Ye Chong frowned, and continued to crawl into the football field.

In fact, his blood has recovered a lot, and he can speed up, but he dare not.

One is that I don't want myself to speed up the evaporation of Qi and blood due to excessive force.

One is because there are ferocious beasts lying in the football field, and he dare not seek his own death.

The other one is that he doesn't want to completely escape the sight of the man in gray. There is no doubt that it may be the safest to operate in the dangerous middle area between the left and right.

Sometimes the enemy is not only your own enemy, but also the enemy's enemy, which will bring unlimited imagination and possibilities.




The man in gray has a very high attack efficiency.

Especially the big bearded man in gray clothes, the stout man in gray clothes, and the tall and thin man in gray clothes, basically only used one move to slaughter S3 level mutant beasts.

Swish swish!

It didn't take long before the nine men in gray rushed to the dilapidated entrance gate.

Seeing the opponent approaching quickly, Ye Chong curled up and kept retreating, looking helpless.

The moment the three gray-clothed men rushed over with grinning grinning, Ye Chong jumped into the air instantly, screaming and rushing towards the football field.


All the men in gray were stunned.

What's the matter?

Aren't they all half dead?

Why did it explode all of a sudden?

Then came the next moment.


The crowd of beasts roared in the football field, and more than a dozen mutant beasts at the peak of S3 level all rushed over, and behind them were an SS1-level mutant moose and an SS1-level mutant wildebeest.

At the same time, nearly a hundred mutant beasts outside the football field, stimulated by the roar of the berserk beasts, all flocked to the dilapidated east entrance of the football field.


The nine men in gray were completely submerged in the siege of the beasts.

Ye Chong raised his hands in the air at the moment when the S3 peak mutant beast rushed towards him on the football field, and the powder and dust filled the air.

At the same time, a puff of sweet smell spread in all directions.

Almost at the same time, Ye Chong's body rolled, and it was a coincidence that he just rolled into a dilapidated pit near the wall, and he became motionless thereafter.

Amidst the rumbling sound, the S3-level peak mutant beast, the SS1-level mutant moose and the SS1-level mutant wildebeest all roared past and rushed towards the gray-clothed man.

What's interesting is that several S3 peak mutant beasts that passed by Ye Chong all roared and deviated from the direction, as if they were frightened or smoked by something.

The war is about to start.



Boom boom boom!

The gray-clothed man fought thoroughly with the madly rushing mutant beasts.

All of a sudden, the air of blood filled the air, and the sound of violent and chaotic battles spread in the night.


The mountain-piercing ax in the hand of the bearded man in gray clothes slashed fiercely at the SS1-level mutant moose that rushed towards it.


The mountain ax collided with the huge antlers, making a deafening metallic clang.



Swish swish!

The bearded and gray-clothed man changed his figure and wanted to draw back the mountain axe, but he had already been firmly caught by the huge antlers of the SS1-level mutant moose, and he couldn't pull it back at all.


The SS1-level mutant moose stood up in an instant, and the mountain-breaking ax flew out of its hands. The bearded and gray-clothed man was stunned, and the SS1-level mutant moose's front hooves ruthlessly stepped down.

At the same time, sharp claws more than half a meter long popped out from the two front hooves, piercing the chest of the bearded man in gray.

the other side.

The SS1-level mutated wildebeest pounced on a gray-clothed giant man who was two meters tall. The latter had just killed an S3-level mutated mountain lion with a knife. The unicorn of the mutated wildebeest passed through.


The giant man let out a scream, and his whole body was picked up in an instant, followed by the SS1-level mutant wildebeest, shaking its head and throwing it down fiercely, and then stomped on it with its huge front hooves.


A cloud of blood burst out of the chest of the gray-clothed giant, and he died in an instant.


Two gray-clothed men rushed forward, one from the left and the other from the right. One with a sword and the other with a knife, they all stabbed into the body of the SS1 mutant wildebeest.

But at this moment, the SS1-level mutant wildebeest frantically swung around, and the two men in gray immediately flew out with their weapons.

Immediately after, the SS1-level mutant wildebeest roared and rushed towards the man with the sword. From its eyes, it could be seen that it was full of outrageous anger.


Where is it bad to stab with a sword?

Do you have to stab between your legs?

That was the masculine dignity of an SS1 mutant wildebeest.

If you dare to provoke, then accept the craziest revenge from the monster who hangs the eunuch!



The moment the SS1-level mutated wildebeest caught up with the man in gray with the sword, he turned around and slammed down his hind hooves.

Coincidentally, the place where he stepped on was between the legs of the man in gray with the sword.


Amidst the screams, the gray-clothed man with the sword spurted out a mouthful of blood and died instantly.

Almost at the same time.


The bearded and gray-clothed man flickered, avoiding the sharp claws of the SS1-level mutant moose, and then bullied himself up. With a flip of his right hand, a gleaming dagger appeared. Before the SS1-level mutant moose could have any When reacting, he waved the small sword, slashing, cutting directly on the opponent's body.



The SS1-level mutant moose was severely injured, screaming and wailing, waving wildly with its sharp claws, and with a snort, it made a huge bloody mouth on the back of the bearded gray-clothed man.

Then came the next moment.


A large knife fell from the sky, directly chopping off the huge head of the SS1 mutant moose.

"Brother, shall we fight? Or withdraw?" The burly man in gray wiped his sword on the body of the SS1 mutant moose, "Two brothers died in battle."

"It's already like this, of course it's a war." A stern look flashed in the eyes of the bearded man in gray clothes, "Today, no matter where that bastard hides, we will kill him! Also, you go over and help, and immediately beheaded that SS1 Super Mutant Wildebeest, I will try my best to kill SS2 Mutant Rhino."

"Yes, big brother." The burly man in gray agreed, and then swung his knife and rushed towards the SS1 mutant wildebeest.



dong dong!

Boom boom boom!

Amidst the monstrous roar of the football field, the ground also trembled.

The SS2-level mutant rhino finally woke up from sleep, and began to walk slowly towards the entrance of the football field.

Every step it takes is like a hill falling to the ground, filled with an extremely violent force.

At this moment, Ye Chong curled up tightly in the pit near the wall. He dared to sneak a peek at the battle situation, but now he closed his eyes, as if he was afraid that if he opened them, he would be caught by the monstrous man on the other side. The mighty SS2 level mutant rhino was trampled to death.



After being besieged by the five gray-clothed men, the SS1 mutant wildebeest howled and fell to the ground. Its body was covered with huge bloody mouths, like a gurgling stream.



hoo hoo hoo!

Seeing this situation, the SS2-level mutant rhino stood up in an instant, then fell to the ground with a bang, rushing towards the man in gray like lightning.

Amidst the rumbling sound, it seemed as if a giant tank was crushing towards the target, and all obstacles in front of it seemed insignificant and vulnerable.

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