reacted, but lowered his voice and said coldly: "You took my hundreds of dollars last time, right?! Return it to me immediately!"

"What did little brother say?" The weird old man smiled, shook the broken bowl in his hand again, and there was a sneer in the gap on his face, "Are you going to pay or not? If you don't pay, I will Got to go."


Ye Chong suddenly looked confused.

Is it right to leave?

But why does it sound full of threats?

Just when Ye Chong was stunned, the homeless old man suddenly turned around, knocked on the ground with his stick, and walked away into the distance, muttering in his mouth:

"It's originally a dragon's root, but it was born with a dragon's heart, and it has the ambition to soar to the sky, and its leaves fall into the mundane world."

"..." Ye Chong looked at the strange old man's back with a bewildered face, and an indescribable shock suddenly appeared in his heart:

"Is it my eyesight?

How did he turn around just now?

There was no movement at all, and the body suddenly turned 180 degrees, but it gave people a natural feeling.

as if……

He turned his back on me? ! "

When he thought of this, Ye Chong couldn't help but look around, and saw that the people waiting for the ticket inspection were all moving forward slowly as usual, and the voices of talking and talking were endless, without stopping for a moment.

Ye Chong closed his eyes, opened them again, blinked a few times quickly, and looked at the strange old man who was slowly leaving step by step.


something wrong.

Not my delusion, my spirit does not deceive me.

The old man did turn away after talking to me.

But his posture...

Very strange.

It seems to be a light and shadow, it is incredible fast.

And what was the meaning of what he was muttering about?

It was originally a dragon root, but it was born with a dragon heart.

There is a sky-high ambition in the sky, and Ye Er falls into the mundane world.

Heavenly Dragon Root?

What is tianlonggen?

Who has Tianlonggen?


Is it me? !

I was born with a dragon heart?

What the hell is the earth dragon heart? "


Ye Chong squinted his eyes, and there was a strong strange look in his eyes when he looked at the homeless old man.

Following him, he walked forward quickly, touched his arms casually, and wanted to say something to the other party.

However, at the next moment, his expression froze and he turned his hands over his body, arousing the curiosity of everyone around him.

"My cell phone?

my bank card?

my ID card?

Where's my ticket?

Why is it gone?


As recently as I checked, they were all in military vests.

what happened?

How could this be? "

Da da da!

Ye Chong walked quickly towards the weird old man, and before he reached his body, he hurriedly said: "Old man, wait a minute."

"Huh?" The homeless old man with a wrinkled face and a bald head stopped in his tracks, and looked at Ye Chong with a trace of doubt, "Little brother, what's the matter?"

"..." Ye Chong's face was cold, he stared at the other party quietly, then smiled slightly, his face as if melting ice and snow, "It's such an old man, I did promise you last time, when I meet you again, I will give you Money, so... Hehe, I think I should fulfill my promise. Although I didn't bring any change this time, I think... I can transfer the money to you, or go to a convenience store to make some money. Unfortunately, I don't seem to have any change today. Bring a mobile phone, so I just want to tell you something, or next time..."

"Impossible!" The creases on the weird old man's face bloomed, "I clearly saw that you used your mobile phone, but now you say you didn't bring it, are you lying again?"

"..." Ye Chong was stunned, and then he scolded the other party secretly in his heart, but he smiled on his face, patted his body, and then said: "Old man, although I have a bad memory, the truth is right in front of me, hey, look Look where I have a mobile phone and my backpack..."

While talking, Ye Chong took off the backpack and was about to unzip it.

However, at this moment, the weird old man suddenly smiled coldly, pointed at Ye Chong five or six meters behind him and said, "Little brother, if you don't want to give the money, then don't give it, so why open your eyes and tell lies and lie to me?" for what?"


Ye Chong froze, then suddenly turned around, his expression changed drastically.

I saw a mobile phone lying on the ground where he had just left, and beside it were ID cards, bank cards, and train tickets.


A feeling of icy cold suddenly shot up from his back, but the sweat dripped down his face and forehead.

In the end what happened?

Da da da!

Ye Chong couldn't wait to come to the phone, bent down to pick it up, and then a voice rang next to his ear: "Little brother, since your phone is in your hand, I don't know... can I give it to you this time?" Where's my money?"

"Yes, of course." Ye Chong took a step back instinctively, then stuffed his ID card, bank card and bus ticket into his arms first, and then smiled stiffly, "Old man, tell me, how much is it appropriate for me to give you? "

While speaking, Ye Chong glanced at the people around him, and found that everyone didn't seem to be looking at the two of them too deliberately, and when they occasionally looked over, they just passed by with a glance, and there was nothing unusual about it.

But the more this happened, the more terrified Ye Chong became in his heart, and the eyes that looked at the weird old man were full of indescribable complexity.

"Hehe, little brother is an honest person, not bad, not bad." The weird old man squeezed the creases on his face, and then let go with a soft snap, "Well, how about it, since little brother promises so much, then give it to me." I'll be fine with 1000 yuan, what do you think?"

"Okay, just listen to the old man." Ye Chong nodded immediately, "I'll go to the convenience store to change it for the old man right away."

"Okay," the weird old man grinned, with surprise in his eyes, "Go, go, hey, we're going to have roast goose tonight."

Da da da!

Ye Chong smiled and walked quickly towards the convenience store.

no way.

The train ticket check has already started, and if there is any delay, there may be no cars left.

However, when he subconsciously turned his head to look at the ticket gate, Hao Xuan was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

I saw the strange old man following him less than three meters away, as silent as a shadow.

"Little brother is afraid of men?" The weird old man's face suddenly burst into creases, and he smiled meaningfully.

"..." Ye Chong was a little confused, "I'm not afraid, what's there to be afraid of, I'm afraid of a shit ball."

"Then you're afraid of a hammer if I follow you?" The weird old man showed his ragged teeth.

Ye Chong was stunned, and he couldn't help speeding up his pace. He quickly bought some food at the convenience store, exchanged it for 1000 yuan, and gave it to the weird old man.

The convenience store owner seemed to have gotten used to everything in front of him, looked at Ye Chong and said, "If you take the train, hurry up, it seems that the ticket gate is about to close."

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