Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 294 Is It Time?


The left claw of an S2-level mutant mandrill touched the edge of the platform, and then the whole body rushed up. With a puff, the right claw directly sank into the abdomen of a male team member.


Amidst the screams, the tall male team member immediately fell to his knees. The S2 mutant mandrill opened its mouth wide, and with a click, the male team member's neck broke from the middle, and blood spattered on the spot.

Everything happened so fast!

There was no time for rescue.

Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina, Tong Ya and another male team member had just teamed up to force back an S2 mutant caracal. Seeing that the situation was critical, they all rushed over with a whoosh.


A grin suddenly appeared on the colorful face of the S2 mutant mandrill, and then grabbed the body of the seriously injured male team member and jumped off the platform.



Looting continued.

The beast roared again and again.

That is, in the blink of an eye, the seriously injured male team member has completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina, Tong Ya and another thick male team member were stunned for a moment.


The high platform fell to the ground.


Before the stout male team member had time to look back, his body had been knocked to the ground by an S2 mutant black bear.

Almost at the same time.

Swish swish!

Two S2-level mutant caracals and one S2-level mutant lion pounced on Tong Ya, Han Lina, and Xin Xiaomeng respectively.

There was a sudden scream.

at the same time.

Boom boom boom!

A mutated rhinoceros at the peak of S2 rushed up from the west side of the high platform, flung its one-meter-long horn on its head, and five people including Zhang Dong and Zhou Fa fell to the ground.

no way.

After a whole night of bloody fighting, their physical strength has already been completely exhausted. Even if they want to hide, they have more than enough energy but not enough strength.


Immediately afterwards, several S2-level mutant beasts charged straight up from the west side of the platform.

The scene suddenly fell into screams and chaos.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Bao Sihai was like a god of war, guarding the entrance on the east side of the high platform, and the alloy mace flew up and down, smashing six S2 level mutant beasts to the ground in an instant.


Instinctively, he looked back, his eyes were bloodshot, but before he could pull out to rescue him, a sudden change occurred.


His back was hit hard, and his whole body flew into the air, facing the sky on his back, from bottom to top, and then fell heavily.

"Is it time?

how so fast?

Don't even have time to say goodbye?

Members of the Four Seas Squad, as the captain, I'm sorry.

Let you meet death when you perform the mission for the first time.


Don't worry.

I promise, after going to another world, I will definitely protect you and let you grow steadily, instead of facing the cruelest test when your strength is not enough.


Bao Sihai's face was livid, his eyes were dim, and his brilliance was completely lost.

The moment he landed on the high platform with a bang, his heart felt as if he had been hit hard, as if he had already died.


Ka Ka Ka!





Suddenly there was a heavy landing sound on the high platform, as if a hill fell to the ground, followed by the explosive sound of sharp swords cutting flesh and bones.

It was a sound that was supposed to sound creepy.

But now, to the ears of those who fell to the ground, it was like the most beautiful melody between heaven and earth.

Who is this?

Is there anyone alive?

Who is killing the monsters?

Everyone on the high platform who lost hope and didn't want to see themselves being torn apart opened their eyes, looking for the person who made the most beautiful voice in the world.

Swish swish!

When they saw the Starry Sky Blade hovering in the air like a wind wheel, all of them were instantly petrified.

It's him!

Ye Chong!

Ye lunatic!

He is not dead!

he came!

Ye Chong is here to save us!


Xin Xiaomeng burst into tears instantly, as if the downpour had wet his eyes.

Both Han Lina and Tong Ya burst into tears, like frightened and helpless babies who suddenly saw their closest family members.

Zhang Dong, Zhou Fa and the other three male team members burst into tears almost at the same time, their throats were choked, and they were crying silently.

Tears slipped from Bao Sihai's eyes, and they were wiped away quietly, his eyes were full of extremely complex and unbelievable expressions.

"how can that be?

Shouldn't he be dead?

How could that SS1 mutant bear let him go?



It is impossible for an SS1 mutant bear to die in his hands!

The disparity in strength is too great.

Never happen.


In the end what happened?

Why did Madman Ye appear here?

Even if... Ye Chong really came, his saber skills... why are his saber skills so powerful?

Qi and blood surged continuously.

The waves are surging, never stopping.

The front force is exhausted, and the back force has arrived.

Layer upon layer, the power is unparalleled.

This is really-

The waves are bigger than the waves, and the waves are higher than the waves.

One knife is faster than one knife, and one knife is stronger than one knife. is this possible?

Is he really Ye Crazy?

Could it be... am I dreaming?

Or... is it in the Nine Nether Hells? "

Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha!

Ye Chong's Starry Sky Blade was like a rotating meat grinder, as long as it came into contact with the mutant beast's body, the only result would be blood splattering from the opponent's body, and pieces of flesh and remains flying around.

Lying on the high platform, Bao Sihai, Xin Xiaomeng, Zhang Dong, Zhou Fa, Han Lina, Tong Ya...all are witnessing a scene that can only be imagined in sleep.

The S2 mutant mandrill is torn apart.

The head of the S2 mutant rhino moved.

The S2 mutant caracal is divided into two halves.

The body and head of the S2 mutant black bear were separated.

S2-level mutant bison with giant horns flying across.


On the huge high platform, a rain of blood is falling, and the smell of blood permeates the world.

But the strange thing is that everyone lying on the high platform is smiling, and even slightly opened their mouths to welcome the rain and dew.


All the S2-level mutant beasts under the high platform fell into madness, continuously impacting upwards, and the thunderous sound resounded between the heaven and the earth.


Suddenly thick powder smoke floated in the air, and there was a sweet smell mixed in the bloody wind, giving people a strange feeling.

Da da da!

The old yellow-haired Walter White saw the gap and quickly rushed up to the high platform.

The first-level animal repelling powder has obvious effects on S1-level mutant beasts, but it has little effect on S2-level and above mutant beasts, but it will make the other party dislike it.

Just like the smell of feces and urine in the dry toilet will not kill people, but it will give people an urge to escape.

So this thing floats in the air, although it will not cause direct damage to S2 monsters, it will annoy them.

Ka Ka Ka!

Suddenly, thunder and lightning flashed in the night sky, and the surrounding night seemed to be exploded, instantly illuminating everything between heaven and earth.

"Mr. Walter-White!" Bao Sihai opened his eyes wide in surprise, and roared loudly, " are you still alive?!"

"Nonsense!" Lao Huangmao flicked his hair, swished, and threw a handful of powder smoke forward, "Aren't you dead too?!"

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