Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 333 The Red Line

"Tell me everything now, maybe it's too late." Ye Chong smiled slightly, and looked at the man in gray opposite him, "Of course, you can also choose to remain silent and keep your mouth shut forever."

"No, it's too late." The man in gray grinned grimly, even though his arms were splashed with blood, he didn't even frown. "One day in the future, you will regret coming to this world."

"Yo, you're not afraid of death?" Ye Chong was a little surprised. The gray-clothed man in front of him was very ordinary in appearance. He was obviously different from the No.10 gray-clothed man, the guy who just killed him with a backhand. There is no doubt that This person is the No. 11 gray-clothed man in charge of the response on the street.

"Afraid of death?" The ordinary-looking man in gray sneered, with a strong look of disdain on his face, "Hey, you underestimate us too. Also, do you think that killing us will kill us? Can they all disappear?"

"Huh?" Ye Chong couldn't help but frowned, and subconsciously looked at the distant night sky, "Is there anyone here?"

"It's late." The No.11 gray-clothed man smiled sinisterly, "We are just bait, and you... are just a hooked fish."

"Oh?" Ye Chong shook his head with a wry smile, then shrugged, "Well, tell me now where is the fishing line? Where are the fishers?"

Also at this time.

The man in gray suddenly smiled strangely.

Followed by.


Ye Chong's scalp tingled for a while, and then he subconsciously rolled his body back on the ground.


Dazzling red light suddenly bloomed.

Countless red lines ran around.

Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha!

All the objects shot by the red line, as if cut by the sharpest blade, suddenly fell to pieces and rustled.


Ye Chong's left thigh was hot, and then blood gushed out like a gush, and he faintly felt that his entire thigh was about to be cut off.

"If it wasn't for my quick response, I would be finished today.

and also.

Fortunately, the armor skin technique was blessed, otherwise, my left thigh would be useless.

on horseback.

What kind of weird weapon is this?

It could explode like a bomb.

Only instead of bomb fragments and shock waves, there was light—indestructible red light.

It turns out that this is the fishing line!

The so-called bait is the fisherman!

Is it really cruel enough to kill me? ! "

Seeing the red light dissipate, Ye Chong quickly took out a bottle of medicinal powder from his bag and sprinkled it on the wound, and then wrapped it with a bandage.

Under the environment of the new world, the speed of wound healing is very fast, which cannot be compared with that before the recovery of spiritual energy. Even if a limb is broken, as long as proper measures are taken, it can be easily succeeded. In fact, this situation can be achieved in the environment of the old world , but in today's environment, this kind of process has become extremely simple, and the results and effects are far better than in the past. Often, one person can realize the treatment of himself.

Of course, it is one thing to have time for treatment, it is also another thing to have the ability to do treatment, and it is another thing to allow the environment to allow it. However, if you suffer fatal injuries, such as a broken heart, detached corpse, etc., then it is considered a miracle doctor. , There is no cure at all, and there is no way to return to heaven.

Ye Chong got up slowly and stared at the explosion site. No. 11 gray-clothed men had already been cut into powder by the berserk red thread. The scene was filled with burnt and foul-smelling air, and it smelled dizzy and uncomfortable.


Ye Chong's expression suddenly changed.

"It's poisonous gas!"

"Nerve gas!"

He immediately shut his mouth and nose and rushed to the balcony.


Da da da!

Da da da da!

In the rainy night, countless blood-red animal eyes were shining with cruelty, ferocity and greed, and they were constantly approaching the villa.





hoo hoo hoo!

The sounds of running and roaring of mutant wild dogs besieging the villa came one after another.

Also normal.

The sound of the red line exploding just now was not loud, but the light was flickering and dazzling, especially in the rainy night, this kind of light looked weird and coquettish, and it was impossible not to attract attention.

"However, it doesn't seem right.

Why do these stinky nerve gases smell so familiar? It's almost... exactly the same as the smell of mutant wild dogs.

Is it...

These nerve gases, similar to the body odor of mutated wild dogs, are highly poisonous to humans, but to orcs, especially mutated wild dogs, they are just body odor, even full of fatal attraction?


With the prudence, cunning and suspicion of the mutated wild dog, how could it be possible to launch such a crazy attack, even without temptation?

on horseback.

The man in gray is really thoughtful, in order to kill me, he left behind a lot of killing moves.

One after another, advancing layer by layer, seamlessly connected, it is definitely the rhythm that kills me.

It seemed that the S1 mutant black mamba was also a pet brought by these guys. Its attack process and result were actually telling them the next action plan.


If I hadn't killed the mutated black mamba with one blow, maybe the two men in gray would have thought that I was vulnerable, and would have taken the initiative to show up to fight me, right?

If that's the case, it would save a lot of trouble. "

When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help shaking his body, he was dizzy for a while, and he obviously couldn't hold on anymore.

Speaking of which, if it wasn't for the light yellow circle in the sea of ​​consciousness protecting those few lines of small characters, he would have already collapsed and passed out by now, just waiting to be torn into pieces by the mutated wild dogs and swallowed.


Ye Chong touched the inside of the military vest with his left hand, and then flicked it upwards. Countless powder and smoke floated down, and a sweet smell permeated the air instantly.


His spirit lifted, and he suddenly felt a little clearer.


hoo hoo hoo!

Da da da!

After a short while, more than a dozen mutated wild dogs rushed into the room.

It's just that they grinned their teeth one by one, not daring to approach.

"Old yellow Walter White is good.

The second-level animal repellent powder he developed is not bad.

If it wasn't for this thing today, I'd be doomed.


Before the high-level mutated wild dogs surrounded him, he ran away quickly.

If it's too late, it's over. "

Swish swish!

Ye Chong's star blade flew up and down, before hitting the mutated wild dogs in the room, those guys screamed and hid aside, as if they were afraid of being contaminated by his strange smell.

Ye Chong walked up to the third floor quickly, and casually sprinkled a handful of second-level animal repellent powder behind him.


A group of mutated wild dogs that were about to rush up from the first floor smelled the second-level animal repellent powder, and all retreated, clucking, and those mutated wild dogs that were originally in the living room on the second floor barked softly and hid into the corner.

Not long after, a guy twice the size of an S3 mutant wild dog came to the stairs on the second floor.

There was a cunning light in its blood-red eyes, its huge nose kept sniffing, and then it sneezed suddenly, and then walked towards the third floor in a leisurely manner.

Obviously, the second-level animal repelling powder did not play any substantial role at all for this SS1-level mutant wild dog.

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