Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 308 Shocking Yuan Thorn

The mission hall was originally in the library. After Ye Chong left, he naturally went to the warrior hall.

Generally speaking, after breaking through to become a martial artist, a quasi-martial artist will go to the martial artist hall in the library by himself, and then choose a martial arts skill, combat skill, body skill, etc. suitable for his own practice.

Ye Chong has the sword technique "Destroy Heaven and Earth" which combines martial arts skills, combat skills and body skills. Naturally, he doesn't need to learn other martial arts skills, combat skills and body skills. The way it is done is still to be done.

There is no way, if he doesn't do this, there will definitely be people who will suspect that his martial arts skills and so on are not from the right track, then that is not very good, and it may cause trouble.

Besides, he is really in a hurry to go to the Martial Arts Hall, otherwise, he always feels that there is something hanging in his heart, which is very unreliable.

Most of the physical books in the Martial Arts Hall can not be borrowed, they can only be in the independent reading room.

During the process, you can practice or practice in this independent space.

Because it is a fully enclosed space, as long as the door is closed, the inside and outside will not interfere with each other.

Of course, the longer you stay inside, the more points you will spend, and the points will be deducted in advance.

Once the credits are depleted, the chamber door reopens.

If the points are not used up when you leave, you can deduct the actual consumption by yourself, and the remaining part will be returned to your personal account.

There are quite a lot of people in the Martial Artist Hall. It is estimated that more than 100 independent reading rooms have been occupied. From this perspective, it can be seen that the number of students of Kyushu Martial Arts Academy has broken through and become warriors is quite large.

This is a good thing.

There is no doubt that the level of mutant beasts has become higher and higher, and the number of mutant beasts at each level is increasing, bringing more and more pressure. If the human race cannot keep up with this rhythm, then the future There is only one dead end.

Ye Chong picked up the unoccupied independent reading room and went in to have a look. Some of them just glanced at the general introduction and then left, and some directly entered the points, and after getting a response, they checked.

When it was almost noon, he left the library and headed straight for the campus cafeteria, looking calm and walking with ease.

"I didn't expect that this trip was really not in vain.

After reading the introduction about spiritual exercises, I understood a lot of things.

The creepy feeling that suddenly appeared last night, as well as the inexplicable throbbing, turned out to be due to my mental strength becoming abundant.

Even though I haven't cultivated any spiritual skills, my abundant spiritual power has given me the ability to feel the spiritual fluctuations from the surrounding environment unconsciously.

Ha ha.

It's amazing.

Unexpectedly, the sixth sense and quantum effects mentioned in the previous world are not made up, but real.


In other words, someone should have secretly cursed me last night, otherwise, I couldn't have sensed it in the dark.

After knowing that the weird phenomenon was caused by this reason, I felt relieved, hehe, it's better than being confused.

As for the "Jingyuan Thorn" I studied, although it is very short and has only three layers, it integrates spiritual exercises and spiritual skills, especially the cultivation of spiritual exercises. The way is the same, which saves a lot of trouble.

The most important thing is, if I can really succeed in cultivating the Jingyuan thorn skill, then I will use it suddenly at the critical moment of the battle against the enemy, and I will definitely take the initiative and destroy the enemy with all my strength.

Therefore, in the next time, in addition to working hard to practice the "Destruction of Heaven and Earth" sword technique, I also need to choose the right time to practice the spiritual skill of "Jingyuan Thorn".

Over time, my attack ability will be improved in an all-round way, and the armor and skin technique will also be sharpened in actual combat, so that my overall strength will be greatly improved. "

Although Ye Chong was calm on the surface, he was really in a good mood.

no way.

In one morning, it was obvious that he had obtained 20 credits, and he also earned 50 reward points for the Dragon Sucking Land task, and 351 points for handing in the task in the mission hall. Moreover, there was more than that, there was bear bile to be sold to Mutant As for the biology lab, by then, the points will naturally skyrocket again.


As soon as Ye Chong entered the restaurant, he found a guy swaggering past surrounded by everyone in the distance.


His blood coercion?

How is it so powerful?

Ye Chong stared at the opponent's back in a daze, and stood there in a daze.

"Look everyone, Crazy Ye is here."

"Hehe, Madman Ye won't fight Hook again, will he?"

"Hooker is different now.

From the elementary level of the intermediate martial arts fighter to the high level of the intermediate martial arts fighter, the energy and blood are more vigorous, the body is stronger, and even the mental state is more high-spirited than before.

Crazy Ye is a junior martial arts fighter, no matter how powerful he is, he can't compete with Hu Ke. "

"Hook's time forcibly increased so much in one night, and the cost is definitely not small. Hehe, I guess the reason why he did this is very simple. He must trample Ye Chong under his feet on the day of the honeycomb appointment. of."

"It is impossible to abuse in every possible way, and the school does not allow it.

However, it is more likely that Crazy Ye will compensate for the loss.

After all, as long as both parties agree, the betting agreement is established. If the amount is involved, it must be agreed by both parties.

Ha ha.

Martial Arts Academy advocates making friends through martial arts, there is nothing wrong with that. "

"Hey, do you think Crazy Ye is stupid?

The contract for the Martial Arts Field has been set in advance and cannot be changed. Whoever withdraws will lose the price.

However, I heard that there was no amount agreed between them at all.

Now that there is a huge disparity between strength and weakness, no matter how crazy Ye Crazy is, it is impossible for him to give money to others for nothing. "



When Hu Ke heard the discussion, he turned around and saw Ye Chong who was standing there blankly. He couldn't help but twitched his mouth and walked forward.

"Boy, don't forget, there are still 12 days left. When the time comes, let's play our real skills in the martial arts arena. Don't sneak around all day long." Hook put his hands behind his back and rushed around Ye Ye. Circle, "Hey, you look pretty good, but I hope you won't be too weak when fighting in the martial arts arena, otherwise, people will say that I bully children."


There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

"Don't worry." Ye Chong remained motionless as if petrified, "I won't let you down."

"Damn it! I just like how you look!" Hook curled his lips, "Since you are so awesome, why don't we add a size?"

"Overweight?" Ye Chong frowned, "What do you mean?"

"It's just playing something real." Hook sneered, "100 million points. Whoever loses will sponsor 100 million points to the winner, how about it?"

"So little?" Ye Chong's face was calm, and his voice was low.


There was an uproar at the scene.

"Fuck! It's okay!" Hook grinned and laughed, "Then get more? 200 million points?"


When everyone at the scene heard this, they immediately seemed to have exploded.

There is no way, 200 million points are equivalent to the original points of two people, the amount is really too big.

"It's too low, I don't want to play." Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "500 million, or else it's too stingy."


Ka Ka Ka!

The scene suddenly exploded like rockets, and it was completely chaotic.

"Fuck! Okay!" Hook squinted his eyes, and looked at the other party with a strong sense of sarcasm, "Since you are willing to give money, I will continue."

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