At 23:00 in the evening, the phone rang suddenly. Ye Chong didn't want to answer it at first, but when he saw the name of the caller, he immediately picked up the phone and connected the call.

"Captain, are you going on a mission?" Ye Chong's expression changed, and he asked hastily, "What do I need to prepare?"

"There are no team missions for the time being," Bao Sihai's voice came over, "Did you go to Dragon Sucking Land again two days ago?"

"Well, Captain, Mr. White asked me to do him a favor." Ye Chong did not lie, the old yellow-haired Walter White did ask him to help collect the horns of the S3 mutant rhino.

"Oh, it's that weird foreign guy again." Bao Sihai's voice revealed a trace of dissatisfaction, "Well, although he is a distinguished guest of the Nine Martial Arts Academy, he has the support of the military and the government, so you don't need to be too concerned. It's not worth taking risks for him, Ye Chong, you have to learn to say no."

"Understood, captain, I know it well." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Actually, I didn't encounter any danger, which made the captain worry."

"It's nothing to worry about, Ye Chong, you do things in a measured manner, and you shouldn't make any mistakes." Bao Sihai smiled, "I called you so late to tell you that the SS2-level nuclear mutant rhinoceros Beast horn powder is very valuable, so you are willing to use it for Xin Xiaomeng?"

"Captain...I..." Ye Chong knew that Bao Sihai couldn't hide this matter, "By the way, doesn't it work? Xin Xiaomeng's injury is healed?"

"The recovery is not bad. It will take time to verify whether it can be fully recovered. However, it should not be a big problem." Bao Sihai said calmly, "Did you really pick up that thing during the thunderstorm?"

"Captain, I..." Ye Chong smiled.

"I'm just asking casually. You don't need to answer. I just want to tell you that it's quite expensive. If you get similar things in the future, you can sell them to the Laboratory of Mutant Biology, or directly to the Martial Arts Refining Department. In exchange for a lot of points." Bao Sihai interrupted what the other party said, "Well, by the way, are you going to compete in martial arts tomorrow?"

"Yes, captain," Ye Chong nodded, "I made an appointment earlier, it's not good if I don't go."

"Well, for the competition that should be participated, it is good to be bold. If a warrior wants to grow up, he must not only learn to fight mutant beasts, but also gain experience in fighting human masters." Bao Sihai nodded. Fighting warriors is far more dangerous than fighting mutant beasts of the same level, after all, people are really complicated, and some things need to be predicted in advance."

"Understood, Captain." Ye Chong nodded with a serious expression, "I will definitely be careful."

"There are not many rules in the martial arts arena. One of them is that when you enter the ring, you will definitely decide the winner. Therefore, sometimes death and injury are unavoidable." Bao Sihai spoke in a low voice, but he could hear it. A strong warning:

"Ye Chong, remember.

Once you find that the situation is critical, you can choose to admit defeat.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Matters like face have no weight in the face of life and death, so don't worry about it.

Well, when I was young, there were many friends who were physically disabled because they were too good-faced and didn’t know how to choose, and they regretted it all their lives.


Others died as a result.

You must never learn from them. "

"Thank you, Captain. Actually, I'm very timid. If someone hurts me, I will admit defeat." Ye Chong heaved a sigh of relief, smiled and nodded, "So, Captain, it's fine, please rest assured. "

"You still have a sense of proportion in doing things, I don't worry." Bao Sihai paused, and continued:

"That guy named Hook is from the subcontinent and has a complicated background.

The martial arts sects and martial arts families there are a little different, even evil, so you have to be prepared.

In addition, if you can fight from a distance, don't fight close to the opponent to avoid getting caught. "

"Success?" Ye Chong was slightly startled, "Could it be that Hu Ke..."

"In short, be careful in everything," Bao Sihai sighed, "It's already late, you just need to pay attention to yourself, the Four Seas team doesn't want to lose you."

"Understood, captain, I will definitely be more careful." Ye Chong is really a little nervous now.

For Bao Sihai, deputy director of the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy's Martial Arts Department, to call at such a late hour to remind him to be careful, it is enough to show that the honeycomb appointment the next day is not simple, at least it shows that the opponent's strength must not be underestimated.

After putting down the phone, Ye Chong's expression was obviously not as relaxed as before.

I thought it was an ordinary game, but I didn't expect that it actually involved a lot.

Just as he smiled wryly and wanted to upload and rest earlier, the phone rang again.

Ye Chong picked up the phone and looked at it, couldn't help but sighed, and then pressed the connect button.

"Which beauty called you just now?" Xin Xiaomeng's voice came over, "It's so late, and you still talk on the phone."

"It's a beautiful woman calling me, and I can't help it." Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "I don't want to answer it either, but who made me so popular?"

"Hee hee! Come on less!" Xin Xiaomeng laughed coquettishly, "Don't be so smug, the captain and the others just left my place, you think I don't know who called you."

"..." Ye Chong couldn't help being stunned, and after thinking about it, it really should be like this, "How many days have passed, but you still insist on not leaving the hospital, and let the captain worry about it, are you embarrassed?"

"Cut, I'm leaving the hospital soon." Xin Xiaomeng said in a low voice, "Thank you, Ye Chong."

"Thank me?" The corner of Ye Chong's mouth twitched, "You said this suddenly at night, are you trying to scare me?"

"I already know, Ye Chong, you don't have to lie to me." Xin Xiaomeng said quietly, "Without your help, I don't know what to do, thank you."

"..." Ye Chong frowned, and couldn't help but sighed, "Zhang Dong is an idiot, I knew this kid was unreliable!"

"Hee hee, I knew it was you," Xin Xiaomeng obviously covered her mouth and smiled, "Zhang Dong also patted his chest and said that he picked up the horn powder of those SS2-level nuclear mutant rhinos, believe him a ghost ,cut."

"..." Ye Chong was confused, raised his hand and gave himself a light slap, "Xin Xiaomeng, are you planning me?!"

"Cut, who would design you?! You've been acting like a monkey all day, I just want to confirm the truth." Xin Xiaomeng sighed quietly, "Are you really going to participate in the martial arts competition tomorrow?"

"Otherwise?" Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, "Why don't you go for me?"

"That's fine," Xin Xiaomeng said, "I'm a woman. In front of so many people, Hook dare not beat me to death."


Ye Chong shook his body, so he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Ye Chong, or let me go, okay?" Xin Xiaomeng continued: "That guy Hu Ke is very strong, he has reached the peak of an intermediate martial arts fighter, and I heard that he is about to break through to an advanced martial arts fighter. Afraid of him……"

"What's there to be afraid of?" Ye Chong shook his head slowly, and sighed, "Since I agreed to the other party's request for a martial arts competition, I must go, otherwise it will become a curse and nightmare for my life, and become a place where I continue to fight." the shackles of development."

"Ye Chong, you can go, but..." Xin Xiaomeng's voice sounded a little anxious, "But you don't want the shaft, if you can't beat it, run away, okay?"

"..." Ye Chong sighed, "Okay, okay, I don't have a shaft, I'll run around so that Hook can't hit me."


Suddenly, silver bell-like laughter rang out.

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