Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 341 The Valley of the Valley

Ye Chong stepped on one foot, flew up, and rushed straight to a cliff green pine.

Seeing the person in mid-air, stagnant in stature, still far away from the green pine, he couldn't help but blushed, and immediately joined his legs and arms, and fell down with a swish.




The mutated golden monkeys on the cliff were all scratching their heads, jumping non-stop, with expressions of disdain all over their faces.


Ye Chong landed on one foot, and then bounced up like a ball, hitting the green pine with a whoosh.





A group of mutated golden monkeys were stunned and fled in all directions.

Speaking of which, there are many mutated beast races, each of which is different, but most of them have inherited some habits and characteristics before the spiritual recovery.

For example, these mutated golden monkeys were originally not low in IQ, strong in skill, flexible in movement, lively and active by nature, and endlessly naughty.

Seeing Ye Chongfei jumping around, he was naturally very curious.

At first when they saw him falling to the ground halfway, they all laughed, then they saw him jumping from the ground and flying up, with strange movements, they were all terrified and inexplicable, and fled in all directions.

Seeing Ye Chong falling on the green pine again, he only used his two feet to stand firm on the branches, his body was swaying and trembling, but he was as stable as Mount Tai, with extraordinary momentum, all the monkeys widened their eyes, as if they saw their own tribe Like a senior, full of admiration.

At the same time, Ye Chong also found it funny.

Heart Road:

"Monkeys are monkeys.

In the past, he was lively and active, full of curiosity about everything, but after his spiritual energy recovered, he was still the same.

Ha ha.

fair enough.

On the contrary, there are less troubles for mutant beasts to attack people when they see them.

However, monkeys like to snatch things from humans before their aura recovers. After becoming a mutant beast, even if they don't want to eat me for a while, they probably won't be able to change their distasteful nature.

Therefore, it is very meaningful for me to use means to deter them.

Of course, this is not enough.


Then add some seasoning. "


Ye Chong stretched out his right hand, pulled out the blade of the starry sky, and then pointed at the nearest S2 mutant golden monkey.


The S2-level mutated golden monkey immediately ran away screaming strangely.


The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, then his body swayed, and he chased after him.


All of a sudden, the scene was in chaos.

Countless mutated golden monkeys all appeared, rushing towards the cliff in a frenzy.


Ye Chong sighed, then shook his head with a wry smile.

no way.

It is much better to let these flexible mutant golden monkeys explore the way than to let him do it himself.

What else?

In case there is a mutant bear lurking on the cliff, then he rushes up rashly, isn't he the same as a meat bun beating a dog?

Seeing the monkeys rushing up quickly, Ye Chong slowed down, narrowed his eyes, and looked up.

After a short while, he raised his eyebrows, suddenly increased his speed, and rushed upwards.

at the same time.


The group of mutated golden monkeys became a complete mess, scattered and fled in all directions, went straight to the top of the cliff and disappeared.

Following the monkeys, Ye Chong also climbed to the top of the cliff, looked around, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

I thought that Longsudi was a deep pit surrounded by mountains, but I didn't expect it to be the valley of the valley.

From the cliff of Longsudi to the outside, it is lush and green, covered with dense forests, and further outside, there are cliffs and cliffs, layer by layer, continuously upward.

Such a strange topography, even if it is not called the Dragon Sucking Land, it is estimated that it will be given a sufficiently unpredictable name by human experts.

"Ha ha.

But speaking of it, as the valley of all valleys, the essence of all valleys gathers in it, and it is a matter of course that such a treasured place of geomantic omen is rich in aura.


There is a lot of smoke and mist in the valley in front of me. Could this be the poisonous gas coming up from the dragon sucking ground?


It's really weird.

Better get out of here quickly. "

Ye Chong determined the direction, and then walked eastward along the edge of the cliff. This way of walking has the advantage, at least not to get lost.

However, after walking no more than a hundred meters in this way, he frowned and stopped moving.


I don't seem to be going due east, it should be...

A bit northerly?

Not right either.

Seems southerly?



The magnetic field in this valley is a bit chaotic, and people's sense of direction is a bit floating.

However, I have been walking east along the edge of the cliff just now. In theory, I should be able to reach the official entrance and exit on the east side of Dragon Sucking Land.

But now...

Not at all.

Could it be that I lost my way after only walking a short [-] meters? "


Ye Chong looked back and saw that the mist was filled with mist, and there was a sour smell in it that made people frown uncontrollably.

Ka Ka Ka!

He walked back a few more steps, and put his hands on the thick fog, but there was no shadow of the way he came.

"What the hell.

What a shame.

Getting lost within a few steps, spreading the word, will definitely make the brothers and sisters of the Four Seas team laugh out loud.


Monkey called?

They don't seem to be far from here.

Then go and have a look. "

At this time, Ye Chong had no other choice but to take one step at a time.

Otherwise, there is no good way.

The miasma is so thick, it is obviously inappropriate to run around like a headless chicken.

You must know that the mutated golden monkey is a kind of mutant beast that is very close to the human race among the land beasts, and it also has the unique ability of the beast race to recognize directions. It's good to be motionless in the fog.

Speaking of which, if a mutant bear gets close to him, wouldn't it be game over?

And if you follow the mutant golden monkey, at least you can have a reaction time for emergency changes according to the opponent's reaction, right?

In the following time, Ye Chong had no choice but to stop and go all the way, following the mutated golden monkey.

However, he didn't dare to get too close, after all, the other party was a mutant beast, and in their eyes, he was a feast of life.


Who knows if these cunning mutated golden monkeys did it on purpose, maybe they were leading him into a trap that had already been ambushed.

After half an hour, Ye Chong stopped moving.

If you don't stop, the mutated golden monkey is gone.

At this moment, the fog dissipated, surrounded by towering black trees, but it was quiet, as if there was no creature living in it.


A creepy feeling suddenly rose in Ye Chong's heart.

"A horse-rider.

What is this place?

Just now, I didn't feel that I was climbing up, and I didn't go downhill, so I should still be in the valley above Longsu.


I don't think I've ever seen these dark trees.

and also.

Where did the mutated golden monkeys who brought me here go?

It was obviously not far away just now, why did it disappear completely without a trace without a little bit of effort?

It doesn't stop there.

Why is it getting so cold in here?

At least [-] degrees lower than the Dragon Sucking Ground.

What the hell.

Am I time-traveling? "

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