Swish swish!

Everyone on the high platform looked at the old yellow-haired Walter White who suddenly appeared. His appearance made them confirm one thing——

This is not a dream!

They are still alive!

Crazy Ye is not a ghost!

are saving them!

Ka Ka Ka!

The roar of thunder and lightning in the night sky continued and intensified.

All the people lying on the high platform suddenly got up and joined the battle as if they were resurrected with full blood.


Why did Ye Chong keep silent?

Is that bleeding from the corner of his mouth?

"Lao Ye, you came too timely, and you won't see me any later." Zhang Dong grinned, blood was gurgling from his left thigh and right abdomen.


The blade of the starry sky pierced the right abdomen of an S2-level mutated black bear like lightning. With a swish, it was pulled out instantly, and blood gushed out of the blood hole, like a fountain.

"Ye Chong, are you... okay?" Xin Xiaomeng's face was bleak, her left face was bloody, and her right arm was rotten, like a fresh flower that had been blown by wind and rain, it was too horrible to look at.


The Blade of the Starry Sky slashed forward suddenly, and the left face of an S2-level mutant mandrill was cut off in one fell swoop, and then, with a swipe, its head and right arm were chopped off.

"Ye Chong, thanks to you this time!" Bao Sihai swung the alloy mace in his hand, smashing the head of an S2 mutant caracal.

Speaking of which, although he was raided by the S2-level mutant bison and lifted into the sky by a pair of giant horns, but after all, he is physically strong, and coupled with the outstanding effect of the armor and skin technique, he did not suffer much damage. It's just a flesh wound.

However, after such a long bloody battle, he has already exhausted his energy and blood, and his physical strength is completely overdrawn. If he hadn't been lying down to relax and took another pill, he might not even be able to get up now. .

"Sorry, I'm late." Ye Chong's deep voice echoed through the bloody wind, "So, I want revenge."

When everyone was stunned, Ye Chong swooped down the high platform and went straight to the northeast to kill.

At the same time, the seven or eight S3-level mutant beasts that were rushing towards the high platform were immediately stunned.

What type of situation is this?

Shouldn't they be prey?

Why is it still rushing towards us?


A total of eight S3 level mutant beasts surrounded Ye Chong in the middle.

"Ye Chong, calm down!" Bao Sihai's voice came over, but he obviously realized that it was meaningless to say so, "Be careful!"

Bao Sihai knew it very well.

Even if Ye Chong doesn't take the initiative to attack, the eight S3-level mutant beasts will rush over. After all, after successive consumption of S1-level mutant beasts and S2-level mutant beasts, it's time for these S3-level mutant beasts to attack. It's time to stop.

Another point.

Ye Chong did this to keep the S3-level mutant beasts away from the high platform. Otherwise, based on the current personnel situation, most of the team members would die tragically if eight S3-level mutant beasts attacked.


Ye Chong put himself in danger in order to protect the Four Seas team.

And it is impossible for me to leave the high platform to help him now.

After all, there are still many S2-level mutant beasts around, plus the S1-level mutant beasts that go back and forth, if I leave, the members of the Four Seas team and Mr. Walter White will be very dangerous. "

When Bao Sihai thought of this, he saw the S2-level mutant beast attacking again, and immediately ordered: "Continue to maintain the original defensive formation! Walter, don't participate in the attack, hide behind me!"

"Damn it, what are you talking about?!" The old yellow-haired Walter-White was obviously dissatisfied with Bao Sihai's arrangement, and complained, then picked up an epee on the ground, and gave it a false slash, quite imposingly, "I'll join the ladies, well, let's witness the monster's death!"


The epee in Walter White's hand slashed forward fiercely, directly splitting an S2-level mutant caracal into two sections, looking majestic and full of momentum.

Bao Sihai was overjoyed.

From the point of view of blood coercion, Walter White should be the peak level of junior martial arts fighters. From the point of view of the swordsmanship he uses, he can also be regarded as a master of swordsmanship who has practiced combat skills. Under the current environment, he not only protects himself , and teaming up with Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina and Tong Ya made up for their shortcomings.

In addition, Walter White will also sprinkle powder and dust, so that the S1-level mutant beasts dare not get too close, and can even affect the attack of the S2-level mutant beasts. Under him, the situation on the high platform has obviously improved a lot.

Bao Sihai couldn't help but boosted his confidence. With a bang, he knocked a mutated bison rushing up with its head down to the ground, and then kicked it off the high platform.

At this moment, the corpses of mutant beasts were almost piled up around the high platform, which also made it easier for the mutant beasts who continued to attack.

However, one thing is indisputable.

There are a total of eight S3-level mutant beasts, and all of them are fighting Ye Chong now.

There were originally hundreds of S2 mutant beasts, but after the initial bloody battle and the massacre by Ye Chong just now, there are less than thirty left.

The number of S1-level mutant beasts is still huge, but because of White's first-level animal exorcism fans, they dare not get too close now.

Therefore, although Bao Sihai and the members of the Sihai team were seriously exhausted, they obviously felt that the pressure was not as great as before.

Swish swish!

Ye Chong's attack speed is very fast now, and every time he hits the mutant beast's body, he has experienced at least three surges of energy and blood, that is, superimposed triple strength, so, chachacha, even an S3-level mutant beast physique Robust, powerful, and simply unable to resist the blow of the blade of the starry sky.

For a moment, blood splattered and pieces of meat flew across.

You know, when Ye Chong encountered the S3-level mutated brown bear in the Leqing Mountains, Ye Chong hadn't broken through to become a warrior, and he didn't know anything about the Qi and blood surge method of the "Destroy the Heaven and Earth" sword technique. It can kill the opponent with a single blow when the S3-level mutated brown bear has gone berserk and its body is weak.

Up to now, Ye Chong's strength has long been different from what it used to be. Facing the S3-level mutant beast, even the existence of the S3-level peak, there is not much difference in strength.

Speaking of which, S3-level mutant beasts and S2-level mutant beasts are equivalent to two small realms in the big realm of martial arts fighters. The gap between them is as obvious as crossing a large realm.



Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha!




The blade of the starry sky flew up and down, like an automatic meat grinder, every S3 level mutant beast that met it would immediately become bloody and bloody, screaming and wailing.

no way.

Ye Chong understood very well.

If you don't speed up, use thunder to kill these monsters, and wait until the opponent suddenly goes berserk, I'm afraid it will bring a lot of trouble.

"Two members of the Four Seas Squad died, so I will let all your S3-level mutant beasts be buried with them.

go to hell!

Take my bloodiest revenge now! "

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