Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 306 Unexpected Calls

The next morning, Ye Chong slept until eight o'clock, but was still stuck in bed.

Just sleep and sleep, no one cares anyway.

Speaking of which, when you study at the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, except for the tasks ordered by the captain, the time is your own, and you can arrange it almost as you like. However, you must remember to earn enough credits, otherwise you will not be able to graduate, and you can give me a school certificate That's fine.

If the number of assignments is large and the completion rate is high, the credits will be high. If you have enough credits, you don’t need to pass elective courses or even compulsory courses to get credits, and you should graduate normally.

The Four Seas team did a good job in the task of sucking the land by the dragon. After all, they successfully found the old yellow-haired Walter White and brought him back safely. The school will definitely award a lot of points, and of course credits.

As for how much it is, of course we don't know yet, that's all Bao Sihai's business.

"However, I got quite a lot of combat merit points this time with the Dragon Sucker.

A total of 225 points.

Simply incredible.

I was so busy before that I didn't pay attention to this. I didn't expect to see it now, and it brought me such a big surprise.

I remember that after rushing into that small high-rise, my qi and blood were exhausted, and the combat merit points were allocated by myself, so that my qi and blood were replenished.

That is to say, 4 of 1 merit points is used up, and 3 are left.



With the help of the middle-aged gray-clothed man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, I killed the SS1-level mutant bear, and I should have obtained 100 combat points at once.

Also, during the bloody battle on Gaotai, I killed almost 42 S2 mutant beasts.

Killing an S2-level mutant beast can get a combat achievement point, and 42 heads are 42 points.

After that, I killed another 8 S3 level mutant beasts.

Killing one S3 level mutant beast is 10 merit points, and 8 is 80 merit points.



With so many combat merit points, I also have a huge invisible wealth.

If my qi and blood are not enough, I can use combat merit points to replenish my qi and blood.

If my body is injured, I can use combat merit points to replenish my body.

If my spirit is sluggish, I can replenish it with military exploit points.

Ha ha.

Thinking about it makes people yearn infinitely, my rhythm is simply against the sky.

If this is really possible in the future, wouldn't it be fine for me to walk sideways? "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help grinning.

He was in a good mood, had a good appetite, and his stomach was growling. He washed himself up immediately, and went straight to the campus restaurant.

Unexpectedly, there was a phone call on the road. It was from Bao Sihai, saying that the aftermath of the two dead teammates of the Sihai team needed to be dealt with. The task summary meeting will not be held.

Ye Chong asked if there was anything he needed to help with. Bao Sihai replied quickly, saying that the aftermath of the two dead team members would be arranged and handled by the school in a unified way. In addition, the family members did not want to make too much noise. After all, there were only portraits , They still don't believe that people are really gone.

Bao Sihai also said that Xin Xiaomeng and Zhou Fa were seriously injured and needed to be observed in the intensive care unit for a few days, so it was best not to disturb them.

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Chong still felt a little surprised. He always felt that Bao Sihai seemed to be hiding something. Anyway, he just didn't want to show himself in public.

Ye Chong is not a fool, he will not ask what should not be asked, and of course he will do what should be done.

The other party, as the deputy director of the Martial Arts Department and the captain of the Four Seas team, took the initiative to call to explain the situation early in the morning. I am afraid that the problem is not as simple as it seems on the surface, so it is of course a good choice to follow the other party's potential intentions. .

What was even more surprising was that Bao Sihai also asked Ye Chong for his opinion on the points and credit distribution of the Sihai team.

According to Bao Sihai, although there were casualties in the mission of absorbing land by the dragon, it was still very successful in terms of the mission itself.

After all, he discovered and rescued the old yellow-haired Walter White in the shortest possible time, and at the same time wiped out a large number of mutant beasts including the SS1-level mutant bear. This record is enough to become an insurmountable monument of Jiuwu Academy in the future.

Because of this, Jiuwu Academy decided to reward the Four Seas team with 100 million points at one time, and at the same time use 100 credits as a supplementary incentive. As for the final distribution of points and credits, it is up to the Four Seas team to decide.

"Captain, I have no objections, just ask the captain to allocate it." Ye Chong was obviously a little surprised when he heard such a large amount of rewards.

"Well, since you have no objection, then assign according to my ideas." Bao Sihai said in a deep voice, slowly:

"The first is the distribution of credits.

I am not involved in this as the captain.

There are 9 of you left, a total of 100 credits.

20 credits for you, and 10 credits for everyone else.


You don't have an opinion, do you? "

"Thank you Captain, I have no objection." Ye Chong agreed.

Bao Sihai went on to say:

"About the distribution of points, I mean something like this.

You have 50 points.

I have 10 points.

Others get 5 points each.

what is your opinion? "

"Agreed, captain." Ye Chong agreed without hesitation.

"..." Bao Sihai was silent for a while, and then said: "Okay, then let's distribute it like this."

"Wait, captain." Ye Chong let out a long breath and said, "I have an additional condition, please approve it from the captain."

"Let's talk." Bao Sihai responded in a deep voice.

"Okay, Captain." Ye Chong nodded, and continued:

"I accept the reward of 20 credits for this task.

Point rewards I give up.

At the same time, I suggest that this part of the points reward be transferred to the families of the two teammates who died in battle in the name of the Four Seas team. "

"..." Bao Sihai was silent for ten seconds, and then he said: "Ye Chong, you... are you at a disadvantage? Well, then my 10 points will also be added."

"No, captain, this will embarrass me." Ye Chong said hastily:

"Captain, I said it was donated in the name of the Four Seas Squad, and I don't want others to know that I asked for it.

To tell the truth from the captain, I got the animal eyes of eight S3-level mutant beasts and one SS1-level mutant human bear.

and also……

If I could have rushed one step earlier, Da Wang and Da Li might not...not die.

So, I really...

Captain, let me hold these reward points, and I feel a sense of guilt and guilt in my heart.


"Ye Chong, you shouldn't think so. If you hadn't arrived in time for the Dragon Sucking Ground mission this time, then no one in our Four Seas team would have survived except you. So, even if all 100 million points are rewarded to You are fine, but we are a team and we cannot really do that, and this is also an important reason why I ask your opinion." Bao Sihai continued in a deep voice:

"In addition, the school has already reported Da Wang and Da Li as combat heroes. Once the formalities are completed, their family members should receive more than 200 million yuan in compensation, which is relatively generous.

So, Ye Chong, you don't have to blame yourself.

In fact, I have already considered related matters.

Since he has chosen to embark on the path of martial arts, then life and death must be taken seriously.

Those who died were also considered to have realized their own life value for the sake of the human race.

The living people still need to use all resources to improve themselves and make greater contributions to the human race.

Therefore, Ye Chong, you are not holding these points purely for yourself, but for the sake of the overall situation. The withdrawal is a kind of fairness.

It is the most correct and wise way to allocate the most resources to the people with the greatest development potential, so don't refuse. "

"Yes, Captain." Ye Chong sighed and agreed.

Speaking of which, he also wants points, this thing is expensive, and since the captain has said that, if he talks nonsense, it is really a bit unflattering or too much.

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