Ho ho ho!

The SS1-level mutant bear walked more than ten meters away. Seeing that the S3-level mutant bear didn't keep up, it couldn't help but turned around and yelled twice.

Ho woo ho woo!

The S3 mutant bear responded a little unhappily.

This situation is very similar to a child expressing serious dissatisfaction after being reprimanded by his parents.

However, dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, obedience has to be obedient.

The S3-level mutant bear lifted its big foot and slammed on the corpse of the mutant beast next to it, causing blood to splash everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, the obviously immature mutant bear ran towards the SS1-level mutant bear with a hoot.

After a short while, the sound of chewing bones gradually faded away.

What the hell!

Ye Chong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then moved away the corpse of the mutant beast that had trampled on him, and then sat up slowly.

Speaking of which, just now, the kick of the S3-level mutant bear killed him, and until now, his indescribable part is still hurting intermittently.

"Damn it.

Don't let me catch you.

If I really get caught, I will definitely put you on a skewer and eat roasted sheep eggs, and I will make up for it seriously.


Where's my little rascal?

Ma Dan.

If I'm broken, I'll be broken, don't let anything happen to you. "


Ye Chong pulled the nano rope.


The little villain Didi Liu was lifted up.

Immediately after the next moment, Ye Chong crossed his legs in a hurry and came to the side of the SS2-level mutant rhino, and immediately put the little villain on the side of the giant horn. The man chopped it off, but the other two beast eyes were not dug out. Speaking of it, it was really cheap, you little villain.


blah blah blah!

blah blah!

When the sound came out, Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his mouth, then immediately turned around and went straight to the SS1-level mutant wildebeest, and then quickly collected horn powder and animal eye skin.

"It's just a pity.

I'm afraid there is no time for the little villain to absorb the sharp claws of these two SS1 mutant beasts.

emmm, in this case, well, let me do it myself.

Anyway, if it is really turned into powder, it is not easy to collect in blood water, and the waste is too much.

Might as well..."


As soon as Ye Chong bent down, he began to cut his claws with the dagger.

But at the next moment, he put away the dagger again, and then the blade of the starry sky shook downward.

Ka Ka Ka!

The sharp claws of the SS1-level mutant wildebeest came down one after another, followed by the sharp claws of the SS1-level mutant moose, which were all cut off.

The whole process was like a sharp knife cutting through the mess, and almost no sound came out.

But speaking of it, the claws of the SS1-level mutant moose and the SS1-level mutant wildebeest are really heavy and not small. He even planned to give up, but when he thought about these, they were all from the SS1-level mutant beasts. His eyes blazed brightly when he had claws.

"It's all points! For the sake of all mankind, I must make a fortune, so work harder, huh!"


When Ye Chong packed up his sharp claws and hurried to the side of the little villain, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

I saw that most of the horns of the SS2-level mutant rhinoceros had turned into powder, and the smaller half of the horns were intact, and the two eyes of the animals kept their original appearance.

"Very good.

Little villain, you bastard, you are the biggest bastard of bastards, the biggest bastard of bastards when you pick up your pick at the critical moment.

That horse riding is exhausting me to death.



If I'm exhausted, I'll be exhausted.

Then I have to take these things back, it's all points.

If you miss this village, you won’t have this store.

So come on, bro! "

While cheering himself up, Ye Chong cut quickly.

To his surprise, although the claws of the SS2-level mutant rhinoceros were very long, about one or two meters long, they were bamboo-shaped and could be folded, and they were very thin and extremely sharp. Its volume is not too large, even smaller than that of SS1-level mutant moose and SS1-level mutant wildebeest.

After spending a full 5 minutes, Ye Chong packed up everything, turned around and went straight to the small woods on the east side.

"what a pity.

There is really no time to seize the things of the man in gray.

The black lamps are in a mess, and their bodies are all rotted into a ball, and they can't find anything.

However, that's fine too.

Even if that bearded and gray-clothed man knew my identity, so what?

Under the pursuit of three mutant bears, it might not be so easy for him to escape.

and so……

In this dragon suction land where there is no signal transmission, it is impossible for that guy to pass the message out.

In other words, leaving traces of the battle between the man in gray and the mutant beast in this battle field, as well as the human relics that have not been confiscated, may be more proof of my innocence.

However, there are also problems.

If all the gray-clothed men died in the battle, then how to explain the missing body parts of this SS2-level mutant rhinoceros and the other two SS1-level mutant beasts?


It can only be hoped that other mutant beasts will eat up these guys. "

After Ye Chong quietly entered the grove, he didn't immediately return to the station in the northeast corner of West Town, but walked around in the grove.

As he walked, he sprayed himself with an odor-masking aerosol.

Finally, he stopped under a towering tree near the center of the grove, and the bird climbed up the tree silently.

no way.

He understood very well.

The reason for doing this is entirely to guard against the three mutant human bears with advanced intelligence and terrifying strength, fearing that if they are not careful, they will become their supper.

In addition, there is actually one more thing.

Even if he wanted to go back now, he couldn't go back.

"My body is extremely damaged right now, my movements are sluggish, and my strength is exhausted. Even an ordinary S3-level mutant beast may pose a fatal threat to me.

The most terrible thing is that I spent a lot of money just now to cut the claws of those mutant beasts. The current blood is 13 (127), and the evaporation of blood has not stopped. Now that I return to the station, it is very likely that I will die. die on the road.

Ha ha.

Taking a step back, even if there is no danger along the way, I am afraid that once my blood is exhausted and I faint on the road, I will still die in the end.

So, it's better to meditate quietly here, maybe it can restore some blood. "

After Ye Chong climbed up the big tree, he didn't dare to stay below, fearing that the smell would cause trouble if it couldn't cover it, so he kept climbing up, and finally sat down cross-legged at a height of fifteen or sixteen meters above the ground.

However, he soon sank into deep anxiety.

Sitting cross-legged to restore qi and blood has little effect. It can only slightly slow down the speed of qi and blood evaporation, but it cannot solve the fundamental problem.

"I don't know if my qi and blood are finally exhausted, will there still be a situation where the combat merit points were actively allocated last time.

If that's the case, it can save my life again.


Things are a little different these two times.

That time when I was chased by an SS1-level mutant bear, when I just rushed into the small high-rise on the south side of the garden in the middle of the street, the column of combat merit points should not be gray.

And now I...


It seems that today I...



What's wrong? ! "

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