Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 365 Seems to have encountered a curse

After seeing Zhang Dong leaving happily, Ye Chong suddenly became quiet.

Tomorrow morning's appointment at the Martial Arts Field, I really need to prepare well.

Hooker achieved breakthroughs one after another in a short period of time. The purpose is very simple, that is, to win this competition.

If you win, you can continue to dominate one side in Jiuwu Academy.

Failure means losing one's reputation and being shameless.

Judging from the information on the campus website, the honeycomb appointment in the Martial Arts Field has become the most popular topic, and many people even follow or post posts to discuss who will win in the end, Ye Chong or Hu Ke.

One is a rising star at the Nine Martial Academy based on actual combat ability.

One is the pre-selected candidate for the future teacher of the command department, who is already outstanding.

The battle between the two of them, at the student level of Jiuwu Academy, is no different from sparks hitting the earth. What they see is success and defeat and excitement, but from the perspective of the school management, it is to appreciate and observe Jiuwu Academy. The development potential and heritage of the martial arts academy.

Especially in the current critical environment where mutant beasts mutate and evolve wildly, and are besieging the entire city of Zhongdu, what the management of Jiuwu Academy hopes most is to see more and more outstanding talents emerge from the student team. And quickly grow into the core force in the battle against the enemy.

no way.

The environment is getting worse and worse at a speed beyond the imagination of the human race.

At the same time, the development of the human race seems to have encountered a curse, and it has become a bit difficult, and even stagnant, especially the breakthrough efficiency from advanced martial arts fighters to junior martial arts fighters is obviously lower than that of the orcs from S3 to SS1. many.

The Global Budo Federation and its National Budo Department once used the Kyushu Budo Academy as an example to make analysis and demonstrations, which led to extensive thinking and discussions.

Some people think that the rapid mutation and evolution of the mutant beasts around Zhongdu cannot be separated from the benefits brought by the Dragon Sucking Land.

After all, the aura in that place is beyond imagination, and it can make mutant beasts who have reached the peak of each level smoothly achieve breakthroughs and leaps.

These people also insisted that as long as the human race dispatched efficient combat troops to seize the Dragon Sucking Land and build a core fortress based on it as a training ground for those who were about to break through, they could quickly achieve anti-transcendence against the orc race.

In other words, if the human race can control the dragon to suck the land, then the efficiency of human breakthrough in human martial arts will be greatly improved, while the efficiency of the beast race's advancement will be significantly reduced.

Under the ebb and flow, it is by no means a fantasy to achieve anti-surpassing breakthrough efficiency at all levels.

However, more people believe that the fact that mutant beasts advance faster than humans is not entirely due to the dragon absorbing the ground, but is related to the original body foundation of the beasts themselves and the super-mobility of the aura to them.

Even these people gave many examples to prove that even without the help of the special geographical environment such as the dragon sucking land, the beast clans including the sea beast clan, the land beast clan, the beast clan, the insect beast clan, etc., still have Extremely high rate of mutation and evolution.

Although the parties disagreed, they also reached a consensus.

That is, no matter what causes the current critical situation, more and more martial arts elites are required to emerge from the human race as soon as possible.

Otherwise, under the siege of more and more powerful mutant beasts, the entire human race will completely lose the last possibility of survival.

Speaking of it, it is precisely because of these reasons that the management at all levels of the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy has a strong interest in this originally insignificant honeycomb agreement.

As soon as he returned to the 3691 dormitory in the Chongtian Building, Ye Chong closed the door.

Unexpectedly, at the next moment, the old yellow-haired Walter White rushed to the door aggressively and knocked on the door.

Ye Chong is not stupid.

Even if the other party yelled outside, he just ignored him and didn't come out.

no way.

When encountering such a talkative old yellow-haired Walter White, the problem cannot be solved in a short time.

Also, after all, Ye Chong was in the wrong, he would be three points short when he spoke, and it was not easy to get away.

If the time is delayed, the long-planned evening practice will be completely ruined, which will definitely affect the next day's honeycomb appointment.

But what Ye Chong didn't expect was that the old yellow-haired Walter White was really persistent. He tossed and tossed for more than half an hour before leaving with a bitter face.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is no wonder.

The animal horn powder of the SS2-level nuclear mutant rhinoceros is a valuable thing, especially for the old yellow-haired Walter White, a world-class toxicologist, it has extremely great research value.

As a result, Ye Chong took half of the old yellow hair before he was warmed up in his excitement. Anyone who put this matter on him would feel uncomfortable.

Ye Chong knew that the old yellow-haired Walter White muttered a bit rudely, but he was wearing earphones, so he couldn't hear him anyway, so he didn't pay attention to him. After all, he was really wrong.

However, he also knew very well in his heart that no one would be able to tell the truth if he really talked about it.

Don't forget, the animal horn powder of those SS2-level nuclear mutant rhinos was originally given to the old yellow-haired Walter White by him.

However, if you want to reason with a paranoid like the old yellow-haired Walter White, you will lose first.


If you want to be reasonable, you have to talk to reasonable people, otherwise, you will be wasting time, and maybe you will be pissed off.

Just curse and curse, Ye Chong doesn't care about it now, anyway, the old yellow-haired Walter White is a man, even if there is a problem between the two of them, it won't be a big problem.

Soon, Ye Chong was completely immersed in cultivation.

But before that, of course, he did one thing first, took out the magic liquid and filled some more into the scabbard of the Starry Sky Blade.

In the following time, Ye Chong was completely immersed in cultivation.

There is no special approval for the martial arts competition in the martial arts field, so weapons cannot be used.

Therefore, Ye Chong put his main energy into the proficiency of Qi and Blood Surge, the armor skin technique and the cultivation of body skills.

In fact, what is really effective in practice now is the armor skin technique.

After all, in the process of using it some time ago, he was only using it, and did not deliberately practice it. Although he had accumulated a lot of experience in actual combat, he did not carry out detailed summary, thinking and comprehension.

Now when I calm down and experience it carefully, I immediately feel a sense of enlightenment, which is considered to have made a lot of progress, and then combined with some vaguely understood content before, it suddenly dawned on me.

Summing up in actual combat, reviewing the past to learn the new is the most effective way to practice martial arts skills, combat skills and body skills.

Armor skin technique is a defensive combat skill, of course it is also the same.

However, when it comes to the technique of surging qi and blood and the skills of body skills, they have all been comprehended during the actual combat process of the dragon absorbing the land, and there is nothing to practice now.

Time passed by like this little by little.

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