"No, no, dear Ye, haha, I think...you must have misunderstood what I said." Seeing that the other party was about to attack, the old yellow-haired Walter White immediately smiled all over his face and showed his big yellow teeth. Hotness is definitely full of passion, "According to what we in the West say, those who can survive the thunder disaster are the darlings of God, well, dear Ye, you are the darlings of God, you are so lucky. I'm happy with you together."

"Oh?" Ye Chong Yahuazi was a little sour, "Are you sure I'm a pet, not a pet?"

"Of course, of course, you are the pet, Doug is the pet, I love you both." The old yellow-haired Walter White grinned.

"..." Ye Chong looked confused, always feeling that something was wrong, but time was running out, and he didn't bother to think about it, "Well, Mr. White, I think, let's leave it like this today, as you know, I have a lot of things. Things need to be dealt with, and there is no longer any delay, how about this, I promise you, after dealing with the matter at hand, I will help you find the unicorn of the S3-level mutant rhino."

Ye Chong issued the eviction order, but the old yellow-haired Walter White didn't seem to understand at all. Instead, he squatted down directly, rummaged through the pile of military nano bags, and kept sniffing.

no way.

What can be done to meet such a person?

You can't lift people up and throw them out, right?


The old yellow-haired Walter White is a world-renowned toxicologist, who dares to touch a hair on him?

No one dared.

If something really happened, the government and the military wouldn't be surprised if they didn't take action.

Seeing this situation, Ye Chong could only frown and look at the other party, his right foot would shake silently from time to time, as if he might kick the target hard at any time.

"My God, it's impossible!" the old yellow-haired Walter White, with his big yellow teeth shining, exclaimed in ecstasy:

"There are so many high-quality S3 mutant rhino horn powder here, and it is very dry and the humidity is very low, it is unbelievable.



God, I'm rich.

Omega, this is really great, my dear Ye, I like you so much, my favorite. "



Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ye Chong felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this, coughed a few times, and then said: "I'm sorry, Mr. White, please note that this is at my house, and these things are mine, even if I get rich, I get rich , has nothing to do with you."

"No, Yeh, dear Yeh, we are best brothers, we shouldn't be separated from each other, right?" The old yellow-haired Walter White didn't raise his head, just showing his shiny yellow teeth, and continued to rummage through the things on the ground , "Well, it's just awesome, Yeh, it's nice that you always give me huge surprises, isn't it? Haha, I'm in a much better mood now, let the broken horn of that damn SS1 mutant rhino To hell! I... um... what is this?"

"..." Ye Chong was obviously a little mad, and casually threw the bag of SS1 mutant wildebeest horn powder on the ground.

Unexpectedly, the old yellow-haired Walter White pulled it away and shouted in surprise: "My God, dear Ye, this is simply incredible. Guess what you got?"

"What?" Ye Chong snorted angrily, "Isn't it animal horn powder?"

"No, Ye, you don't understand, this is not ordinary animal horn powder, but the animal horn powder of SS1-level mutant moose." The old yellow-haired Walter White's eyes flickered with green light, as if mad:

"It is much more precious than the unicorn of the SS1 level mutant rhinoceros.


Dear Ye, you know, this is the blind auxiliary material I need most.

With it, my success rate of refining the third-level animal repelling powder will be greatly improved.

And the most important thing is that this will maximize the effect of the third-level animal repelling fans, and even the mutant beasts at the general level will be affected. "

"Oh?" Ye Chong couldn't help being slightly startled, "Hehe, I didn't expect that the big coral cape of the SS1-level mutant moose has such a magical effect?"


The old yellow-haired Walter White gave the other party a meaningful look, and said with a smile: "There is an SS1-level mutant moose in West Town. It is very powerful, and it is not something that ordinary people can get close to. Ye, you can get its horn , it's really not easy."

"Anyway, I picked it up. It's nothing easy." Ye Chong knew that he had talked too much, so he couldn't help laughing at himself, then changed the subject and said:

"Since this thing is so good, I will definitely make a lot of money selling it to the Laboratory of Mutant Biology.

Ha ha.

Mr. White, please put it down, thank you.

If it gets spilled, or if it smells of cigarettes from your hands, it might cost me a lot of money.


You...you you take your hands away a little more, your hands are sweating so much, the temperature change will have a bad effect on the animal horn powder of the SS1 mutant moose. "

"No! Ye, you can't do this!" Instead of moving his hand away, the old yellow-haired Walter White hugged the horn powder of the SS1-level mutant moose in his arms, "Sell these things to the Mutant Biological Research Laboratory It's pure waste, let me research and use it to produce the greatest value."

"Is it a waste? It has nothing to do with my money." Ye Chong squatted down and shook his head at the other party seriously, "What I care about is... how many points or money can I earn by selling it, Hehe, after all, it is my own thing, and I have the final say on everything, hehe, is there anything wrong with me doing this?"

"There is something wrong!" The old yellow-haired Walter White tightly hugged the military nanobag in his arms, "My dear Ye, if you do this, it will drive me crazy."

"Oh? Are you crazy?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Mr. White, I heard that the world in the eyes of a lunatic is crazy, and every normal person is a lunatic in his eyes, so, respect Mr. White, tell me, what would it be like for a lunatic to go crazy? Will he suddenly become normal?"

"Ye, I don't understand what you're talking about?" Old yellow-haired Walter White looked vigilant, "Anyway, I will take this bag of SS1 mutant moose horns away, Ye, if you don't agree , then please call the police.”

"..." Ye Chong looked at the other party with a half-smile, with a confused expression on his face, "Mr. White, you are such a rascal, you pretend to be confused whenever you encounter a critical problem."

"No, Ye, I don't understand what you're talking about." Not only did the old yellow-haired Walter White not put down the horn powder of the SS1 mutant moose, but he also grabbed the horn powder of the SS1 mutant wildebeest. He hugged her tightly and said, "Please call the police quickly, thank you!"

"..." Ye Chong looked at the opponent's dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, and he was going crazy, "You... you you you... very good, then... well, these S3-level mutant rhinos Animal horn powder... you don't want it anymore, right? Okay, then I'll pour it into the toilet later."

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