Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 319 The Man Hiding Behind

Dragon sucks.

west town.

Twin Towers.


Ten gray-clothed men quietly lurked on the edge of the roof, quietly observing the situation on the small high-rise on the south side of the garden in the middle of the street.

"The three mutant bears just now, one is an SS2-level male mutant bear, one is an SS1-level female mutant bear, and the other is a relatively young S3-level mutant bear.

It seemed that these three monsters, as well as the dead mutant bear, should be a family.

Well, judging from its size, the mutant bear that died was at least an S3 monster.

It might even be an SS1 mutant bear.

The issue is……

Who killed such a difficult guy like the mutant bear?

If it was killed by other mutant beasts, its body should have been eaten long ago.

If it wasn't killed by a mutant beast, it was done by humans.

However, it seems that there are not many human races that have appeared here in West Town recently.

One team we know is the Four Seas Team of Kyushu Martial Arts Academy.

As for the other team, it is the task force sent by our Mou family last time. "

"Brother, we know the strength of the Four Seas Squad from Nine Martial Arts Academy.

They simply don't have the ability to kill SS1 level mutant bears.

However, if the mutant bear that died was at level S3, then there would be no problem.

Hehe, that fellow Bao Sihai is probably able to kill it alone, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Speaking of which, this matter is also easy to track down.

If the Four Seas Squad from the Nine Martial Arts Academy hunted down the mutant bear, they would definitely bring back the mutant beast's materials.


Just let our people go to the mutant biology laboratory of Jiuwu Academy to see if there are any materials for mutant bears recently.

If so, then the person who submitted the materials must have something to do with the death of this mutant bear.

After all, such things as human bears are rare in the world, and they are not low-level mutant human bears. It is not easy for the laboratory of mutant biology to receive such a precious thing.

Therefore, as long as it is accepted, it should be the material of the mutant bear we saw just now.

If it is confiscated, then the death of this mutant bear has nothing to do with Kyushu Martial Arts Academy.

In other words, it was probably killed by our Mou family's task force.

From this point of view, our task force has been unable to get in touch. It is very likely that there is really something wrong here...? "

"For one thing, I think there is something wrong.

What if the Four Seas Team of Jiuwu Academy did not go to the Mutant Biological Laboratory to sell the mutant bear materials after getting them?

Well, I remember that Jiuwu Academy seems to have a mission hall, which can also collect materials for mutant beasts.

That is to say, if the members of the Four Seas Team choose to turn in tasks instead of selling materials in the mutant biology laboratory, we may miss valuable information.

So, maybe we should also send someone to the Mission Hall of the Nine Martial Arts Academy to find out about the situation.

At the very least, it would be safer. "

"Ha ha.

Dude thought too much.

You may not know much about the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy.

In fact, for the materials of mutant beasts, the preferred place to pay is the mutant biology laboratory.

After all, the materials collected for mutant beasts are for research, especially for rare monsters like mutant human bears, the price charged will be very high.

As for the mission hall, forget it.

There, the number of mutant beasts killed is mainly considered, only the level is considered, and the specific types of mutant beasts are not very concerned.

Therefore, for the mutant bear, the price difference between the two may be several times or even ten times.

The members of the Four Seas Squad of Nine Martial Arts Academy, including Bao Sihai, would never do stupid things.

If they really killed the mutant bear, they would definitely sell it to the mutant biology laboratory, there is no doubt about it. "

"Don't be too decisive.

I think it's like this, it's good to let the people of Jiuwu Academy know about it.

and also.

Whether it's the Mutant Biology Lab or the Mission Hall, get to know it, and don't make any mistakes.

Our people have been out of contact for many days, if we can't find them here this time...

That's a big problem.

Such a huge loss... is simply unimaginable. "

"Brother, the quality of the task force is excellent, and nothing will happen.

One thing seems odd, though.

Those mutant bears just now...

At the end, it seemed like he was eating something, right?


As I remember, it seems that the eating habits of this orc are very harsh.

What makes them eager to devour?

Is it...

Is it life? "


This thing is indeed a bit strange.

Maybe we should go and have a look.

However, not yet.

It's too bright, and it's easy to give away our whereabouts.

If he encounters those mutant bears, it will be a big trouble.

By the way, what happened to the kid's disappearance? "

"This is the news I got yesterday.

After that kid Ye Chong left the school, he rode a shared electric scooter directly to the western suburbs of Central City.

In this direction, there are not many places he may go, and Longxidixi Town is obviously the most likely choice.

As for why he came here?

And why are you in such a hurry?

These are not easy to judge.

However, one thing can basically be confirmed, there are many more monsters above SS1 level in the current West Town.

As long as that kid dares to enter here, I am afraid that the final result will be that there will be no bones left. "


Speaking of which, do you think... the boy named Ye Chong was what those two mutant bears ate just now? "

"Will not.


Although Ye Chong is called Ye Crazy, it is said that he was very powerful in combat before breaking through, but that was in the past, and he was facing some low-level characters.


Even if the mutant bear that died was only at level S3, it was by no means something that boy Ye Chong could compete with.

You know, even if it is a mutant bear of S3 level, its combat ability is stronger than ten ordinary S3 level monsters, that kid will definitely die in front of it.

What's more, it doesn't have to be an S3-level mutant bear. If it's an SS1-level monster, Ye Chong would be no match. "

"Well, it seems that everything will have to wait until after the site inspection.

If that kid really died there, it would be considered a bargain for him.

If that guy is still alive, then we must try to find him before he is killed by the mutant beast.


At that time, I will definitely let him know that the price of going against our Mou family is not something anyone can afford.


Everyone rest in place and pay attention to observation.

As soon as it got dark, we immediately sneaked into the small high-rise building to conduct on-site inspections. "


The other nine men in gray agreed in unison.

At the same time, Ye Chong, who was several miles away, sneezed inexplicably, then shook his head and cursed with a wry smile:

"A horse-rider.

I don't know which bastard is speaking ill of me behind my back, right?


Don't let me know who are you?

Otherwise, what the hell am I...


This is……

What's wrong? "

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