Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 343 Unspeakable Mood


Suddenly there was a wolf howling in the mist.





Ye Chong dodged slightly, hid behind the big tree beside him, and quietly looked in the direction of the wolf howling.

Mutated gray wolf!

He heard it clearly.

That was the unique cry of the mutant gray wolf, and it must be a high-level gray wolf, otherwise, the voice would definitely not be so loud and domineering.

Speaking of which, he did not kill such mutant beasts in the Leqing Mountains. It can even be said that it was precisely because of the massive hunting of mutant gray wolves and mutant hyenas that he really started the road to wealth.

Now, in this strange and bewildered environment, hearing this familiar voice suddenly again brings people an inexplicable kindness and excitement, as if they suddenly see the hope of going out.

"The mutant gray wolf is a group of land animals, especially the gray wolf, which is a highly social creature with a strict division of labor and a hierarchical structure.

From the howling of that gray wolf just now, it can be judged that it is a not-low-level mutant gray wolf. Under normal circumstances, a high-level gray wolf has quite a few followers, that is, low-level mutant gray wolves.

And the most likely purpose of so many mutated gray wolves going out is for food.

Then, the food they are looking for in this smoky area is nothing more than human race or other beast races.

However, that wolf howl just now...

It was clearly filled with threats and warnings.

Moreover, the other party did not issue equivalent roars and roars.

and so……

The target of that Big Big Wolf's howling warning probably wasn't a beast race, at least not a land beast race, right?

If so...

Did I meet the human race here? "

When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help but feel excited, and the shock of entering and leaving the inexplicable space just now disappeared in an instant.

Soon, under the cover of the miasma, he quietly moved towards the direction of the sound.

He was thinking as he walked.

"Things like miasma and smog smell a bit stinky, but they don't seem to do any real harm to people, and they're even considered a good cover.

Especially because of its own stench, it can almost completely cover up the breath on the bodies of orcs and humans.

That is to say, no matter for the beast race or the human race, as long as they are not too close to each other, there is almost no possibility of smelling each other's body.

With this little help, it can be said that walking in the mist looks dangerous, but in fact it is safe, and it feels safe, but it is a crisis every step of the way.

Still, to me, it's obviously a huge blessing.

Because the most important thing in my current agility is reaction and anticipation of the enemy. Every unexpected situation is a kind of tempering for me.

It's just a pity.

According to the old yellow-haired Walter White, the orcs are not afraid of these miasma and poisonous fog anymore.

Otherwise, Longsu Land would still be a paradise for the human race.


There is one thing that is very strange.

When I first captured the S3 pink-winged bird, its wings obviously emitted a lot of poisonous gas, but why didn't it affect me at all?

Could this be the credit of the second-level animal exorcism fan?

Ha ha.


From this point of view, I really need to help the old Huangmao more. With the help of this old poison, my future will be much easier. "

Ye Chong was thinking wildly, but there was no sound under his feet. It didn't take long for him to hide under a towering tree.

In the mist ahead, a huge gray wolf stood proudly, looking majestic, and opposite it was another even bigger mutant beast—a mutant rhinoceros.

What's interesting is that both Big Big Wolf and the mutant rhinoceros are full of scars.

The former's chest and abdomen were dripping with blood, obviously a big hole was hit by the mutated rhino's horn, and the injury was really serious.

The latter's neck was also a bloody mess, with blood gushing out continuously, obviously bitten by Big Big Wolf.

"From where I stand now, I can't see their eyes.

But judging from its size, this mutated rhino should be SS1, and Big Big Wolf... seems to be about the same.


That's right.

See it in the eye.

Big Big Wolf is also SS1 level.



It turns out that within the various races of the orcs, they are only relatively united when facing the human race. On weekdays, they are still hostile to each other and killing each other as before the recovery.


It's a bit weird.

Does this level of mutated land beast travel without a follower?


Have all their followers been killed in previous battles?


just now……

When I met these two high-level mutant beasts that were seriously injured, should I kill... or not?

Speaking of which, these are all real points, once missed, emmm, isn't it a pity? "

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up involuntarily, and he grasped the right hand of the Starry Sky Blade, and gradually increased his strength.

Also at this time.



The SS1-level mutant rhinoceros and the SS1-level gray wolf roared almost at the same time, and then rumbled towards them.

It seems that the SS1-level mutant rhinoceros is huge, powerful, and majestic, while the SS1-level gray wolf is aggressive, violent, and full of domineering.

Immediately after the next moment, the two monsters had already collided.

However, an incredible scene appeared.

The moment the SS1-level Big Big Wolf opened its bloody mouth to bite the target, the opponent's huge body swelled up, then turned around, flashed to the side of Big Big Wolf, followed by lowering his head, and the unicorn pierced the target like a spear. To Big Big Wolf.




Big Big Wolf immediately flew into the air with a scream, and then fell to the ground with a bang. Amidst the howl, it seemed that he couldn't survive.

no way.

Big Big Wolf not only suffered severe injuries to the chest and abdomen, but now there is a bucket-sized blood hole in the abdomen.

How is this still alive?

There is simply nowhere to live.


Ye Chong was completely taken aback, he didn't expect such a battle situation and result, he couldn't hold back all of a sudden, and exclaimed.


The SS1-level mutant rhino who was about to feast on it suddenly turned around and stared at Ye Chong, with crazy anger burning in his eyes, as well as hesitation and anxiety.

Then at the next moment, before Ye Chong could run away, it turned around with a bang, and rushed into the mist first and ran wildly.

For a while, there was a boom in the woodland, and it was unknown how many trees had suffered.

no way.

The SS1-level mutant rhinoceros is seven or eight meters long, with a shoulder height of at least five meters. It is like a tank. It is rampant, even if two people hug a thick tree, it may not be able to withstand it.


Ye Chong swallowed hard, with a dazed look on his face again.

At this moment, apart from using the word "fuck" to describe my current mood, I really can't find a more suitable word.

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