Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 305 Inexplicable throbbing

After Ye Chong came to the school on a shared bicycle, he hurried back to the 3691 dormitory in the sky building in the dark.

Originally, he wanted to go to the school cafeteria to have a full meal, but he always felt chills on the back of his neck, as if someone was secretly gnashing his teeth and peeking at him.

In this way, his stomach stopped growling. Since he lost his appetite, why did he still go to the school cafeteria?

Anyway, there are canned food, biscuits, water, coffee, green tea, cola and other beverages in the dormitory, which can be eaten at any time, and you won’t be hungry at all.

"what happened?

It's a very real feeling.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Jump and jump.

Is there something wrong with my body?



Not inside the body.

should come from outside.

Little villain? "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong quickly opened his backpack, touched it with his hand, and shook his head slowly.

The little villain is cold, motionless, like an honest rock.

He soon came to the door again and looked out through the privacy glass. In the night, it was peaceful and there was nothing unusual.

Ye Chong couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, opened a bottle of mineral water and drank it.

"It seems that I am still too sensitive.

However, it is also really strange.

Ever since breaking through the warriors by forcibly allocating merit points, the mental aspect has become a little unusual.

Not only can I figure out everything when I think about it, but... I seem to be able to perceive some weird things in a faint way.

Just like just now, the feeling of coldness on the back of the neck is very obvious. Although I don't know why it happened, I know that there is nothing wrong with my feeling.

This strange phenomenon... I have never seen it in the information on the dark deep website, and I have never experienced it.

Ma Dan.

It feels like a psychic.

But I... I ride a horse..."


When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, from the moment he broke through to become a martial artist, he felt that his mental state was always in a state of high excitement, as if there was a torrent of power surging, with nowhere to vent.

This power is not the basic power of the body, nor is it the power of the surging blood, but comes from the sea of ​​consciousness.

It's just that when I looked inside, I found that the four lines of small characters in the bear thing were still the same as the bear, and there was nothing strange about the sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Chong shook his head with a wry smile, put the mineral water bottle aside, and then began to practice the "Destroy the Heaven and Earth" sword technique.

What else?

If you have to dig into the corners of things that you don’t understand, it’s a waste of time, and it’s easy to drive people crazy.


During the next training time, Ye Chong would frown slightly from time to time, looking a little restless.

At one or two o'clock in the morning, he simply shook his head with a wry smile, then stood up, and looked through the window at the night sky to the west.

"Tonight is really weird.

First, there was a chilly feeling on the back of the neck, and now there is an inexplicable throbbing. It seems that even if I want to practice, I can't continue to practice.

It's just a pity that I just had a little insight and understanding of Martial Daotian. If I don't get disturbed, a night of hard work should increase my blood, physique and even my spiritual points.

In the final analysis, my concentration is still not enough.

Ha ha.

If there is the determination to keep the color unchanged when Mount Tai collapses in front of you, what are those dark perceptions just now? "

In desperation, Ye Chong could only go to bed honestly.

at the same time.

The fifth floor of the skyscraper.

Walter White Residence Hall.


With a flick of his hand, Lao Huangmao swept all the reagents and test tubes on the table to the ground, and there was a crisp cracking sound.

"Damn it!

Fake Young!

Breeded by dogs!

Press after death!


Why did it fail again? !

The unicorn of the S2 mutant rhinoceros is used as the main material, why not? !

There is no reason!


In theory, it should be possible to use the unicorn of the S2 mutant rhinoceros as the main medicinal material to make a second-level animal repellent powder, but why... why... Fake!

What the hell went wrong? ! "




The old yellow-haired Walter White went crazy, and it really wasn't his fault, he stomped the fragments of test tubes all over the floor into slag.

That's not enough.


He directly punched the test table, and the table immediately fell apart, and everything including the microscope, test lamp, alcohol stove, etc. on it fell to the ground.


Alcohol was sprinkled all over the floor, and flames ran wildly on the ground.

Instead of putting out the fire, the old yellow-haired Walter White took out a cigarette and lit it on the ground, then took a deep breath, and then exhaled a thick puff of smoke, as if trying to drain all the anger It's like spraying it out.


There was a light sound from the ceiling, and the water poured down, which instantly washed away the flames on the ground, and then completely extinguished them.

The old yellow-haired Walter White was motionless like a drowned chicken, and the cigarette in his mouth had already been completely wet.


The cigarette broke from the middle and fell into the water, making a soft sound.


"Damn it, I need a catalyst!"

"The reaction speed just now was too slow, and the oxidation reaction happened again before the second-level animal repelling powder was produced."

"But damn it, there is very little oxygen in the air now, why is this poisonous gas still produced?"

"Okay, bastard, it's bloody water, two bloody water molecules split into two hydrogens and one oxygen."

"Okay, okay, I need to speed up, emmm, after death, I need new experimental equipment now."

Boom boom boom!

When the old yellow-haired Walter White was rubbing his hands and walking up and down in the water, there was a sudden knock on the corridor door.

"Get out!" The old yellow-haired man came to the door and opened the door. Seeing two service staff, a man and a woman, he couldn't help shouting: "It's midnight break now, don't make noise at my door, Alright, get out now!"

"Wait, Mr. White, is there a fire in your house..." Seeing the irritable expression on the old Huang Mao's face, the male waiter in his 30s immediately sped up his speech, but he still didn't finish his sentence when the door was slammed closed with a bang.

"Get out! Get out now!" The old yellow-haired Walter White's voice came through the crack of the door.

The male and female service staff looked at each other, then walked helplessly towards the elevator.


The corridor door suddenly opened again, and the old yellow-haired Walter White rushed out with a smile on his face:

"Hey kids wait, where are you going?

Well, haha, I thought, I need your help.

Now, please send me another set of experimental equipment immediately, I have very important things to do.

Well, children, go, I'll be here waiting for you to come back. "

"..." The male waiter looked confused, and after a while he murmured, "I'm sorry, Mr. White, it's past two o'clock in the morning, you...look..."

"Look... look at your horse's head!" the old yellow-haired Walter White growled, "I'm on Mizhou time, damn it, go! My time is precious! Bastard!"

The waiter and waitress looked at each other, and immediately ran down the stairs, not even waiting for the elevator.

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