"Who are you scolding?" The strong man on the opposite side raised his eyebrows, staring fiercely at Ye Chong, "Are you looking for a beating?"

"I scolded..." Ye Chong smiled wryly, and looked at the other party in a daze, "Yeah, who did I scold?"

In fact, Ye Chong couldn't help venting his dissatisfaction just now when he saw that the combat achievement points column was still cold gray, but he didn't expect the strong man on the opposite side to answer the words, and he was still aggressive.

This is good, it really made Ye Chong dumbfounded.

Bullying the weak is not something he is willing to do, not to mention that the cause of the misunderstanding is also on him, so naturally he is not willing to have the same knowledge as the other party.

"Keep your mouth clean!" The burly man held his head high, looked down, and puffed out his nostrils, "Don't spit all over your mouth!"

Chi Chi Chi!

The girls on the left and right all covered their mouths and laughed.

When the strong man heard the voice, he immediately puffed out his chest proudly, and exhaled majesticly. Suddenly, the sour smell filled the air, as if the doomsday had come.



The speed of the train was significantly faster, making harsh friction and roaring sounds, like a galloping steel behemoth.

It is said that the fuel used for trains is anaerobic primary coke. As a common fuel in the old and new worlds, its value and price have increased significantly.

Speaking of it, if it weren't for this thing, the train, which is almost the only long-distance transportation in the world today, would be completely paralyzed just like airplanes and ships.

Amidst the rumbling sound, Ye Chong simply closed his eyes, and soon fell into deep thought.

It wasn't long before he opened his eyes again and frowned.

The air is stuffy and the space is cramped, and I can't sleep or think about anything.

Seeing that the girls on the left and right were looking at their mobile phones, he couldn't help but reach out and touch his arms.


This is?

When Ye Chong took his hand out of his pocket, there was a bunch of white paper folded squarely in his palm.

"I didn't remember to bring this kind of white paper.

After I found something missing in the waiting room, I also carefully checked the military vest in my arms.

It can be confirmed that there are no white paper balls.

In addition, when the mobile phone was found lying on the ground, there were only ID cards, bank cards and bus tickets next to it, and there was absolutely no such paper ball.

That is to say...

This ball of paper appeared on me after that. "

Ye Chong was full of doubts in his heart, but he looked at the few people around him calmly.

The strong man was dozing off with his eyes closed, and he was wheezing from his nose and mouth.

The girl on the left wears earphones and slides the phone screen with her right hand. She should be listening to music.

The girl on the right is playing a fishing game on her mobile phone, the screen flickering.

The head of the little boy behind him touched his waist from time to time, and he should also be dozing off.

Soon, Ye Chong opened the ball of paper with a puzzled look on his face, and he couldn't help being stunned.

I saw seven small paintings drawn with pencils on it, and there was a villain in each small painting.

However, the villains in different small paintings are doing very different actions.

The first small painting is a villain standing there quietly, looking up at the sky in a daze.

Interestingly, there seemed to be a touch of excitement in his lifelike eyes.


Although it is obviously a small drawing drawn randomly with a pencil, it feels very strange to people.

As if the villain inside was alive at all, it might break out of the paper at any time.

Not to mention anything else, just this kind of painting skill that makes the characters jump out of the paper is extraordinary.

If it is said that this ball of white paper was put into my military vest after I retrieved the mobile phone from the ground, then if it wasn’t made by these people on the train, then it should be done by the weird old man, and this kind of The probability is more than 99%.


If it was really what the weird old man did, why did he do it?

Is it to show off your painting skills?



Although he is asking me for money, he is by no means an ordinary person.


When I met him for the first time, he gave me a big blow.

When I met him for the second time, he scared me into a cold sweat again.

I'm on the train now, and I have another little ball of paper he gave me.

Another prank?

Still have ulterior motives?

Or pass on my skills?

Not right.

If he really wants to teach me something, he doesn't need to be so sneaky, just tell me directly, and I can still be grateful to Dade.


Not necessarily.

The old man's behavior was already weird, even if he did more inexplicable things, it was still normal for him.

What if he really wants to pass on my skills, but doesn't want me to be grateful for this kind of preaching and acceptance? "

Thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his mouth, quietly immersed in the appreciation of the small painting.

As time went by, his face gradually became deep and serious, like an ascetic monk who was groping hard in the world and suddenly discovered the truth of being alive.

The excitement and excitement cannot be described in words.

"It should be said that these seven small pictures are a picture scroll for teaching agility.

The first picture is about meditation, and the deep meaning in it is all in the eyes of the villain. Every time you look at it, you have a new understanding.

The second picture is about dodging, and the mystery in it is displayed between the feet of the villain. If you look closely, it seems that the villain is dancing.

The third picture is about rotation, the essence of which is displayed on the whole body, and the whole figure turns into a spinning top and keeps spinning.

The fourth picture is about soaring into the sky, in which the profound meaning is reflected between the hands of the villain. With both arms raised, he rises into the air, which is wonderful.

The fifth picture is about moving, in which the deep meaning is displayed in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the spiritual power is used as the carrier to act in the invisible.

The sixth picture is about hiding...

The seventh picture..."

Ye Chong quietly looked at the small picture on the white paper, over and over again, unable to stop at all, as if he was admiring the works of heaven and earth.

Time passed so quietly.

"Uncle, can I have a look at the album in your hand?" A little boy's voice came from behind, "It looks pretty good, did uncle draw it himself?"

"Huh? Hehe, I'll show you." Ye Chong recovered from his obsession, and then the corner of his mouth curled up, showing the white paper to the little boy, but he didn't let go.

"Huh? Is this bald Qiang?" The little boy tilted his head, "No, no, it seems to be uncle."


Ye Chong's body trembled, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad. It turned out that his image was really worrying.

"Don't watch it, don't watch it, it's so ugly." The little boy looked disdainful, "I thought there was a young lady dancing, but it turned out to be a naked uncle."


Ye Chong's body shook suddenly, so he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

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