Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 321 Witchcraft

Central City.

Kyushu Martial Arts Academy.


The old yellow-haired Walter White was walking around the room with a cigar in his mouth. From time to time, he would click on his phone a few times. When there was a return message that he could not be connected, he would raise his hands Waving, let out a strange cry, seeing an urge to throw the phone on the ground.

However, at this time, he would quickly walk to the wall, stretch out his fist and slam the wall hard, making a thud-thump-thump sound, then he would let out an angry breath, and then run around in the room again and again. .

At the same time, thick smoke filled the room, and from time to time, the angry and ferocious face of the old yellow-haired Walter White appeared, as if he was a giant beast rushing out of the monstrous fog.

Occasionally, he would suddenly appear in front of the experiment table, gritted his teeth, and muttered:


Fake Young!

Follow me!





On a horse!

your Misadog!


After muttering, the old yellow-haired Walter White will continue to smoke desperately, and then there will be a look on his face that he wants to pull everything on the experimental table to the ground immediately.

However, every time this time came, he would subconsciously stare at the ceiling suddenly, as if he was afraid that he would be drenched again in the next moment.

Just as the old yellow-haired Walter White was running rampant in his room, another scene was unfolding in another room in the skyscraper.

With his upper body naked, Hook finished hitting the sandbags hard, and then gasped heavily, and collapsed to the ground.

His pectoralis major was bigger than cow dung, rising and falling with his breathing.

His arms were intertwined and bulging, as if full of explosive power.

There are at least ten shit pancakes arranged in a checkerboard shape above his abdomen, surging up and down.

His thighs and calves are also protruding muscles, like countless toads lying on their stomachs.

At this moment, the only feeling that Hooker brings to people is - strong, strong enough.

Speaking of which, compared with before, he has indeed undergone a brand new change.

Today, he has already completely turned off all activities, including a student girl who once fascinated him, and he has stopped chasing him. Instead, he has spent all his time and energy on cultivation, cultivation and continuous cultivation. .

He has only one purpose - to trample Ye Chong on the ground in the martial arts arena that will come soon, so that everyone in the academy can hear the other party's screams and begging for mercy.

By the way, let the teachers and students in the school know that the only end of going against him, Hook, the future teacher, is to yell and look for his teeth all over the place.

In fact, Hook has already formed a habit by now.

Before the start of each formal practice, he would first use the basic power of his body to bombard the sandbags, just like ordinary people, vent his anger wildly, and then use the power of qi and blood to practice real attack skills.

What he didn't expect was that this way of cultivation actually brought him a big surprise.

Whether it is the basic power generated by the body's musculoskeletal blood vessels, or the power of qi and blood surges generated by people in martial arts with the help of qi and blood surges, they have all made great progress far better than before.

Lose first and then gain.

Break and build again.


Back and forth.

In fact, it is constantly expanding its own limits.

If things go on like this, it's no wonder that we don't make progress.

This sudden surprise and harvest naturally doubled Hook's confidence, and he was full of strong expectations for the future battle in the martial arts arena.

But speaking of it, the Qi and blood surge method practiced by Hu Ke is actually quite different from Ye Chong's.

Every time he practices the Qi and blood surge method, he will try his best to mobilize the whole body of Qi and blood to maximize the power of Qi and blood, and pursue the great power that can be accomplished in one battle.

This is not the case with Ye Chong's Qi and blood surge method. Whether he is attacking with the blade of the starry sky or using other parts of the body, he is calling the unit Qi and blood of the attacking part to launch the attack, and then the whole body is replenished by surging Qi and blood. As a result, life is endless, and the power of qi and blood is constantly superimposed. With the least and most economical consumption of qi and blood, the power is produced as much as possible, and the efficiency is extremely high. Exhausted, hard to last.

However, it has to be admitted that the first three blows of Hook's all-out effort were indeed so powerful that people dare not underestimate them because of their majestic energy and blood.


The slightly recovered Hook carp straightened up, stood up, and then flew up and kicked the special sandbag weighing a thousand kilograms. The latter immediately heaved and swayed like a lantern under a strong wind.

"That's not enough!

If I want to make Madman Ye completely defeated, I still need to become stronger!

It's a pity that you can't use weapons to attack for the time being in the martial arts arena, otherwise, hey, once I get out my intermediate warrior weapon, I can easily crush that bastard.


Now if I want to continue to improve my combat effectiveness, apart from making my combat skills more powerful and my body skills more agile, there is of course another way, and that is to continue to improve my cultivation.

In the past few days, I have directly improved from the elementary level of the intermediate martial arts fighter to the high level of the intermediate martial arts fighter. Compared with the previous one, my strength has already made great progress and obvious changes. This shows that I can quickly improve myself by taking special elixir This way is feasible.


Then the next thing I have to do is to continue to attack higher levels.

If I can really reach the pinnacle of intermediate martial arts fighters before the Martial Arts Field appointment comes, then even if I don't have the help of a warrior's weapon, I can still deal with that lunatic like a little ant.


Maybe I can still make great strides and advance directly to the elementary level of advanced martial arts fighter, then when the time comes...

Am I going to be able to knock that bastard thing to death with a little finger? "

When thinking of this, Hook couldn't help grinning, his eyes glowing with infinite anticipation.

Immediately after the next moment, he couldn't wait to grab a purple bottle from the table, then shook it lightly, and there was a ding ding dong dong sound inside.


The cap is unscrewed.


Three purple pills appeared in his hand.

"This is the Zixue Pill I got from the underground black market. It is the fastest witch medicine to improve the body data. It is also very effective and efficient. Even if there is a little flaw, it can be regarded as tolerable in the face of strong strength. that's it.


I hope that the money I spent can earn me back as soon as possible in the future.

Emmm, speaking of it, now is a great opportunity to hunt mutant beasts. After I get rid of that bastard, I can make money by hunting monsters. I can't miss this great opportunity.

In addition, according to the latest regulations of the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, students can apply to become teachers of the academy after reaching the intermediate level of intermediate martial arts fighters. Of course, as long as you want to, you can become a teacher right away.

When the time comes, they will be able to lead the team on missions as teachers and captains. In that case, it will be easier to hunt and kill mutant beasts, and it will be easier to earn money.

Of course, not yet.

After all, there is still an appointment with the Martial Arts Field.

I can't bully a student as a teacher.


Then wait until the Martial Arts Field agreement is over.

It just so happens that I, Mr. Hook, can show off. "


Hook instantly put all three Zixue pills into his mouth.

Ka Ka Ka!

He was quickly submerged in a thick fog of blood.

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