Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 331 Death Knell

It was at this moment, the sky was dark and unclear, and a little cool wind whizzed by, making people shiver uncontrollably.

After Ye Chong submerged into the darkness under the gaze of the S3 mutant rhinoceros, he was like a black elf moving forward silently and quickly in the darkness.

Speaking of which, the land where the West Town is located, as a gathering place for the rich and famous, the design technology and construction quality of its buildings are quite good, coupled with the development and evolution of everything in the world after the recovery, the West Every building in the town looks thick, solid and magnificent, especially in the dark, adding a touch of solemnity, solemnity and depth.

Ye Chong walked quickly among the high and low buildings. From time to time, he would stop suddenly to listen to the movement around him, or just squint to look at it. During the period, there were also mutant beasts passing by, but he was careful. avoided the past.

No sound.

high speed.

Ye Chong continued to move towards the northwest side of Longsu Land.

It's just that after a short time, he stopped abruptly, and his brows frowned.

Under the interweaving of lightning that suddenly appeared in the sky, two black shadows stood close to the wall in the strange and distant street, with four eyes shining brightly, staring closely at his direction.

"Two people!

There was even one more person!

I have been discovered!

In other words, there are at least 11 people in this Mou family team.

The tenth person is on standby on that high-rise, and the No.11 person is here to respond.

I don't know if that bearded man is dead or not, but at least two Mou family children are still alive.


What are you waiting for?

Had it not been illuminated by the sudden lightning, I would have reached their current position by leaning against the wall just now.


What will happen next? "

Ye Chong narrowed his eyes and quietly hid behind a big tree.

Speaking of which, the way he moved just now was like a black elf sneaking in the dark, flashing and flashing from one shelter to another, when the strange lightning suddenly lit up, he He had already appeared behind the big tree, so from the perspective of the two people in front, it was almost impossible to find his whereabouts.


When a human-shaped lightning flashed in the sky again, the street ahead had already become empty.

Ye Chong subconsciously glanced behind him, then his body swayed, and he quietly disappeared into the darkness in the distance.

10 minute later.

The night sky was suddenly covered with lightning, thunder was loud, and heavy rain poured down, and the whole land was suddenly plunged into water.



hoo hoo hoo!

Countless big blood-red eyes suddenly emerged from the rain curtain in the northwest direction, filled with indescribable cruelty and bloodlust.

Soon, under the intertwined reflection of lightning, a group of two or three hundred mutated wild dogs appeared on the street ahead, and many of them rushed out from the corridor between the row houses and villas .

The mutant wild dog is not a mutant hyena, no matter in terms of IQ, attack, reaction, speed, sense of smell, or vision, the latter is not comparable to the latter.

It should be said that this kind of guy with huge round ears can be regarded as an elf in the dog clan, especially the high-level mutant wild dog represents cunning, cruelty, blood and terror.

The group of mutated wild dogs that came out of the night rain had at least two eyes in each eye, and most of them had three eyes, and there were even a few that were much larger than the same kind, and they were even more impressive. Four eye crystals.

Ye Chong frowned, looked left and right, and quickly got into the single-family villa next to him.

"Fortunately, it was raining heavily, otherwise the possibility of being smelled by these guys is very high.

When the time comes to be surrounded by these elves who are more flexible than the mutant mountain lion, even if I am not dead, I will inevitably take off a layer of skin.

However, it is strange.

What are such a large group of mutated wild dogs doing here?


Walk around?

still is……





If it weren't for the sudden lightning and thunder in the sky, and the heavy rain, these guys would probably hide quietly, right?


If so, what are they waiting for?

Waiting for the arrival of prey?

Then tear it up and eat it raw?

and also.

The mutant wild dog evolved perfectly.

The stench on them has become almost non-existent. I was clearly in the lower air, but I didn't smell the slightest breath.

From this point of view, if they really accidentally broke into them, they would be caught off guard, and they would inevitably be in a hurry and panic.

But the problem is...

The two people I followed... obviously didn't encounter these mutated wild dogs.

So, where did they go?

Did they already know the existence of these guys?


Before encountering these mutated wild dogs, they left quietly?


its not right.

There are many mutated beasts in the streets on the left and right sides, and there are mutated wild dogs right in front of here. They... no matter which direction they leave, they will cause quite a commotion.


Get out of the air? "

When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help but look up. He saw lightning, thunder, and heavy rain, but there was no wind. It was almost impossible to leave the sky wearing a military wingman suit, and there were also many people nearby. Without a high point, a military wingsuit can't even take off.


Da da!

Da da da!

Hearing a mutated wild dog approaching the gate of the villa, Ye Chong quickly entered the house from the yard.

Fortunately, the gates and doors inside and outside the villa were damaged, so it was convenient to come and go.

He quickly glanced at the living room on the first floor. There were no people or mutant beasts. The dining room, kitchen and servant's room were also fine.

"Those two people should still be in a villa on both sides of this street.

Because there are mutant beasts on the left, right, and front, and I am always behind, they can't go to the sky or enter the ground, so they can only stay in the houses on both sides of this street.

The last time I tracked their whereabouts, it was not far from this villa, and these single-family villas all cover an area of ​​more than 500 square meters, and the distance between each other is also 50 meters away.

So, if they were in the house, they were most likely in this villa.

If this is the case, I am afraid that these two guys have already discovered that I have entered this villa.


That is to say...

In this villa, there may be a cat and mouse game going on.


Surrounded by a group of beasts, even the slightest sound from the battle could escape the ears of the mutated wild dogs.

In other words, once the battle started, it was likely to be a scuffle. No matter who won or lost, it would not be so easy for anyone to escape from here.


Ye Chong stood still and looked towards the dark stairs.




The sound of rainwater dripping on the ground is very soft, but for those who deliberately want to hear the sound, it is like ringing a bell——

Death knell.

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