Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 328 Shadow of Death

After Ye Chong tied the little villain with a nano-rope, he tossed it lightly not far away. Seeing that he was about to hit the ground, the nano-rope in his hand shook slightly, and the little villain immediately landed on the ground without a sound. Next to the unicorn of the SS1 mutant wildebeest.

When the click came out, an excited smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Five or six meters away, the sound can hardly be heard, not to mention the two sides who are fighting fiercely tens of meters away, it is impossible to have a chance to hear it.

In fact, Ye Chong originally wanted the little villain to roll along the ground, but the corpses of mutant beasts were densely covered, and the ground was full of viscous animal blood, so it was not easy to roll.

In the next moment, Ye Chong was not idle either.

He quickly and quietly took out the military nanobag, and put away the powdered antlers of the SS1-level mutant moose and the pouches of animal eyes.


My current body data is...

Combat exploits: 510.

Physique: 75 (132).

Vitality: 56 (of 127).

Spirit: 79 (103).

The blood is still evaporating crazily, which shows that the poison in me is still very strong.

The physical value is also declining, that is to say, my body is seriously damaged.

Relatively speaking, it is a good thing that the decline rate of mental data is a bit slower.

However, this will not work.

If my energy and blood are exhausted, then I will lose my ability to move and become a fish at the mercy of others.

And physique.

The lower its value, the worse my body's defense ability and resistance are getting, which is a very dangerous thing.

What does the value of 75 (132) indicate?

It's obvious.

If I was able to resist 132 units of destructive power before, now, I can resist up to 75 units of destructive power, and the resistance has almost dropped by half.

If this momentum is not contained, something serious may really happen.


Just now, the fact that the combat merit points cannot be allocated continuously is really trivial.

on horseback.

A few days ago, I thought that with combat merit points, I would be able to live freely, but it turned out to be this bear?

Ma Dan.

Does it have something to do with the fact that I've killed a lot of bears lately? !


just now……

What's the situation? "


In the sea of ​​consciousness, the web of consciousness once again landed on the column of combat merit points.


To Ye Chong's great disappointment, no matter how he fished up and down the net of consciousness, he would get nothing, instead, he would be blown away with a slight movement.


He couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

In fact, he knew in his heart that it was useless.

Because the combat achievement points column is still cold gray.

"It seems that it is better to leave here as soon as possible while taking advantage of the chaos.

Otherwise, when the war is over, no matter which side wins, it is estimated that I will not have a good life.

Especially if the men in gray win, with their means, it will only take a few minutes to find me.


Little should be fine, right? "

Ye Chong peeked at the head of the SS1-level mutant wildebeest, and saw that the huge horn had long since disappeared, and the wide-open eyes had become shriveled and hollow.

With a happy face, he was about to pull the little villain back, but at this moment, there was a loud noise from the distant battle group.


Bang bang bang!

Puff puff!


Ye Chong took a look and saw the SS2-level mutant rhinoceros standing upright and fell to the ground, shaking the entire football field.

At the same time, the remaining three gray-clothed men all stood there with pale faces, all looking extremely tired.

"You two..." The bearded and gray-clothed man let out a long breath, "You two quickly clean up the battlefield, as long as the materials for this SS2-level mutant rhinoceros, as well as the materials for SS1-level mutant moose and SS1-level mutant wildebeest, other Don't think about it at all, I'll go... I'll go find that kid, and I can't let him run away."

"Yes, big brother." The grey-clothed stout man and the gray-clothed tall, thin man replied in unison. Judging from the bloodstained appearance of the two, the injuries were not minor.

After the bearded and gray-clothed man finished speaking, he came straight to the head of the SS1-level mutant moose with a mountain-digging ax in one hand.


Ye Chong's face suddenly turned pale.


Da da!

Da da da!

The footsteps were getting closer.

You can even see the grim smile on the face of the bearded and gray-clothed man.


Ye Chong raised the black crossbow and red arrow and pulled the trigger.

This was a spare when he collected the SS1-level mutant moose materials just now, and he didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.



Three crossbow arrows shot out, and the soldiers divided into three groups and went straight to the big man in gray clothes and bearded.

Swish swish!

The bearded man in gray swayed and avoided two crossbow arrows, and the third crossbow arrow hit his left shoulder.

"Huh? Little bastard, it really was you who killed the Mou family's children!" The bearded gray-clothed man grinned, then grabbed something and stuffed it into his mouth, and then strode forward, "Bang bang bang bang!" It’s not easy for you to survive until now after being hit by a poisoned arrow! But, hey, it’s time for you to die now.”



Ka Ka Ka!




Suddenly, there was a sound from the direction of the tall, thin man in gray and the stout man in gray, followed by two screams. The bearded man in gray turned his head and his face turned green.

I saw three tall mutant bears standing in the dark, their blood-red eyes gleaming with a strange light, while the tall thin man in gray clothes and the stout man in gray clothes were all lying on the ground, rotted into a ball.

Swish swish!

The big man in the beard and gray clothes flashed, and he rushed forward desperately, and rushed straight to the other side of the football field. His speed was definitely 3.1415926 times faster than that of a rabbit.

At the same time, the tallest and most majestic SS2-level mutant bear shot straight at the past like lightning, as if an eagle was chasing the chick.

At the same time, the remaining SS1-level mutant bear and S3-level mutant bear bent down and grabbed the corpses of the tall, thin man in gray clothes and the thick man in gray clothes, chewing and eating, while holding on tight. Go with the SS2 mutant bear.

Ye Chong curled up in the pit, not daring to move, he was completely bewildered.


Da da!

Da da da!

The SS1-level mutant bear was eating the life in his hand, looking at the direction in which the SS2-level mutant bear disappeared, and walked quickly.

The S3-level mutant bear was also chewing and eating with relish, but when it passed the head of the SS1-level mutant moose, it suddenly stopped moving.




Its nose was constantly moving, and then it looked at the pile of dead bodies of the mutant beast with a puzzled expression, and even slapped its nose with its hands.

Immediately following the next moment, it took two steps forward, then bent down as if looking for something.


Ye Chong's face suddenly turned extremely pale, and the only thing he had time to do was to close his eyes.

He dared not move.

Like a dead body, not daring to move.

Not to mention that there is an SS1-level mutant bear beside him, even this S3-level mutant bear is definitely stronger than ordinary SS1-level mutant bears.

In addition, his body is seriously injured now. If he acts rashly at this time, he will definitely die to pieces, and there will be no shit left. Instead, he will turn into shit after a thousand turns. I don’t know which wall he will be sprayed on. .

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