Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 342 The Charming Bird

Ye Chong stood still with his sword on the ground, his ears and eyes were not idle, and he carefully observed the movement around him.

He understood in his heart.

In an unfamiliar environment, running around is not a wise choice, maybe it is a smart way to integrate into the environment as soon as possible.

The best way to integrate into the environment is to observe.


and so on.

Wait for circumstances to change so you know what to do.

However, after waiting for a long time, Ye Chong couldn't wait any longer.

Because there is a sound coming out.

It's birdsong.



Choo Choo Choo!

The voice cannot be said to be high-pitched and crisp, but it can definitely be described as tactful and graceful.


Ye Chong suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of the bird's call.

is a bird.

Charming and beautiful.

pink feathers.

Playful eyes.

Slender legs.

Slim waist.

wonderful sound.

At this moment, it was looking at him quietly with its awesome little head tilted, and blinked its eyes from time to time.

So... are you smiling?

In the lonely, secluded and cold environment, such a lively, beautiful and warm little bird suddenly appeared, as if it brought an infinite breath of life all at once.


Ye Chong couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, the corners of his mouth curled up, and his eyes couldn't help blinking, with relaxation, love and affection overflowing inside.

"Little guy, why are you here by yourself?" He squatted down involuntarily so that he could look at the charming little bird standing on the one-meter-high blade of grass, "Can you tell me where this is?"



Choo Choo Choo!

The charming little bird tilted its head and flapped its wings, and an indescribable fragrance wafted over.

Ye Chong suddenly felt as if he was dangling in the clouds and mist, and his body and mind relaxed immediately.

"Come on, hehe," he stretched out his left hand, "Come here, baby, let me touch you, okay?"


The charming little bird tilted its head, a pair of pink wings flapped gently, and even raised a calf, which added infinite style.

Ye Chong couldn't help smiling slightly, and simply stretched his left hand forward half a foot, gently touching the charming little bird's head, and said with a smile: "It's really a cute little bird, do you want to come home with me?" ? Let me find you a younger brother, okay?"


The moment his palm touched his body, the charming bird suddenly screamed, its small eyes sparkled, and then its feathers stood on end, followed by its sharp beak pecking at his palm.


Ye Chong felt pain in his palm, as if he had been stabbed by a sharp knife.

Immediately after the next moment, his eyes flashed sharply, and the corners of his mouth curled up. Instead of pulling back his left hand, he grabbed it down suddenly.

Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha!

The feather of the charming bird came into contact with the palm of Ye Chong's left hand, and there was a sound like metal rubbing.


Cha Cha!

Cha Cha Cha!

The charming little bird twisted its body crazily, and pecked fiercely with its sharp beak. At this time, its small face looked hideous and terrifying, and there was no trace of charm and softness. Instead, it made people look at it. A vicious bird.

An S3 mutant bird of the beast family!

Ye Chong endured the severe pain in his hands and grabbed the little bird's body, then turned the handle of the knife with his right hand and hit its body hard.


There was a muffled sound, and the little bird screamed and stopped struggling immediately.

Immediately after the next moment, Ye Chong flicked his left index finger at the bird's head, and with a bang, the ferocious and charming bird rolled his eyes and immediately passed out.


He quickly took out the nano string and tied up the charming bird, then directly stuffed it into a special military nano bag, then tied the mouth of the bag and put it in the backpack.

The military nanobag itself has good air permeability, so there is no need to worry about what will happen to a powerful S3 mutant bird.

After tidying up, Ye Chong shook off the blood flowing from the palm of his left hand, and frowned involuntarily.

"Even if the carapace technique is used to the extreme, it can't resist the peck from this little bird.

One is that this S3 mutant bird has a strong attack power.

One is that I am not good enough in the practice of carapace art.

It seems that I still have to work hard.

Now the Beast Clan is getting stronger and stronger, not only the Sea Beast Clan and the Land Beast Clan are springing up everywhere, but also the Insect Beast Clan and the Beast Clan are appearing one after another, and each one is stronger than the other.

If we don't work harder, I'm afraid the road ahead will be difficult and difficult.

But speaking of...

Ha ha.

I didn't expect that today was really a mistake, and I got an unexpected joy.

If I'm not mistaken, this S3-level mutant bird of the beast family is the pink-winged bird that Teacher Liu Yun asked me to find.


This is still a live S3-level pink-winged bird, which far exceeds Teacher Liu Yun's requirements.

Not bad.

Not bad.


After completing the task of the pink-winged bird, let alone how many points I earned, at least it made me less worried.

But now...

There are also many problems.

Where did the S3 pink-winged bird come from?

Where is this place?

How should I leave?

These are all problems. "

Ye Chong touched the backpack with one hand, and he could feel that the S3 powder-winged bird was honestly staying in the military nano bag, and it should still be in a coma.

Immediately afterwards, he frowned and looked into the distance. The S3 powder-winged bird seemed to appear suddenly from there.

and also.

Those mutated golden monkeys that seemed lively and active suddenly disappeared without a trace, and it seemed that it happened there too.


Ye Chong frowned, then lifted the blade of the starry sky upside down with his right hand, and walked quietly forward.

It's just that before he walked three to forty meters away, his eyes suddenly blurred, as if he had stepped out of the water curtain.


Ye Chong stood on the spot in a daze.

I saw the miasma and mist in front of me, the visibility was less than ten meters, the humidity was extremely high, the stench was strong, and the temperature was at least fifteen or six degrees higher than before. situation.

"What the hell!

Is this awkward?

I am dazzled?

Still dreaming?

I was obviously staying in a dark forest just now, and I even caught an S3 pink-winged bird.

How in the blink of an eye it was like entering another world.

Is it true that I am riding a horse?

right? "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong suddenly turned around and walked towards the way he came.

What made him pale with shock was that the surrounding scene was still filled with smoke and mist, and there was no shadow of a big black tree anywhere.

Then at the next moment, he reached out and touched the backpack. When his face showed doubts, he simply opened the backpack and took out the military nano bag.

I saw the S3 powder-winged bird that was tied up by five flowers staying in it obediently, sleeping and not waking up.

At this moment, Ye Chong's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and his body couldn't help shivering.

"A horse-rider.

what happened?

What the hell? "

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