Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 332 Kill Without Amnesty

Ye Chong stood still, motionless, quietly watching the dark stairs, letting the rain on his body drip on the broken floor, making trembling and trembling sounds.

At this moment, time seems to have frozen, and people are completely petrified on the spot.


Da da da!

Da da!

The footsteps of the mutated wild dogs outside the villa became hesitant and messy, and it was obvious that several mutated wild dogs were poking inside.

Ye Chong flicked his left hand outwards lightly, and a faint sweet smell permeated the door of the villa in an instant, as if flowers were blooming.

The second-level animal repellent powder itself is in the form of powder, and when it is thrown out by hand, the smell spreads quickly.




The sound of the mutated wild dog was a bit like a chicken crowing, and a bit like someone sneering in the dark, hesitating and hesitating.

After a short while, the guys who were poking around outside the gate of the villa trotted back to the main force and headed east along the street.

The sound of water droplets falling on the body slowed down and became lighter, and even the lightning and thunder in the sky quietly went away.

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth slowly curved slightly.


He quietly lowered his body, and stretched out his left hand to touch the first step of the stairs, followed by the second and third steps. When the feeling of wetness came, he stood up slowly, pointing five fingers with his right hand. Slightly opened, and gently placed on the handle of the blade of the starry sky.

"It didn't rain for long.

There is water on the stairs in the villa, indicating that something has gone up the stairs not long ago.

As for what it is?


No matter what it is, fear is nothing.

on horseback.

Time to hit the road. "

At the next moment, Ye Chong walked up the stairs step by step without making a sound.


A black shadow crazily rushed from the stairs above, Ye Chong turned around to avoid it, and the stench immediately permeated.

Mutant Black Mamba!

S1 level mutant black mamba.

The moment Ye Chong passed by the other party, he judged what it was from the big black mouth of the big snake.


It is rare to see mutant orcs like mosquitoes, snakes and ants in Longsudi.

Why did an S1-level mutated black mamba appear in the room?

This guy was at least five or six meters long, about the same thickness as the thigh of an adult strong man, and he was very fast, so he could attack silently.

Ma Dan.

If I hadn't taken precautions, I might have been tricked just now.

The most important thing is that snakes like to live in groups, so does it mean that there are other black mambas in this villa?

and also.

The S1-level mutated black mamba is obviously not the guy who left the water stains on the stairs, so, has the thing going up the stairs been attacked by the mutated black mamba?

If so, where is the other party now?

The black mamba is a venomous snake, and the S1-level mutant black mamba is even more poisonous. Could it be that the thing that went upstairs has already been poisoned?

But if that's the case, why didn't I hear anything?


If the thing that went upstairs didn't encounter the S1 mutant black mamba, then why would it?

In the end what happened?

Is this S1 mutant black mamba just interested in me?



How does it feel more and more interesting.

Am I being ambushed? "

The above thought is a long story, but in fact it is like lightning, just a thought.


The S1-level mutated black mamba turned around strangely in the air, and its big black mouth bit down again. With a move of Ye Chong's right hand, the star blade came out of its sheath with a clang, and then slashed away.


The S1-level mutated black mamba was cut in half from the seven-inch position, and the snake body fell to the ground, convulsing endlessly, just like a big eel that was thrown onto the bank and twisted its body continuously, and its big black mouth was a Opening and closing, the big blood-red eyes were filled with violent anger.



Everything fell silent.

Apart from the smell of blood that filled the room, there was no movement.

Ye Chong stood quietly on the spot, motionless, and then he kicked with one foot, and the body of the S1-level mutated black mamba immediately flew forward.


The sound of the snake corpse falling to the ground sounded, and everything became quiet again.

Ye Chong couldn't help but slowly raise the corner of his mouth, and continued to move up silently.

"I have been guarding against the opponent's hidden weapon attack all the time, but I didn't expect it to be a bit unnecessary.


It seems that people don't want to reveal their whereabouts at all.


Then let this game of peek-a-boo reach its climax.

Fortunately, killing the mutated black mamba just now didn't make too much noise, otherwise, it would be even more lively if the mutated wild dogs outside heard it. "

Ye Chongniao quietly went up to the second floor, first checked in the master bedroom, and then went into the study and walked around.

During the whole process, several strands of mental power circled around the body, circling back and forth continuously, like a woman in rhythmic gymnastics flying up and down and waving ribbons.

Sometimes, one of the mental powers would rush into the distance a little uncontrollably, but he would forcefully withdraw it at the last moment with a curl of his mouth.

"Sword skills, body skills and mental strength, these are the key points of my cultivation.

In order to cultivate them well, in addition to continuously improving martial arts skills, one must sharpen and use them in actual combat.

The stress response before danger comes, that is, my first reaction or instinctive reaction, is very important.

This determines my life or death.

If you want to practice these things, you can't stay in the comfort zone. Only when you try out on the edge of danger and realize it at the moment of life and death can you really make progress.

and so……


Today is a great opportunity.

It can be regarded as the first tough battle between me and a real master of the human race, and it is also a moment to test my actual combat ability. Of course, I can't miss this good opportunity.



Who is Maomao?

How to hide?



bring it on. "

The moment Ye Chong walked out from the study, a black shadow suddenly swooped down from the ceiling, silently, like a falcon.

Almost at the same time, Ye Chong leaped forward, while Starry Sky Blade ran in the opposite direction, and swung backwards.

Ka Ka Ka!

Qi and blood surged and accelerated continuously.



The knife's edge entered the body and the scream sounded at the same time.

Followed by.


The heavy object fell to the ground.

At the same time, the moment Ye Chong was about to hit the ground, his body turned around, and he immediately stuck to the wall inside the study.

Whoosh whoosh!

Ding Ding Ding!

All three crossbow arrows hit the ground where Ye Chong seemed to be about to fall just now.

Immediately after the next moment, his body bounced off the wall like a ball, then quickly shot towards the opposite wall, and then bounced again, refracting out from the study.

At the same time, a gray-clothed man who was dormant on the second-floor balcony had not had time to leave when the starry sky blade's cold light flashed in front of him.



The blade of the starry sky swiped left and right, and the opponent's arms were severed. When the blood spattered, the big knife rested on the opponent's neck.

An indescribable murderous aura immediately diffused towards the surrounding area.

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