Ye Chong frowned and picked up the Starry Sky Blade, with a look of suspicion on his face.

It had obviously stopped trembling, but now, it started buzzing again.

That feeling is like a child who wants to eat something good, acting like a baby, and losing his temper.


The blade of the starry sky slowly unsheathed.

Ye Chong held the handle of the knife in his hand, and slowly closed his eyes.

I saw the three golden tadpoles in the blade, as if they had regained their vitality, swimming around, looking lively and cute.

The other two dying golden tadpoles also looked a little more energetic than before. From time to time, they would shake their heads and wag their tails.

"The effect of Shenbing Liquid is obvious.

Not only can the pattern of law that is exhausted and fallen into a deep sleep recover quickly, but it can also slowly improve the pattern of law that was originally damaged.

This is indeed a happy event.

In other words, if I can continue to provide the magic liquid, the defects or injuries of the two golden tadpoles are likely to recover.

However, if this is the case, it is impossible for the refiner who made the Starry Sky Blade not to know this truth.


Why didn't he do it?

After all, if the two flawed lines of law are restored, then this starry sky blade will become a weapon for intermediate warriors, and its value and price will be greatly improved.



It is estimated that it is likely that the cost performance is not high, or that the input and output are not proportional to doing so?

Then I...

Do we still need to continue doing this? "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong picked up the small bottle of Shenbing Liquid, which was less than half a bottle left, and shook it, and couldn't help but wryly smiled.

"Otherwise, what should we do?

The reason why the refiner refused to nourish the Starry Sky Blade with the Divine Weapon Liquid was that it would take time, effort and money, and it would be better to refine a new intermediate warrior's weapon.

However, I am now.

I invested 100 million points to buy the magic weapon liquid, and I have already had feelings for Starry Sky Blade. Now I can't do it halfway, no matter what.

Most importantly, it is a wonderful feeling to be able to watch the pattern of law in the blade of the starry sky grow little by little.

it's like...

Have a pet.

After watching it grow up little by little, it has a strong feeling that cannot be let go.

Even if other people's pets are better, smarter, and more valuable, they are still reluctant to throw away their own little pets.

And even more than that.

It is inappropriate to use the word pet, perhaps it is more accurate to use the metaphor of a child.

In short, regardless of how much it costs, the emotional barrier will simply not pass.

So, now I can only continue to cultivate the Starry Sky Blade and watch it grow slowly and become more perfect.

As for the magic liquid?

Ha ha.

I now have over [-] million points.

With the improvement of ability, the number of mutant beasts hunted will also increase. When the time comes, once the materials are sold, the bus points will naturally follow.

So, there's nothing wrong with this.

Ha ha.

On the contrary, it's a pity.

If I had known about the current situation, I should really have bought more Shenbing liquid, so that I wouldn't be as stretched as I am now.

However, it can only be used sparingly.

When I go back, I must add more of these things, so as not to starve my starry sky blade, and I will not bear it when I look at it. "


Ye Chong picked up the vial of Shenbing Liquid and shook it, couldn't help but smiled wryly, but in the end he was still reluctant to pour it into the scabbard again.

Of course he knew in his heart that the three little golden tadpoles in the blade were full of vitality now, rather than feeding them now, it would be better to wait for these little guys to be fed when they are exhausted again.

It's like inviting someone to dinner.

It is of course better to treat someone when they are hungry than when they are just full, since demand is high after all.

After Ye Chong put down the Starry Sky Blade helplessly, he looked at the backpack beside him.

Unexpectedly, there was a rattling sound coming from inside now, as if a child was sucking milk.


Ye Chong shrugged, then shook his head and smiled wryly:

"These two little ancestors are really more edible than the other.

It seems that this is the rhythm of eating people into poverty.

However, this one I like.

Being able to eat is a blessing.

Most of all, it would be nice to have a big surprise for me.


You are so good at eating, it makes me hungry too. "


Ye Chong grabbed a roast leg of lamb and started to eat it.

Speaking of it, once the mutton cools down, it tastes much worse than when it was just roasted, but chewing slowly, it also has a unique taste of cold brine.

For a while, Ye Chong feasted on it and was intoxicated.

Unknowingly, the sky gradually darkened.

west town.

Street garden.

The small high-rise roof on the south side.

Ten gray-clothed men and birds quietly appeared here.


They dispersed at once and began to survey the scene.

Two of them guarded the entrance of the rooftop, one mile and one outside, paying attention to their guard.

The other three quietly inspected along the inside of the roof wall.

The remaining five people all squatted where the corpses of the SS1-level mutant bear and the middle-aged gray-clothed man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks had been.

"This is indeed a bloodstain left by humans.

In other words, the S3-level mutant bear and the SS1-level mutant bear not long ago were eating human beings.

As for who the deceased was, it is impossible to judge now. There was not even a piece of clothing left at the scene, and the two guys ate clean enough.


It is said that mutant bears are picky eaters, so it turns out that they also divide things.

Once you encounter life, you don't care about anything. "

"Brother, the smell of the dead's blood...

It feels a little strange.


Why does it smell a bit... a bit like..."


The other gray-clothed men all lowered their bodies and sniffed the long-dried blood.

Almost at the same time, a strange and awe-inspiring look appeared on everyone's face.

"This is the smell of the Mou family's Qi and Blood Pill." The tall and broad man known as the eldest brother had a stern expression at this time, "It seems that our Mou family really met that mutant bear."

"Brother, there should be only one person here. I don't know what happened to the others?" A skinny 30-year-old man frowned, "I don't know who he is?"

"Brother, come and take a look." A short gray-clothed man in the distance suddenly greeted softly: "There are discoveries here."

Swish swish!

The men in gray all lowered their bodies and came to the person who made the sound. The thin man pointed to a small hole in the wall of the roof and said, "Brother, this should be shot by my second brother's hand crossbow... "

When he said this, the short man choked up for a while, and was actually speechless.

The bearded man frowned and looked carefully at the small hole in the wall, and couldn't help but sigh softly:

"That's right.

This is indeed the damage caused by the black crossbow and red arrow.

But where did the red arrow go?

Also, where is the black crossbow?

Also, what about your second brother's weapon?

I don't seem to have seen it being taken away by the three mutant bears.


It seems...

Someone should have been here before those three guys came here.

Undoubtedly, if it was a mutant beast, then no human beings would be left behind, nor would the corpse of the mutant bear be left behind. "


The eyes of all the men in gray were flickering, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

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