Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 364 The Stronger You

"Hehe, are you still angry because you didn't eat an extra portion of Sipan's big oysters?" Ye Chong shook his head with a smile, "Zhang Dong, you are actually very strong in all aspects, but you pay too much attention to your personal image and are obsessed with food and drink. desire, and sticking to immediate gains and losses, but ignoring the refinement and improvement of the body's original foundation, I suspect that this is the real reason why you returned from the Leqing Mountains empty-handed."

"So, that's why you used a few oysters to play tricks on me?" Zhang Dong sighed, and looked at the other party quietly, "Old Ye, sometimes I think you are a heinous villain."

"Hehe, if you want to become a villain, you also need strong strength to support you." Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he said every word: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether I am a villain or not. The important thing is that our team needs a A stronger you."


When Zhang Dong heard this, his body froze immediately, and his eyes were full of indescribable complexity when he looked at the other party.

"In the bloody battle on the high platform of the Dragon Suction Land, our Four Seas team lost two brothers at once, and almost all teammates, including you, also suffered injuries." Ye Chong frowned slightly, and said slowly:

"If there is another powerful warrior in our team, then, under the leadership of the captain, the Four Seas team will be able to perform tasks more efficiently, more fully, and more safely.

Xin Xiaomeng, Tong Ya and Han Lina will not talk about the three of them.

Ha ha.

It's not that I discriminate against women, but that men should take more responsibility in all aspects.

What's more, with the current comprehensive combat strength of the three of them, even if they forcefully break through to the warrior stage, it may be counterproductive, which is very detrimental to future development, and is tantamount to self-destructing their future.

Instead of this, it is better to hone more in the quasi-warrior realm, gain experience, and lay a solid foundation. After all, this stage is originally to prepare for the future development of warriors.

As for Zhou Fa's buddies, the situation is basically the same. Compared with your physical foundation and development potential, there is still a clear gap.

and so……

Whether it is from the standpoint of a friend or from the perspective of a teammate, whether it is public or private, I hope that a stronger brother will appear by my side.

Speaking of which, the current environment has become worse and worse.

I went to Dragon Sucking Land two days ago, and encountered at least fifteen high-level monsters above SS1.

What does this mean?

It shows that the mutation, evolution and promotion speed of the mutant beast is very fast.

It is estimated that in a short time, those ordinary mutant beasts around us, S1 level, S2 level and S3 mutant beasts, etc. will turn into mutant beasts above SS1 level in large quantities.

But what about our human race?

Ha ha.

Let's just talk about our Four Seas team.

We're still pretty much standing still.

If this continues, sooner or later we will be doomed. "

When he said this, Ye Chong smiled and looked at the other's hanging left arm, sighed lightly, and then said: "I always think that a man's true strength and blood should be hidden under the calm appearance, rooted In the big bosom, instead of just popping out and being superficial, what do you think, buddy?"

"Old Ye, let me tell you, don't think that I will forgive you if you do this," Zhang Dong grinned, laughing, "You robbed me of my big Sipan oysters and treated me as a I will never forgive you for playing as a child."

"Forever?" The corner of Ye Chong's mouth twitched, "What do you mean? With your current strength, why do you still want to pester me for the rest of your life?"

"Bah! I'm pestering you?!" Zhang Dong grinned and waved his fist, "It's not certain who will be strong and who will be weak in the future. Don't be complacent now, kid."

"Hey, okay, I'm just looking forward to that day." Ye Chong grinned and leaned back on the chair, "When the time comes, I'll be your little follower, and I'll call the wind and rain, and reach the pinnacle of life."

"Fuck you, you still want to be my attendant, you are so beautiful!" Zhang Dong laughed, and pointed to the horn powder of SS2-level nuclear mutant rhinoceros on the table, and couldn't help frowning:

"Okay, Lao Ye, the matter of Sipan's oysters just now is considered a turning point, and I don't care about it with you, but you...

Expensive to be sure, but not the same thing as the claw powder the doctor was talking about.

And ah.

I don't want to be a close mouthpiece for the two of you, what if I get sour? "

"Hehe, I checked it on my phone. Xin Xiaomeng's skin trauma cannot be perfectly recovered due to the scar constitution, and it needs to be removed with ointment made from the toe horn powder of high-level monsters. That is to say, animal horn powder and sharp claws The effect of the powder is the same, and the former is softer, so you don’t have to worry about it at all.” Ye Chong smiled slightly, and then said: “In addition, I asked you to send these things to Xin Xiaomeng in your name. It has nothing to do with me, don't talk about anything else, are you really willing to watch her suffer?"

"..." Zhang Dong was obviously a little dazed when he heard this, "Lao Ye, what do you mean? Are you being too cruel to Xin Xiaomeng? You... cough, cough, do you know that she is now I don’t want to meet people, it’s not because of you..."

"Zhang Dong, don't make wild guesses. Xin Xiaomeng is a girl after all. Although she has embarked on the road of martial arts, she suddenly couldn't accept the situation after she was injured. It is human nature and nothing strange." Ye Chong waved He waved his hand, "Also, I don't want to show up because I have an appointment tomorrow, and I need to retreat to prepare for the evening. In addition, this is also a way for you to repair your relationship with Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina, and Tong Ya." This is a great opportunity, you put this bag of SS2 level nuclear mutant rhino horn powder on them, and see who will say you are stingy in the future?"

"Huh..." When Zhang Dong heard this, he raised his eyebrows and smiled happily, "Hey, when did I, Zhang Dong, ever be stingy? I'll tell you, Lao Ye. Without your bag of animal horn powder, I'm just as generous. Very, 呶, see, look at my nose, and eyes, by the way, especially my mouth, handsome or not? Hehe, I am so handsome, how can I be stingy?"

"Handsome, really handsome, even more handsome than a cricket." Ye Chong hurriedly nodded in agreement, "Okay, let's go, Xin Xiaomeng is in great pain now, you go early, don't delay the matter."

"Hey, Lao Ye, you..." Zhang Dong pursed his lips tightly and shook his head, "What a great opportunity, if you don't take advantage of it, it's just empty and sad, and the boy's head is white."

"Hey, it's all messed up, let's go." Ye Chong couldn't help grinning, "By the way, don't forget to pack your food, especially the duck legs, um, it's still roast duck, not bad, not bad."

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