Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 307 The price is not cheap

Since Bao Sihai had arranged everything, Ye Chong would not foolishly ask for trouble, and the implication of the other party was to tell him not to show his face. not simple.


With the help of Xiong Biao, everything went smoothly.

However, when the final amount of points was counted, Ye Chong and Xiong Biao were a little confused.

An SS1 level mutant bear gets 100 million points.

The points obtained by eight SS3 mutant beasts are 30×8=240 million.

The remaining S1-level mutant beasts and S2-level mutant beasts have a total of 11 points.

The total number of points added up is 351 million.

Seeing this number, Xiong Biao was immediately stunned. The reason is very simple, the amount is really too big.

With so many points, it is definitely a huge fortune, it can almost blind your eyes.

When Ye Chong saw this number, he was quite happy at first glance, but when he thought about it carefully, a strong look of constipation appeared on his face.

"Brother Ye, I didn't expect your strength to increase so much after you broke through to become a warrior. You actually killed so many S3-level mutant beasts at once, and even... there is an SS1-level mutant beast, amazing!" Xiong Biao said. Thumbs up with both hands at the same time, with a smile of envy and admiration on his face, "It can be regarded as the number one person in the mission hall, it's too strong, haha!".

Speaking of which, what Xiong Biao saw were animal eye skin bags. Although he could detect what level of monster was left by the detector, he couldn't identify the specific mutant beast.

If he really knew that the SS1-level mutant beast was an SS1-level mutant human bear, he would have been scared silly.

No way, the legendary mysterious creature is also a mutant beast that has evolved to SS1 level, so of course it has enough shocking power.

"Hehe, Mr. Xiong laughed. If I said... I picked up the eye bags of SS1-level mutant beasts, wouldn't you refuse to redeem points for me?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "There are still 8 heads The animal eyes of the S3-level mutant beast are not due to me alone, but all the essence has been lost, which is really troublesome for Mr. Xiong."

"Hahaha, brother Ye, what are you talking about? What is the relationship between us brothers? No problem, no problem, everything is okay, ha ha." The skinny Xiong Biao smiled so hard that his teeth were showing, and he looked pale. Much better than before, he suddenly lowered his voice and said:

"Brother Ye, I ate the black truffle you gave me last time, and my spirit and body are also great. Hahaha, it tastes delicious, why is it so neat, my brother is good, I, Xiong Biao, will remember it in my heart gone."

"Then thank you, Brother Xiong, I will inevitably have to trouble you with many things in the future, hehe." The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "In the future, if I find some good things to replenish my body in the wild, I must remember the old man. Brother, don't worry!"

"Okay, okay, thank you, brother Ye, haha." Xiong Biao laughed until his teeth trembled, and then said:

"However, let me tell you, Brother Ye, the essence of the mutated beast eyes you handed in these two times has completely lost its essence, leaving only the skin. Speaking of which, it's really a pity.

Emmm, if the retention rate of the essence is high, it can be sold to the mutant biology laboratory. It is estimated that the animal eyes of this SS1 mutant beast can be sold for several million points.

However, I don't know the exact amount, it seems to have something to do with which kind of mutant beast it is, haha, but it must be much higher than the 100 million points in the mission hall.

I remember that before the price list of mutant animal materials in the mutant biology laboratory was updated, the animal eyes of a intact S3 mutant gray wolf could be sold for 101 million credits.

So, it's a good thing for Brother Ye to do experiments and research by himself, but you have to weigh the pros and cons, otherwise, the loss is really not small, and the price is not too high. "

"Thank you, Brother Xiong, for reminding me, hehe, sometimes I can't do anything." Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, "By the way, Mr. Xiong just said that the price list of the Mutant Biology Lab has been updated. What's going on?"

"Oh, this one, it's simple." Xiong Biao tilted his head and thought for a while, then blinked and said:

"emmm, I remember... it seems to be updated once a week, right?

Ha ha.

This is also easy to understand.

The mutant animal materials collected by the mutant biology laboratory are basically related to research projects.

The more scarce the mutant beast, the greater the value and the higher the price.

The more abundant mutant beasts, the lower the value and the lower the price.

Take the S3-level mutant gray wolf for example. Before the price list was updated this time, it could sell for 101 million points, but with the increase of materials for this mutant beast, the value and price will drop. I estimate that after this adjustment, it should drop to Below 100 million points, right?


Let's have a look, shall we? "

When he was talking about this, Xiong Biao turned on his mobile phone to check it, and then smiled and said: "I'll go! Now the price of an S3-level mutant gray wolf animal eye is 89 points, which has dropped a lot. It is estimated that the mutant creature research The laboratory has just received some, and the research unit is not in short supply of such materials."

"Well, that's normal." Ye Chong followed suit with a smile, and continued:

"For the same thing, if the demand is high and the supply is low, the price will naturally be high, which is a seller's market.

For the same thing, if the demand is low and the supply is high, the price will naturally be low, which is a buyer's market.

Ha ha.

The Variant Creatures Research Office adjusted the price list once a week, which was not bad, at least those who hunted and killed mutant beasts still had some points in their hearts.

In fact, I think there will be more tasks in the school in the future, and it is possible to do one task every day.

After all, there will be a lot of mutant beasts that will be handed in by then, and it won't work if we don't control them like this.

By the way, Mr. Xiong, won't our mission hall also have this kind of price adjustment? "

"Of course there is, hehe, keep pace with the times!" Xiong Biao nodded with certainty, "However, the adjustment of the mission hall is not so frequent. After all, the goal is to eliminate the vitality of mutant beasts. According to what you said, the needs and The supply has nothing to do with it, and it is initially set to be adjusted on an annual basis, and it may become quarterly or even monthly in the future, but it will not be lower, haha.”

"Oh, so that's how it is." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Then I have seized the mutant beast materials in the future, so I should hand in the task in the mission hall, lest I don't see Brother Xiong for a long time, and I will miss it."


The two laughed almost simultaneously.

When Ye Chong left the mission hall, he couldn't help frowning slightly, lost in thought.

He understood very well.

Because the little villain needs to absorb energy, it is impossible for him to sell intact mutant beast eyes and sharp claws to the Mutant Biological Research Office in the future. Get the eyelid bag to the task hall and hand in the task.

Undoubtedly, this is the simplest, most effective, most practical and most reasonable way to deal with it—mainly focus on the needs of the little villains, and then try to generate the greatest value for the remaining waste.

However, when he thought of the possibility of earning millions more points by selling the animal eyes of SS1-level mutant bears to the mutant biology laboratory, his eyes twitched, and he shook his head with a wry smile.

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