Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 327 5 Flowers tied

"Form a seven-star formation, let's work together to kill this beast!" The bearded and gray-clothed man roared violently, and the mountain-opening ax in his hand slashed obliquely like lightning from left to right.

Swish swish!

The other six gray-clothed men divided into left and right, and launched an attack at the same time.


The SS2-level mutant rhino came close in a blink of an eye, stood up right after the person, and stomped down with both front hooves. , like a long sword shining with cold light.

It doesn't stop there.

Each front hoof has five sharp claws, and each claw can fly up and down and move freely. Compared with the sharp claws of the SS1 mutant moose, it is unknown how many times more flexible and powerful.


puff puff!

Puff puff!


Immediately, at least three people had sharp claws on their bodies, their intestines were ripped apart, and they screamed again and again.

At the same time, various weapons also bombarded the SS2 mutant rhinoceros.

As a result, a surprising scene appeared.


All the weapons that hit the body of the SS2-level mutant rhinoceros were all bounced off, it felt like a wooden stick hit an extremely tough rubber ball.

"Not good!" The grey-clothed bearded man's expression changed, and he roared, "This is a nuclear mutant monster with strong defense, break its life gate!"

"Where is the gate of life?" The tall and thin man in gray turned the spear in his hand and stabbed at the navel of the SS2 mutant rhinoceros. "It's not the navel!"

"The area around the hole is the most likely!" The bearded man in gray clothes shook his figure as he spoke, and then struck the opponent's belly below the navel with an axe, "Everyone attack with all our strength! Find the gate of life!"

Boom boom boom!

hoo hoo hoo!


In the following time, mutated beasts joined the battle group from time to time, and various screams or howls continued, and the scene was completely chaotic.


Ye Chong quietly opened his eyes, adjusted his posture slightly, and watched the horrifying scene in front of him quietly, feeling his heart surge.

It doesn't work if you don't surge.

The head of the SS1-level mutant moose was lying beside him, and the head of the SS1-level mutant wildebeest was not far away.

The key is that the horns of these two monsters are huge.

The horns of the SS1-level mutant moose are like huge corals, while the horns of the SS1-level mutant wildebeest seem to be a circle larger than the horns of the S3-level mutant rhinoceros.

To put it bluntly, it is full of temptation—extreme temptation.


Ye Chongniao quietly took out the little villain, and gently placed it next to the horn of the SS1 mutant moose.

Unexpectedly, there were several inaudible clicks at the scene.

If it weren't for the fierce battle between the man in gray and the SS2-level mutant rhino, this kind of sound might not have escaped the ears of those guys.


Ye Chong's face turned pale with fright.

"The little villain is really naive.

Isn't it because you have a bad appetite that you can't absorb so much?

Why do you look so impatient now?

on horseback.

How hungry is it to make a rattling sound?

If the man in gray heard me, he would definitely find out where he was hiding, and I would definitely have a place to bury him.


Just put it away.

Otherwise, it would be too dangerous. "

Ye Chong wanted to do it, and quietly stretched out his hand to grab the little villain, but he didn't expect to feel trembling, trembling, and he didn't know whether it was fear, excitement or excitement.

But in this way, the rattling sound was reduced a lot.

However, when he looked at the horns of the SS1 mutant moose, he couldn't help being stunned, and a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes.

How did it lose more than one-fifth so quickly?

and also.

He soon discovered that the tiny rattling sound was not from the little villain, but from the disintegrating horns of the SS1 mutant moose.

The more intense and faster the breakdown, the louder the rattling will be.

Ye Chong frowned, and quietly glanced at the battle group through the corpse of the mutant beast beside him.

I saw the SS2-level mutant rhinoceros fighting frantically with several men in gray. The battle was extremely fierce and there was a lot of movement.

As for the sound of the little villain breaking down the antlers, he was close and worried, so of course he could hear it clearly, but the man in gray and the SS2-level mutant rhino who were fighting fiercely were far away, so it was impossible to have time to hear this sound. A sound as thin as a mosquito.

In addition, the pit area near the wall has long been covered by the corpses of mutant beasts, and he observed the outside situation through the gap. It is basically impossible to see his situation clearly from a distance in the darkness. .

Ye Chong blinked, then patted the little villain's body, and simply ignored it. Instead, he leaned forward, dug with the dagger in his hand, and gouged out the two beast eyes of the SS1 mutant moose. Down, next to the little rascal.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the SS1 mutant wildebeest with his eyes shining, but he quickly retracted his body with a self-deprecating smile.

It's too far away.

It's five or six meters away.

If you want to pull over the SS1-level mutant horns, it is purely a rhythm of courting death.

However, not long after, he looked at the little villain with a look of astonishment.

I saw deer antler powder all over the floor, but where is the shadow of the huge SS1 mutant moose horn?

It doesn't stop there.

The animal eyes of the two SS1 mutant moose that had just been placed beside it had long shriveled up and turned into skins.

"Damn it.

It's not that the little bastard can't learn much, but that he has a tricky mouth, or in other words, this little bastard is picky about eating.


Obviously, the materials of S1, S2, and even S3 mutant beasts have lost its appetite, and the materials of mutant beasts above SS1 are what it is interested in.

This is what I'm used to!

For a while, you have been eating and drinking, and now you have learned to be picky eaters. See how dishonest you are after being hungry for ten and a half months?

At that time, you will inevitably be hungry, let alone an S1 mutant beast, it is estimated that even the ingredients of ordinary mutant beasts can satisfy you.

Ha ha.

You think I've never had a dog, do you?


But then again, it's not wrong that the little villain likes to eat materials from high-level monsters.

After all, the higher the level of the mutant beast, the more abundant the energy and essence contained in the body material.

This is similar to people, right?

When supplies are scarce, wild vegetables can be eaten, grass roots can be eaten, bark can also be eaten, and sometimes even soil is delicious.

But after the material is abundant, this will not be the case.

With rice, white flour and meat to choose from, who would eat dead tree bark and rotten grass roots every day?

Besides, for a child who is in the development period, it is better to eat more nutritious food, otherwise he will be sallow and thin, he will not even grow tall, and maybe he will be sick all over, of course it will not work.

Speaking of which, why not the little villain?

In fact, it is like a developing child who wants to eat more nutritious things, which is fine.

So, what's more nutritious for the little villain?

Isn't it the material for higher level mutant beasts?

and so……

Ha ha.

I forgive you, little rascal. "

When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help smiling, and then quietly took out a nano-rope from the military vest, and then tied the little villain around his head, and tied it up.

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