Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 354 A Great Crime

"No, Ye, you are destroying human property!" The old yellow-haired Walter White looked aggressive, and sat down on the military nanobags all over the floor, "It is anti-human! I will sue you, Ye , you are a sinner!"

When he said this, seeing Ye Chong's sneer, the old yellow-haired Walter White immediately hugged the things in his arms tightly, and said in a slow voice: "No, Ye, I don't think I meant that, you Listen to me, if I develop the latest animal repelling powder, I will definitely supply it to you as soon as possible to meet your needs, okay, Ye?"

"Huh? Haha, that's about the same." Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his mouth when he heard the old yellow-haired Walter White say this, and said with a smile:

"However, I don't just want animal repellent fans.

No matter what powerful things you develop in the future, you need to leave me a copy.

And, prioritize my supply.


Ha ha.

You'd better give me all the powdered horns of the SS1 mutant moose and the powdered horns of the SS1 mutant wildebeest.

If these things are sold to Mutated Biology Lab, I'm afraid they can get at least a few million points in exchange, which is better than giving them to you for free. "

"This..." The old yellow-haired Walter White seemed a little hesitant, obviously undecided, "Is it too much for you to do this... Ye, I think you know, I developed it A lot of stuff has intellectual property and is tied to the coalition government and the military, and I... I seem to..."


Ye Chong took out his backpack with one hand, and took out a military nano bag, then weighed it in his hand, and then opened the mouth of the bag with a snort, and then smiled slightly: "Huh? So it is So, when Mr. White needs mutant beast materials again, it's better not to come to me, but to the military and the government, right?"

call out!



The old yellow-haired Walter White didn't speak, his tall nose kept moving, and his eyes, looking at the military nanobag in Ye Chong's hand, were instantly filled with indescribable green, like a greedy hungry wolf.


The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he put away the military nano bag with his backhand, and asked with a smile:

"Ha ha.

I wonder what Mr. White is thinking about?

You know, I'm in a hurry.


You go back and think about it first?

When we figure it out, shall we talk again? "

"No, Ye, dear Ye, you'd better tell me what was in that bag just now?" The old yellow-haired Walter White narrowed his eyes, "Why is the breath so strong?"

"Oh, it's the horn powder of some mutated rhinos." Ye Chong smiled and waved his hands casually, "They can emit a faint fragrance, which still smells very good, hehe, okay, Mr. White, no To tell you the truth, I'm going to use them to soak my feet, you know, my feet are very smelly, maybe this thing will work."


The old yellow-haired Walter White didn't tense up for a while, so he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Soak your feet with expensive high-grade mutated rhino horns, how expensive are those feet?

"Why? If Mr. White is interested, you can also come to soak your feet together." Ye Chong smiled indifferently, "Or brushing your teeth should be good, and your eloquence will definitely be good."

"No, Ye, you can't do that, it's a waste, and it's a shameful crime for all mankind." The old yellow-haired Walter White continued on the line: "Although I can't be sure about those things The exact identity, but it can be judged that its level is not low, and it is very weird, Ye, you should not keep it in your hand, maybe it will bring you danger."

"Oh? Then thank you Mr. White for your concern, but I'm fine, hehe, since I've embarked on the road of martial arts, I think the last thing I'm afraid of is danger." Ye Chong shook his head, then sighed, and continued said:

"All right.

Since Mr. White has a strong background and wants to take my things for himself, I am alone and can't beat you, so I can only let you do what I want.


so be it.

The powdered horns of the SS1-level mutant wildebeest, the powdered animal horns of the SS1-level mutant moose, and the powdered animal horns of all S3-level mutant rhinoceros are now Mr. White's.

you can go now.

But remember, we still don't want to contact each other in the future.

If there is anything, you'd better ask the military or the government for help, and don't always come to trouble me.

Also, Mr. White, good luck!


Please! "

"No, Ye, you can't be so unreasonable, you know, we are the best brothers, aren't we?" The old yellow-haired Walter White put the things in his arms while talking, "Brother, I and The military and the coalition government do have an agreement, and they cannot promise you anything easily, but I can assure you that all the latest research and development things that I have the right to dispose of will be reserved for you, how about it, brother?"


Hearing what the other party said, Ye Chong couldn't help but move his eyes.

He knew very well in his heart that the ability and status of the old yellow-haired Walter White were obvious, which could be seen from the military and official attitudes towards this guy.

Speaking of which, it can also be proved from this point that the products developed by the world-renowned toxicologist Walter White, the old yellow hair, are of unimaginable value.

In fact, Ye Chong's two trips to the Dragon Sucking Ground have already witnessed the powerful effects of the first-level beast-repelling powder and the second-level beast-repelling powder.

no way.

The animal exorcism fan really helped him a lot.

When he heard that the old yellow-haired Walter White might soon develop a third-level animal repelling powder, he was already full of anticipation.

In addition, the promise made by the other party just now is not just the product of animal repellent powder, but "all the latest research and development things that have the right to dispose of". Fang and the possibility of official latest biological and chemical weapons.

"Okay, Brother White, I agree." Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth, and handed the bag of animal horn powder to the other party, "These are yours now, hehe, do you need them? No If so, I'll use it to soak my feet."


The old yellow-haired Walter White grabbed the bag of things, his nose kept snorting, and his eyes were filled with infinite excitement, like a wolf who had been hungry for three days and three nights, suddenly found a fat and tender little lamb.

Immediately after the next moment, the old yellow-haired Walter White's eyes widened, and he looked straight at Ye Chong, his eyes filled with indescribable disbelief.

"What?" Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, "Is there something wrong?"

"No, Ye, dear Ye, I found that you are really great." The old yellow-haired Walter White spoke loudly, and his hands trembled, "This is the SS2-level nuclear mutant rhinoceros." Unicorn powder, the value is beyond measure, God, what should I do? I just don't know what to do with these precious things."

"It's simple." Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, "It can be used to soak your feet."


The old yellow-haired Walter White trembled, and immediately rushed out the door with a large pile of military nano bags, like a little mouse being chased by a big cat.

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