Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 355 Channel Construction

After the old yellow-haired Walter White escaped, Ye Chong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After sending away this irresponsible chatterbox, the time belongs to me again, and I can use it to deal with immediate urgent matters and make plans for the future.

"However, speaking of it, the contact with Lao Huangmao this time has a good effect, at least it has obtained a relatively stable supply channel of portable biochemical weapons.


Although this kind of thing can't replace my own force, it can bring a great auxiliary effect.

Especially in the process of large-scale conflicts with clustered mutant beasts, it may bring me unexpected help.

The first time I entered the Dragon Sucking Land, I didn’t have the first-level animal exorcism fan of the old yellow-haired Walter White, so I didn’t have time to rush to the high platform. Once the S3-level mutant beasts charged, the four seas team, except for me and the captain, was very short. The whole army may be wiped out.

The second time I entered the Dragon Sucking Land, the second-level animal repelling powder also helped me a lot, otherwise, I would have become a dead body, at least those ant beasts would make my life worse than death.


I hope that the effect of Lao Huangmao's third-level animal repelling powder will be more prominent.

I also hope that this guy can develop more advanced things in the future.


Speaking of which, these are things that money can't buy, but it's really not easy for me to get them before the military tries them out.

There is no doubt that a good deal was struck between me and the old wretched Walter White.


It turned out that there were five piles of things on the ground. Now the fourth pile of powder-winged birds has been delivered to Teacher Liu Yun, and the fifth pile of animal horn powder has also been successfully transferred to the old yellow-haired Walter White.


Now there are three piles left.

The first batch of sharp claws and animal eyes of the SS1 mutant rhinoceros, and the sharp claws, animal eyes and wolf teeth of the SS1 gray wolf.

The second largest pile includes SS1-level mutant wildebeest, SS1-level mutant moose and SS2-level mutant rhinoceros.

The third largest pile includes various claw powders including SS1-level mutant wildebeest, SS1-level mutant moose, and SS2-level mutant rhinoceros.

These things take up space on the body, which is inconvenient, and it is not suitable to put them in the dormitory or at home. It is best to dispose of them quickly to avoid depreciation.


Now that there is a large consumer of Shenbingye, I feel that the points are getting more and more insufficient. "


Ye Chong turned his head to look at the Starry Sky Blade standing by the wall. Hearing that the buzzing stopped, he couldn't help but closed his eyes while holding the knife handle.

I saw that the three golden tadpoles had already regained their vitality, wandering around in the blade, like patrolling soldiers, and the two golden tadpoles with weak breath were obviously more lively than before. He kept twisting his body, exuding a look of eagerness to try.

"Well, I didn't expect to use up the magic weapon liquid so quickly." Ye Chong shook his head with a wry smile, then took out the magic weapon liquid bottle and filled some into the scabbard, "Then don't worry, I will feed you a little more, so that you will all have enough to eat and thrive.”

After finishing his work, Ye Chong left the 3691 dormitory in a hurry.

I can't go to the Mutant Biology Lab for the time being, so as not to make it embarrassing to meet Teacher Liu Yun.

However, when he hurried to the mission hall, two message sounds came from the mobile phone one after another.

The first text message is a reminder that the credits will be credited, a total of 100 million credits, and the transferer is Liu Yun.

The second text message was sent by Teacher Liu Yun. In just a few words, it probably meant that he was grateful for his kindness, and that the 100 million points were his compensation.


Ye Chong sighed, then smiled, and sent a text message: "Mr. Liu Yun, you are welcome, the points have been received, thank you!"

There are quite a lot of students in the mission hall to pick up and hand in missions, it is full and lively.

After seeing Ye Chong appear, many people smiled and looked over.

There was envy and excitement in everyone's eyes.

Of course Ye Chong smiled slightly, and didn't rush into the crowd.

He had greeted Xiong Biao in advance, so he naturally walked into the other party's room with ease.

no way.

No way.

The things to be handed in in the task hall are animal eyes. If you don't hand in through Xiong Biao's special channel, you will be seen by the students around you, and you don't know what kind of rumors will spread.


Of course it can be explained.

Is the key necessary?

It takes time and energy to explain, and in the end the effect may not be good. The more you explain, the more problems you have.

Therefore, one thing more is really better than one thing less.

Don't complicate things that can be done quickly and easily, and this is an important reason why he wants to deal with the relevant personnel in the mission hall and the mutant biology laboratory.

"Brother, you are now a man of the Nine Martial Arts Academy." Xiong Biao greeted Ye Chong cheerfully when he saw Ye Chong coming in, "Haha, the last time you killed the Quartet and saved the Sihai team in Longsudi by yourself. , It has already spread throughout the school, you are amazing, brother, I am also smeared when I hear that you are awesome."

"It made me laugh, it's all gossip. In fact, the last time we were able to come back alive was the result of the joint efforts of our captain and all the members of the Four Seas team." Ye Chong shook his head with a smile, "By the way, why are you taking the mission now? Are there so many people here?"

"Haha, isn't it driven by you money-making madmen?" Xiong Biao glanced at the crowds outside through the small window, and couldn't help grinning, "I said, brother Ye, thanks to the elites of your school. Drive, otherwise the task completion rate of the mission hall would not be as high as it is now, hehe, if this trend continues, the waist of the mission hall will stand up."

"Brother, the benefit of the mission hall is good, and your bonus and commission will definitely be indispensable." Ye Chong laughed and looked at the other party. "When the time comes, you will make a lot of money, so don't forget to treat me?"

"Hey, I'm just kidding, I can make a lot of money, just to have something to eat." Xiong Biao laughed from ear to ear, and then swallowed, "But every time Brother Ye visits the Mission Hall, It can bring more surprises every time, haha, I don’t know this time..."

"Oh, this time there are still some animal eye skin bags, please have a look at them, Brother Xiong." Ye Chong smiled, took out a few military nano bags from his backpack, and pushed them in front of the other party, "If the little brother really made money Money, I must never forget my brother’s care and help.”

"Haha, brother, you're welcome, let's talk, let's talk," Xiong Biao grinned and opened his mouth wide, stretched out his hand and took a nano bag, and then took a photo with a micro-detector, and his complexion suddenly changed, "This is... ..."


Xiong Biao narrowed his eyes, and quickly took the animal eye bag to the large detector on one side, and then concentrated on the inspection.

At the same time, his eyes were full of indescribable disbelief.

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