Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 340 Where did they go

At this time, Ye Chong was completely confused.

He never expected that the battle between mutant beasts at the level of warriors would be so fierce and bloody.

Moreover, the SS2-level mutant anteater, as a family of insect beasts, seemed to be an invincible existence. It just killed two SS1-level mutant anteaters of the land beast family in just one encounter.

The key is……

It is obvious that the mutant anteater is the natural enemy of the mutant anteater, but why is the former completely vulnerable to the latter?

One is SS1 level and the other is SS2 level. Could it be the difference in realm?

Obviously not.

At least not quite.

At this moment, the SS2-level mutant anteater of the insect beast clan is launching a powerful and fierce attack on the SS2-level mutant anteater of the landed beast clan. Although the latter is huge in size, it is retreating step by step. It looked like he was invincible at all.

"Damn it.

It's really messy.

What is the situation now?

Who is hunting whom?

I thought it was the mutated anteaters gathered at Longcudi, and the mutated anteaters came to round up and feast on it.

But now I feel...

Not like ah.

The Ant Beast King, who is clearly an ant beast tide, is killing mutant anteaters on a large scale, so that the ant beasts can feast on their mouths, right?



I don't know what's going on, it's chaos anyway.

Or rather...

Are they all prey to each other?


It's better to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Otherwise, no matter which side wins, if they find out the existence of my delicious life, why don’t they rush to eat me? "

Seeing the fierce battle going on in the distance, and the mutated ant beasts all around rushing towards the battle group, Ye Chong raised his hand, sprinkled a handful of second-level animal repelling powder on his body, and then jumped up, heading straight towards the battle group. The big tree in the northwest direction jumped.

no way.

Judging from the information about Longsu Land and West Town, there is only one real entrance and exit to this area, and that is due east.

In addition, there is another place that is not a formal entrance and exit, and that is the cliff on the northwest side with many trees.

As long as the body skills and lightness skills are good, it is not difficult to get in and out of Longsu ground from here. After all, there are trees growing every not far above the cliff, which can be used for borrowing strength or resting.

Ye Chong's current position is basically west of the north side of the center of West Town. If he goes east, he will inevitably pass through the battle group of SS2-level mutant anteaters and SS2-level mutant anteaters.

Otherwise, you have to go around from the south side, which takes a lot of time, and it's really hard to say what the situation is in that direction.

What if there is another wave of ant beasts raging?

After thinking about it, it is obviously not appropriate to go east.

Therefore, the cliff entrance on the northwest side became a good choice.

After all, a large number of mutated ant beasts were withdrawing from that direction, leaving a lot of relatively safe areas.

Besides, going straight to the northwest all the way, there are more towering trees that can be used as leverage, which makes people feel much safer than walking on the ground.

Another point.

Longsu Land is an extremely dangerous place now, and Ye Chong doesn't want to stay here for a second, and the place where he can quickly realize this idea is of course the northwest entrance not far from here.

But speaking of it, there is actually another reason.


Ye Chong was really scared when he saw the ant beast tide and the SS2-level mutant ant beast. He had to stay away from them, preferably standing on a high place that they couldn't reach, so that he could relax a little bit. Feeling.


After Ye Chong flew on the first big tree, he didn't make any stop, followed by another branch of the tree, and continued to fly towards the next big tree.

At this moment, the night sky is still yellow, and the lightning is constantly lingering, but it is silent, and there is no wind, which makes people feel a little hot and humid, but the line of sight is good, and the scene hundreds of meters away can be seen quite well Difference.

Ye Chong was very fast, and it didn't take long before he came to the edge of the cliff on the northwest side.

However, to his surprise, he was not alone here.

I saw big blood-red eyes blinking from time to time on the cliffs and trees, and from time to time, there were strange screams.

"A horse-rider.

This point is forgotten.

The three mutant bears seemed to be running in this direction as well.

Is it...

They escaped unharmed and climbed the tree from here?


If that's the case, they're lucky.

However, that SS2-level mutant anteater just now rushed towards the anteater group from here.

and also.

Not long ago, there was a violent sound of chaos here. At that time, the SS2 mutant ant beast should be here.


It might not be too simple for this guy to make such a big noise.

However, after the ant beast swarm swept past, there was really no trace of it.



The one on the cliff tree should not be a mutant bear.

The eyes are noticeably smaller and look wrong.

and also.

The quantity is also relatively large.

coat color...


This is……"

Ye Chong stood on top of the towering tree, looking at the situation on the cliff with impunity, he knew very well in his heart that those guys with golden hair must have seen him coming, there was no need to hide, it was meaningless to seek self-comfort .

"This is a group of mutated golden monkeys.

Most of the grades are S1, and some are S2. There is no S3 grade.

It is estimated that these guys are either coming to the Dragon Suction Land, and an ant beast swarm happened to happen, so they hid above to observe the situation.

Of course, there is another possibility.

The area where these guys are active is very close to here. After the sudden swarm of ant beasts, they jumped up immediately.

Speaking of which, although mutated ant beasts can also climb up, this is obviously not their advantage. At least climbing up from slippery cliffs will be very difficult.

Therefore, these mutated golden monkeys were not attacked by the ant beast horde, or in other words, they were actually safe.

However, from this point of view, can it be explained...that those mutant human bears did not climb up the cliff?

Otherwise, would these mutated golden monkeys still be able to stay here so unscrupulously?

If this is the case, then where did the SS2-level mutant bear, the SS1-level mutant bear, and the S3-level mutant bear go? "


Ye Chong suddenly turned around and looked to the south side. There was a mess all over the place, and he didn't see anything.

Immediately afterwards, he looked towards the nearby high-rise buildings. Wherever he saw, it was also extremely quiet, and there were no living things.

"Could it be that those invincible mutant bears are really dead?

All were killed by that SS2 mutant ant beast?

Then it was completely decomposed by countless ant beasts and swallowed into its stomach? "

When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.


How can it be so easy?

The mutant bear's ability to change and IQ are extraordinary, even stronger than humans, and it also has an extremely strong physical fitness.

To say that the S3-level mutant human bear was killed by the SS2-level mutant ant beast, this possibility is very high, and there is nothing wrong with it.

But it is hard to believe that the SS2-level mutant human bear was easily killed by the SS2-level mutant ant beast.

and so……


Get out! "

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